1439 Call of Cthulhu
Chalkline's Hundred Years War CoC game, set in 1439 Brittany Recruitment - In-Character - Out-of-Character
Player Characters
- Pierre de Malavieille, Languedoc Knight, played by Mandacaru
- Simeon Steinmetz, Prussian sapper, played by mortmere
- Alain de la Piscine Noir, Breton Merchant, played by MonsterMash
- Peter of York, Yorkish Dominican Friar, played by Nick the Lemming
- George, Gascon mercenary, played by Asen_G
Non Player Characters
- Bertholt Vengler: (Deceased) A middle aged wandering scholar from the eastern German areas, where has never been quite made clear. Bertholt was horrifically killed by a Horror on the Breton forests.
- Joaquin auf Kessler: Bertholt Vengler's schützen, or apprentice scholar. He appears to be about ten, and is showing signs of deep shock following Bertholt's horrific death.
- Chevalier Jean de Jaloignes: A Breton knight met on the road.
- Ourse de la Viefville: A Breton lady, accompanied by the Chevalier Jean de Jaloignes.
- Blanchet: A Breton priest met on the road.
- Francois Prelati: A French priest met on the road.
- Jean-Baptiste Bocher: A Breton man-at-arms.
- Henri Robin: A Breton man-at-arms.
- Remont Nicol: A Breton retainer.
- Pierre Verthou: A Breton retainer.
- Armand Martin: A Breton retainer.
- Guillaume Ropars: A Breton retainer.
- François 'le corbeau': A Breton retainer.
- Machacoul castle, the seat of the Signeur Gilles de Rais
A -- Guards' Hall
B -- Arming Room
C -- Garderobe
D -- Armoury (Watch Tower)
E -- Guard Room
F -- Gatehouse
G -- Stairs to wall walk and top of gatehouse
H -- Stairs to servants' quarters
I -- Garderobe
J -- Garderobe
K -- Oratory
L -- Prison
Campaign Setup
PC Generation
Character Generation. PC generation is basically as per Call of Cthulhu version 6, with the following changes;
- STR: 3D6
- CON: 3D6
- SIZ: 2D6+6
- INT: 2D6+6
- POW: 3D6
- DEX: 3D6
- APP: 3D6
- EDU: 1D6 for commoners, 2D6 educated laity/clerks, 3D6 for specialist laity/clerks
Skill points are EDUx20 and INTx10, and can be allotted to any skill. However, there is a skill cap of 80%. A PC with a 1d6 EDU has a 20 skill point Bonus. The bonus for 2d6 EDU is 5 skill points.
Skill bases percentages;
Languages: Native: INTx5% Second: EDUx3% Third: EDUx2% Fourth: EDUx1%.
(Note, a PC learns a language in a particular dialect. The dialects of France are;
* Language isolate: o Basque * Celtic language: o Breton * Germanic languages: o Alsatian (Elsässerdeutsch) o West Flemish dialect of Dutch o Lorraine Franconian * Romance languages: o Catalan o Corsican (Corsu) o Franco-Provençal + Bressan + Dauphinois + Forèzien + Jurassien + Lyonnais + Savoyard o Occitan language (also Lenga d'òc, Langue d'oc): + Vivaroalpenc + Auvergnat + Gascon # Bearnese (Béarnais) # Landese (Landais) + Languedocien + Limousin + Nissart (Niçois or Nissart) + Provençal o Oïl language family: + Bourguignon-Morvandiau + Champenois + Franc-Comtois + French + Gallo + Lorrain + Norman + Picard + Poitevin + Saintongeais + Walloon
Dialects of the same language groups are understood at no penalty. Dialects in other language groups are intelligible at three quarters skill.)
- Accounting: 1%
- Anthropology: 1%
- Archaeology: 1%
- Art
- (Artistic default): 5%
- Illumination: 1%
- Astronomy: 1%
- Bargain: 15%
- Biology: 1% (Keeper permission only)
- Chemistry: 1%
- Climb: 40%
- Conceal: 15%
- Craft
- (Craft default): 5%
- Book Binding: 1%
- Credit Rating: 5% (Poor), 15% (Commoner), 25% (Bourgeoisie), 35% (Gentry), 50% (Nobility/Peerage)
- Cthulhu Mythos: None at character generation
- Computer Use: N/A
- Disguise: 1%
- Dodge: DEX x2%
- Drive Wagon: 15%
- Electrical Repair: N/A
- Electronics: N/A
- Fast Talk: 15%
- First Aid: 30%
- Geology: 1%
- Hide: 10%
- History: 5%
- Jump: 25%
- Law: 1%
- Canon Law: 1% (Literate only past 25%)
- Library Use: 1% (Literate only)
- Listen: 25%
- Locksmith: 1%
- Martial Arts: 1%
- Mechanical Repair: 10%
- Medicine: 1% (Literate only)
- Natural History: 10%
- Navigate: 10%
- Occult: 10%
- Operate Heavy Machinery: N/A
- Persuade: 15%
- Pharmacy: 1%
- Photography: N/A
- Physics: N/A
- Pilot (Sail Boat or Row Boat only): 5%
- Psychology: 5%
- Ride: 20%
- Sneak: 10%
- Spot Hidden: 25%
- Swim: 1%
- Throw: 25%
- Track: 10%
- Weapons
- Hand to hand
- Fist: 25%
- Kick: 15%
- Head Butt: 10%
- Grapple: 25%
- Axe
- One Handed Axe/Hammer: 10%
- Two Handed Axe/Hammer: 10%
- Poll Axe/Hammer:
- Club
- One Handed Club/Mace: 15%
- Two Handed Club/Mace: 15%
- Flail
- One Handed Flail: 5%
- Two Handed Flail: 5%
- Spear
- Lance (couched): 5%
- One Handed Spear: 5%
- Two Handed Spear: 10%
- Sword
- Dagger/Short Sword: 15%
- One Handed Sword: 10%
- Two Handed Sword: 10%
- Shield
- Buckler: 20%
- Shield: 25%
- Missile weapons
- Bow: 10%
- Crossbow: 25%
- Javelin: 10%
- Hurled stone: 25%
- Seige weapons
- Trebuchet/Catapult: 1%
- Espringalde/Ballista: 5%
- Gunpowder weapons
- Artillery
- Bombard: 1%
- Siege Gun: 1%
- Field Gun: 1%
- Hand Guns
- Arquebus: 30%
- Artillery
Note: Weapons use the same skill number to attack and parry. Offhand weapons have a base skill of 5%
ChalkLine's Rules
House Rules are available at http://www(dot)geocities(dot)com/Area51/Underworld/7031/RQ-rules.html, but MediaWiki blocks this link as a spam filter. Honest, I don't spam!
Former Characters, deceased characters and other casualties
- Nicholas Good , Yeoman Archer, played by Skippster. Dropped out due to RL concerns.