Christina Chatworth
Name: Christina Chatworth
Age: 19
Personality: Christina is typically nice, cheerful and friendly with anyone she meets. That is until she encounters a meta human at which point she will instantly get quiet and defensive around them. While not openly attacking any she will typically remain as far away from any metahuman she encounters and will treat them as someone may treat a wild animal on the prowl. Moving away when one approaches.
Background: Cristina's mother died while she was very young. It was ironically the failure of an intervening superhero that caused her death and since then Cristina's father has distrusted any super powered human. He had passed this onto his daughter and informed her that all metahumen are inheritly wild, dangerous and should not be trusted. Due to her sheltered upbringing Christina truly believes this and has recently only started opening up to Gil Leeds her secret crush. Should she discover Gil's superhuman powers it's unsure of how she will react but it will probably not be good.