Captain Invincible1st EvanWaters

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Revision as of 01:11, 18 July 2005 by Evan Waters (talk | contribs) (From THE RETURN OF CAPTAIN INVINCIBLE. 1st edition rules.)
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From The Return of Captain Invincible

Character Name: Captain Invincible Alternate Identity: N/A Identity: Public Base of Operations: New York, Statue of Liberty

PL 11

Strength: 14 Dexterity: 13 Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 13 Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 15

Damage Save: +13 (+3 ability, + 10 Amazing Save) Fortitude: +3 Reflex: +1 Will: +2

Defense: 19 (+8 Base, +1 Dex) Initiative: +1 Hero Points: 6

Base Attack:+11 Melee: +13 Ranged: +12

Powers: Super Strength +2

Energy Control (Magnetic) +4 Stunts/Extras: Energy Drain, Extra Type: Electricity

Flight +4 Stunts/Extras: Super Flight

Amazing Computer Brain +3 Effect: Grants bonus, by rank, to Intelligence and Wisdom Action: Full Range: Personal Duration: Sustained Flaws: Heroic Effort, Full Effect Cost per rank: 2

Amazing Save (Damage) +10

Devices: Wrist radio (receives, doesn't transmit) 1 pp

Feats & Super Feats Immunity- Aging Immunity- Kinetic Sidekick- Patty Patria Leadership Inspire Headquarters Connected Endurance Aerial Combat Fame

Weaknesses: Quirk- Recovering Alcoholic Quirk- Idealistic, disappointed by American shortcomings

Skills (standard cost): Acrobatics: 4 ranks (+5) Concentration: 4 ranks (+7) Diplomacy: 5 ranks (+7) Disguise: 3 ranks (+5) Disable Device: 3 ranks (+4) Gather Information: 5 ranks (+7) Listen: 4 ranks (+6) Sense Motive: 4 ranks (+6) Search: 4 ranks (+5) Spot: 4 ranks (+6)

Archenemy: Mr. Midnight

Origin: As newlyweds, the Captain's soon-to-be-parents had a rendezvous near the reflecting pool in Washington D.C., not knowing that the encounter was being monitored and... manipulated by a flying saucer overhead. The resulting child had many unusual abilities, and [my embellishment follows- this isn't in the film] growing up as a congressman's son, learned patriotism and duty early on. Upon reaching adulthood the Captain revealed himself [end embellishment] and began battling gangsters, Nazis and other enemies of America. A HUAC inquiry in the 50s drove him to retirement and drink, but he resurfaced in the 80s and has since relentlessy fought evil.