Talk:Heart-Breaking Blade Style

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Heart-Breaking Blade Style

Single Note of Pain

This does not seem to be a Supplemental charm effect. Would it not make more sense as either a Simple, Instant charm (and thus entirely replace the basic Martial Arts Attack action normally used by martial artists), or as a Simple, Scene-Length charm that creates the 'virtual weapon' used by the style, which subsequently costs motes per use (later negated by the Form charm)?

Heart-Breaking Blade Form

Does this charm merely remove the mote costs from the affected charms, or does it also cause them to not count as charms? Removing the mote cost is fine on its own, but without having them also count as not-charms, a practicioner must still use their charm for the action on the activation of the ability, or combo it with other charms. I'm just looking to clarify the intent of the form.

Threnody of Torment

This seems like it should be Type: Extra Action