Scum: Other Stuff

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Scum: Main Page --> Scum: A Bit Dicey --> Scum: Other Stuff


The core game system that has been detailed is very simple, but worth reiterating briefly here:

  • You reduce the attribute being tested by 1 point.
  • You roll a single D6.
  • If you roll equal or below the attribute rating, you pass.

Because using attributes wears them down, players will generally want to avoid rolling dice as much as possible! However, sometimes they need to get things done, and will have to pass attribute tests to get anywhere!

This wiki page explores different ways to use attribute tests - its designed to be guidance and a source of ideas rather than an exhaustive list. GMs and players familiar with the rules will almost certainly find plenty of other opportunities to call for attribute tests!

PvE actions

PvE is a term from multi player online roleplaying games (MMORPGs), meaning "Player vs Environment". In Scum a PvE action is any action that doesn't directly target or affect another player. This can include targeting or interacting with NPCs, or with the physical environment, or just testing for purely internal effects.

The most common PvE attribute test is the build up, detailed more in the Core Rules. Essentially a build-up is an action that increases your own attributes - players who want to master the game would do well to master the art of good build-ups!

This page details other PvE actions that may or may not come up in game.

PvP actions

PvP is a term from multi player online roleplaying games (MMORPGs), meaning "Player vs Player". In Scum a PvP action is any action that directly targets another player, though some actions of this sort could also be used to target player-like NPCs.

The most common PvP attribute tests relate to murdering people and avoiding being murdered, as detailed in theHurting People section. That's the reality of Scum life!

This page details other PvP actions that may or may not come up in game.

Time taken

Vitally, the GM should be ready to adjudicate how long an action takes. Generally time-frame for actions should fall into three categories:

Fast Actions take a few minutes or less, and conceivably a Scum could attempt multiple actions of this type within a half-hour scene.

Standard Actions' take half an hour or so. A Scum attempting this sort of action would take a whole half-hour scene to do so, though he'll still have time to change locations at the end of the scene as normal.

Slow Actions' take longer than half an hour. The GM should divide slow actions into two or more Standard Actions that must be completed to achieve success at the slow action. For example, fixing up a car could be a one hour slow action - one half hour standard action to steal the parts needed, and one half hour standard action to git the parts.

Note that failing an action doesn't normally stop you from trying again, and with slow actions you can keep retrying the various standard actions that make it up until all are passed. However, because the game system has attributes diminishing with each test, its generally a bad idea to be too pig-headedly stubborn in trying again and again. As every Scum knows, sometimes the best decision is to give up on your goals!

Nutter actions

PvE actions

PvP actions

Sneaky Bastard actions

PvE actions

PvP actions

Well Shaggable actions

PvE actions

PvP actions

Good Mate actions

PvE actions

PvP actions

I'll Cut Ya! actions

PvE actions

PvP actions

Not bovvered actions

PvE actions

PvP actions

Pisshead actions

PvE actions

PvP actions

Stoner actions

PvE actions

PvP actions

Shrapnel actions

PvE actions

PvP actions

Drugs actions

PvE actions

PvP actions