Dnd the ancient war PC Kenny
Kenny Rogers back
The most prominent historical events within Kenny's life are perhaps not that interesting to mention, but those events are mandatory to describe to get an understanding of what he has become. His life used to be quite close to the definition of the cycle of life: "You live until you die", while the live part had been neglected.
Kenny had no hobbies, not many interests, no ambitions at all. He had a boring youth and complemented that by getting a job as assistant librarian, a job which can hardly be described as challenging or exciting.
The truth is opposite to that, as this job changed Kenny for life, and turned him into the person he is now.
Kenny spent half a dozen years working at the royal library of a small eastern town, where he spent most of his time reading books on every topic imaginable including heroic tales, books on arcane arts, combat techniques and other subjects because he had nothing better to do anyways. His life was boring, the books were not, and it was not an exception for him to stay in the library throughout the night just because he wanted to finish a certain book.
His life had been orderly, uneventful and boring until one day when he lost his balance on a 50 foot high ladder at the top of it while trying to put a book on arcane arts back in it's place.
During his fall downwards, seeing the ground rapidly approaching, he quickly analyzed that hitting the ground was going to be quite uncomfortable to say the least. In a flash he decided to cast the spell feather fall he had been reading about in the book he had been reading, and even while he had no arcane background, no training or anything, he somehow managed to cast his first spell ever in midair simply because he could not come up with a better idea.
Ever since that day Kenny turned from a person as described above into someone completely different, which is someone who no longer sees problems, tough situations or even life threatening situations as events you need to avoid, but rather sees them as challenging situations which have a solution to deal with them.
If you ever want to see Kenny smile, do not tell him a joke. Instead tell him something has gone horribly wrong.
- Name: Kenny Rogers
- Class: Factotum
- Level: 4
- Race Human
- HD: 1d8
- speed: 30 feet.
- Type: Humanoid
- Darkvision: none.
- Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Abyssal
- Str 16 +3
- Dex 12 +1
- Con 12 +1
- Int 19 +4
- Wis 10 +0
- Cha 11 +0
- Fort +2
- Ref +5
- Will +1
- AC: 15
- Bab: +3
- melee: +6
- ranged:+4
For NPC'ing:
Hitpoints: 32 AC:15 Touch 11 FF 14 Attacks:
Masterwork Guisarme To hit: +7 Damage 2d4+4 Flail: To hit: +6 Damage 1d8+3 Composite longbow: To hit +4 Damage 1d8
Trip check: +11
Inspiration points: 6 Will refresh at the START of each encounter. Abilities that can be used with IP's:
Cunning Knowledge: Cost 1IP. Get +4 bonus on one skill check in which you have at least 1 rank. Can be used once per day per skill.
Cunning Insight: Cost: 1 IP. Effect: +4 bonus to to hit, damage or save. Cunning insight must be announced before the individual roll. So choosing to use it for damage does not need to be announced before attack, but must be used before damage roll.
Cunning Strike: 1D6 extra sneak attack damage. To use do not need to be flanking, but costs 1 IP. Cunning strike must be announced BEFORE attackroll.
Cunning Defense: Cost: 1IP. Add +4 dodge bonus vs single opponent for 1 round.
Arcane Dilettante: Can choose 2 level 1 spells at the start of each day. Cost to cast spells: 1 IP. Each spell may only be memorized once. General memorized spells but may be changed as seen fit at the start of each day:
Powerword Pain Races of the Dragon page 116:
Range: Close (35ft) Save: None SR: Yes
You utter a single word of power that instantly deals 1d6 points of damage to one creature of your choice, and another 1d6 points in every round thereafter for as long as the spell lasts. The duration of the spell depends on the target’s current hit point total, as shown below. Any creature that currently has 101 or more hit points is unaffected by power word pain.
Hit Points Duration 50 or less 4d4 rounds 51–75 2d4 rounds 76–100 1d4 rounds
Powerword Fatique Races of the Dragon page 115:
Range: Close (35ft) Save: None SR: Yes
You utter a single word of power hat instantly causes one creature of your choice to become fatigued, whether the creature can hear the word or not.
Hit Points Duration 25 or less 1d4+1 hours 26–50 1d4+1 minutes 51–100 1d4+1 rounds
- Proficient in light armor. and all shields (except tower shields)
- Proficient with all simple and martial weapons
- Trapfinding(ex) Can use search skill to locate traps when task has DC higher than 20. Can use disable device to disarm trap
- Inspiration: Has 6 inspiration points to activate class features. They refresh at start of each encounter.
- Cunning Insight: Can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a +4 competence bonus to one skill check if you have atleast 1 rank in the skill. Usable once per skill per day.
- Arcane Dilettante: At the start of each day can prepare 2 spells with max level of 1. Casting spell costs 1 inspiration point
- Brains over Brawn: Add +4 bonus to all strength and dex checks.
- Cunning Defense: Spend 1 inspiration point to add +4 dodge bonus vs 1 opponent for 1 round.
- Cunning Strike: Can spend 1 inspiration point to gain 1d6 points of sneak attack damage. Inspiration point must be used before making attack.
- Mithral Chain Shirt +4
- Masterwork Guisarme 2d4+4
- Flail 1d8+3
Magic Items:
- Ring of Strength +1
- Backpack
- Dagger
- Everburning Torch
- Torch x3
- Thieves' Tools
- Rations x6
- Silk Rope 50ft x2
- Grappling Hook
- Bedroll
- Winter Blanket
- Composite longbow (arrows: 28)
- 2x Antitoxin
- Jar (green stuff, nauseate)
- Combat Expertise: Trade attack bonus for AC
- Improved Trip: +4 bonus on trip attempts, no attack of opportunity, may attack after tripping
- Font of Inspiration I: Add 1 inspiration point
- Font of Inspiration II: Add 2 inspiration points
- Appraise +4
- Balance +12
- Climb +12
- Concentration +1
- Disable Device +11
- Escape Artise +11
- Forgery +4
- Hide +11
- Jump +11
- Knowledge (dungeoneering, history, local, nature, psionics, the planes) +5
- Knowledge Arcana +7
- Knowledge religion +9
- Move silently +12
- Open Lock +11
- Ride +5
- Search +11
- Sleight of hand +9
- Swim +7
- Tumble +12
- Use rope +5
- Skill trick: Collector of stories