Mysterious Defender Simon Hunt

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Simon Hunt Points Spent: 402 Points Left: 5 (Assuming 400)

Basic Physical Profile Age: 17 Height: 6' 0" Weight: 174 lbs. Appearance: Tall, dark, and bishounen. He's very pretty. I want to run my fingers through his hair, and I'm just descriptive text.

Stats [Subtotal: 180] Body: 7 (70) Mind: 6 (60) Soul: 5 (50)

Attributes [Subtotal: 227] Alternate Form Lvl. 7 (63) Armour, Homogeneous Lvl. 10 (40) Combat Technique (Deflection, Reflection, Hardboiled x3) Lvl. 5 (10) Defense Combat Mastery Lvl. 4 (40) Extra Defenses Lvl. 5 (25) Features (Appearance: Bishounen) Lvl. 3 (3) Mind Shield Lvl. 5 (10) Organizational Ties (School Rep) Lvl. 1 (2) Resistance Lvl. 5 (10) Skills Administration Lvl. 1 (1) Etiquette (Upper Class) Lvl. 2 (2) Riding (Horse) Lvl. 1 (1) Tough Lvl. 5 (10) Wealth Lvl. 1 (5)

Defects [Subtotal: -7] Girl Magnet (-3) S.O. (Little Sister) (-2) Skeleton in the Closet (Magical Boy) (-2)

Derived Values Base Combat Value: 6 Attack Value: 6 Defense Value: 10 Damage Multiplier: 5 (6 in Aristocrat Form for Superstrength) Health Points: 90 (65 Base) Energy Points: 55 Shock Value: 45 Armor: 20

Alternate Form (The Aristocrat) Points Spent: 70 Points Left: 0

Attributes Combat Technique (Brutal x2) Lvl.2 (4) Item (Lion Headed Cane; Weapon Lvl. 10) (10) Item (Silk Handkerchief; Healing Lvl. 4) (8) Jumping Lvl. 2 (4) Massive Damage (Focused; Bartitsu) Lvl. 1 (4) Melee Attack (Bartitsu) Lvl. 5 (15) Skills Performing Arts (Dance) Lvl. 3 (3) Special Defense (Sleep x2, Disease, Poison) (8) Special Movement (Balance, Fast, Light-Footed) Lvl. 3 (6) Superstrength Lvl. 1 (8)

Combat Analysis

Offensive Information AF Unarmed (Stun, Non-Penetrating) [ WL 2 x DM 6 + ACV 6 = 18 Damage ] Lion Headed Cane [WL 10 x DM 7 + ACV 11 = 87 Damage ]

Defensive Information DCV: 10 20 Homogeneous Armor Can Deflect and Reflect Ranged Attacks 5 Extra Defensive Actions +5 on rolls to resist Telepathy, Mind Control, Incapacitating and Irritant Weapons 50 Armour against Psychic Weapons +5 on rolls to resist Dimensional Portal, Metamorphosis, Mimic Powers, Nullify, Teleport, Flare, Incapacitating, Irritant Attributes/Weapons 50 Armour against Insidious Weapons

Other Abilities Can use Silk Handkerchief to heal (AF Only) Can jump 10x normal distance (AF only) Doesn't need to sleep (AF Only) +6 Against Poison/Disease (AF only) Doesn't Loose Balance (AF only) Body Stat doubled for running speed (AF only) Can move over sand, snow, or ice at full speed (AF only) Can lift 1 tonne (AF only) +2 Strength based Body Rolls (AF only)