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Johan|: Johan will return after a while to borrow one of the agatae, then go out again to return some time in the early morning.

Alyssa: Alyssa will be scouting out what direction the Bull of the North's men left in

Johan|: Having instructed the agata to retrieve the bodies for a funeral he retires to the academy's hot springs.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Son will be investigating what was taken from his library and will also prepare to summon a demon.

Alyssa: !roll 7

ExBot: Alyssa rolled 7 dice and achieved 2 successes. [ 7 4 1 3 6 4 7 ]

SonoftheMetalFlame: (Unless it's too late to begin a demon summoning tonight, in which case he will check his facilities for anything else that has gone missing, and then he shall head to the hot springs.)

Alyssa: Alyssa prowls back and forth until just about midnight, looking fruitlessly for signs of the dragonblooded.

SonoftheMetalFlame: !roll 9

ExBot: SonoftheMetalFlame rolled 9 dice and achieved 5 successes. [ 7 3 2 8 5 6 10 2 7 ]

Kuros: (Waiting on Son)

SonoftheMetalFlame is kevin@dm-28490.hsd1.or.comcast.net (purple)
SonoftheMetalFlame is on: #exalted
SonoftheMetalFlame is using betamatrix.ny.us.darkmyst.org Americas North-Eastern Server
SonoftheMetalFlame has been idle 6 minutes, signed on at Fri Mar 20 05:20:41 2009
End of /WHOIS.

SonoftheMetalFlame: (Sorry - summoning the demon... will spend an additional 25 motes to reduce the demon's roll by 5)

SonoftheMetalFlame: !roll 10

ExBot: SonoftheMetalFlame rolled 10 dice and achieved 8 successes. [ 10 8 5 10 7 6 3 10 5 5 ]

Kuros: !roll 4

ExBot: Kuros rolled 4 dice and achieved 2 successes. [ 6 2 8 9 ]

Kuros: (You win. =P)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (Woohoo)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (So... after my anima dies down, I head to the hot springs)

Kuros: OK, it is now morning, and Johan can return.

Johan|: Johan returns shortly before Dawn. Having instructed the agata to retrieve the bodies for a funeral he retires to the academy's hot springs.

Kuros: What do you guys do with the DB THelaos isn't working on?

Alyssa: (I believe he was tied up in a cellar)

You are now known as Silk.

Silk: He has abandoned the 'Johan' disguise and - for the first time in weeks - appears as he really is, a man of wiry build with the tanned skin and dark eyes of the south. Short black hair and a finely trimmed beard frame the agelessly youthful face of an Exalt, but his eyes are are old, hard and tired.

SonoftheMetalFlame: (I'll have the Blood Ape standing guard over the DB as well)

Alyssa: (has anyone seen Silk's face before?)

Silk: (yes, you have. Only when interacting with the merchants of Northeast Spoke he was in disguise and then after the Wyld Hunt showed up he started being someone else full-time)

Silk: (but before that he was himself most of the time)

Alyssa: "I haven't seen that face for a while. Are you lowering your guard a little?"

Silk: sighs. "So it seems. My teachers would have something to say about that, but I left them behind long ago and right now I don't much care."

Kuros: (So, what do you guys plan on doing?)

Alyssa: "How many did you kill out there?"

Silk: "Too many. And not enough."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "We will need to deal with the bodies. So much violence could lead to the formation of a Shadowland, and I should like to keep the area around my university free of such inconveniences."

Alyssa: "Ah, but not enough for what?"

Alyssa: "Proper burial should minimise the chances of that."

SonoftheMetalFlame: nods. "Indeed. We will have to make arrangements for the burials."

Silk: "By my count there must have been some that eluded me. So the possibility of witnesses remains." He shrugs, tired. "And then there is the village, Thelaos anima would have been visible there."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I do not think it will be difficult to convince the village that it was my sorcery that caused that."

Silk: "I have instructed the agata you let me borrow to gather the bodies so they can be buried."

Alyssa: "Yes. Silk, this probably isn't the time, but we should talk about this. Killing everyone who sees our anima sounds fine in theory, but if we keep treating everyone as a treat then sooner or later we'll be right."

Alyssa: "And we're being everything the Immaculates claim."

Silk: "Not the time? Perhaps. Or perhaps it is the best time for it." He sighs. "I'm tired of the killing. That is why I am here with you, that is why tonight I have taken on this burden."

Silk: "Without this, what would have happened? A confirmed sighting of Anathema from over two hundred witnesses? The Wyld Hunt would have been here within days. And they would have brought not hundreds, but thousands of mortal soldiers."

Alyssa: "Alright, let's talk about it." Alyssa sits down and gestures for him to do likewise. "In the scenario you describe, would we then have killed those thousands?"

Silk: "Then we would have to either compromise, delay our plans and put off bringing peace to this world - or there would have been more death. I can see neither of them as acceptable."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "No point in dealing with hypotheticals. What's done is done. We simply must make sure it does not happen again."

Silk: "What happened was the counter-fire that prevented the firestorm."

SonoftheMetalFlame: (What general time is it in game?)

Silk: "Because make no mistake, this land, this direction, this Creation *needs* someone to change the rules, someone who can end all the wars and suffering. And we, this Circle, are the best chance I can see to accomplish that."

Kuros: (mid morning)

Alyssa: "The cure is getting worse than the disease. I'm not condemning you, but sooner or later we must trust mortals to understand that the Immaculate Order is wrong. And massacring them won't accomplish that. You said yourself, you didn't get them all. So those you killed... what did it accomplish."

SonoftheMetalFlame: sighs and rises from his spot, getting out of the hot spring. Without a word, he walks away.

Silk: "Less witnesses, more opportunity for a different story. We have a chance to avoid the firestorm now."

Silk: "But you are of course right. It IS nothing more than a stop-gap."

Alyssa: "This time. But Silk - if every sighting of a Solar is a bloody massacre, then we accomplish nothing. Let them remember good deeds, associate it with our help... and the lies about us will crumble away. And if it calls in the Wyld Hunt then that might be a chance we have to take at times."

Silk: "Are we ready to show ourselves to the world?"

Alyssa: "Can we afford not to?"

Alyssa: "Doing so around Son of Metal Flame's home, perhaps not."

Silk: "Sooner or later we must show ourselves. But is this the time?"

Silk: "Is this the way?"

Alyssa: "I don't know. But I do know that someone has to stand for something. And that someone is us. Why else were we Chosen after so many centuries?"

Silk: "I honestly cannot say why I was Chosen. I'm not sure I would have in Sol's place."

Silk: "But I do like to think that we are here to change things for the better."

Silk: "Maybe it is my education, but my instinct is to wait until we are in a position of strength. To do our work undetected until the time comes when we're unassailable and can reveal ourselves without danger to our cause."

Alyssa: "I'm ill-equipped to be anyone's conscience. But I'm sure that we'll never be unassailable - our predecessors certainly weren't, no matter what they thought."

Alyssa: "The only security we'll ever have is honest support for our cause. ANd we'll never have that if we never leave the shadows."

Alyssa: "I'm hardly saying we shouldn't look to our security, but if we're doing something we can be proud of, then let's be proud of it. Openly, even if we have to mask our faces."

Silk: "Make it a relative measure then. When the benefits to our cause outweigh the risks, when we gain more from showing ourselves then we gain by hiding."

Silk: "That is what we did in Lanterntown, though he had the good fortune that our nature was not openly declared."

Silk: (*we had)

Alyssa: "Next time we do something like that, perhaps we should be less discreet. When it comes to defending our circle's homes and families though... that, I assure you, is where I prize discretion."

Silk: "If it had not been for the academy, I would have advocated a retreat."

Silk: "But since they attacked us where we would not, could not yield ground ..."

Alyssa: "Yes. Still, perhaps we can learn something from our prisoners that will let us redirect attention away from the academy."

Silk: "And once we began we were committed to the fight. You do not stop once you are committed. Once Thelaos's Anima was displayed, we were committed to that."

Silk: "Let us hope so."

Alyssa: "Yes. We likely would have been defeated without it, but it was unfortunate in some ways. Still, House Tepet is not in a strong position. They may not be able to do much about us."

Thelaos has joined #exalted.