Starfall: Versa
System Information
Star: (G) Yellow
- Fount Saria Ring System
- Voldor Class 1, Terran (G2, R1, A3, P3, H2)
- Lalia Class 5, Gas Giant, Large (G5, R3, A1, P5, H0)
- Kradjist Class 3, Gas Giant, Large (G4, R1, A1, P5, H0)
- Forthist Class 2, Sub-Terran (G2, R1, A1, P2, H1)
- Calai Belt Comet Belt
- Mathis Class 3, Gas Giant, Small (G4, R1, A2, P4, H1)
People and Culture
Game Information
In addition to the rules in the PHB I.C.S. Citizens also have the following traits:
Favored Skill: business or administration
Resources: starting money x2 (dirt poor or filthy rich negate this)