The Burning Spear of the Sun's Infinite Knowledge
Back to Exalted_Chiaroscuro
Caste: Twilight Concept: Truthseeker Motivation: Reveal the secrets of the Immaculate Order Anima: Dozens of rune-carved spears - of all colours - flying up into the sky.
Strength oo Charisma ooo Perception ooo Dexterity ooo Manipulation oo Intelligence ooooo Stamina oooo Appearance oo Wits ooo
Abilities Caste or Favoured Melee ooo Awareness oooo Dodge oooo Stealth o Integrity oo Survival oo Bureaucracy ooo Linguistics ooo Craft ooo Investigation ooooo Lore oo Medicine ooo Occult o
Specialties Investigation: Libraries Bureaucracy: Paperwork
Backgrounds Celestial Manse ooo (Maze & Crystal Desk) -- Hearthstone: Fire of the Sun - Potent poison Artifact: Adder's Sting Spear oo (Uses Reaper Daiklave stats) Artifact: Bracelet & Ring of Dawn's Cleansing o Artifact: Bodice of Hidden Protection o (Uses Artifact Chain Shirt stats)
Virtues Compassion oooo Conviction ooo -- Virtue Flaw (Heart of Flint) Temperance oo Valor o
Willpower oooooooo
Essence oo Personal Essence: 14/14 Peripheral Essence: 24/32 (8 Committed)
Charms 2nd Melee Excellency 2nd Investigation Excellency 2nd Craft Excellency Crafty Observation Method Evidence Discerning Method Judge's Ear Technique Sagacious Reading of Intent Shadow over Water Reflex Sidestep Technique Whirling Brush Method
Soak B4 L2 (B7 L7 A5 with Bodice)
Join Battle 7 DV 5 PDV 4 MDV 6
Intimacies Ending Slavery Protecting her Manse Learning Secrets Finding Old Knowledge
Languages Low Realm High Realm Old Realm River Speak
I spent Bonus points on: 2 Dodge 4 (from 3) 2 Investigation 5 (from 3) 1 Two Specialties 3 +1 Compassion 2 +1 Willpower 2 Awareness 4 (from 2) 3 Lore 2 (from 1) Medicine 3 (from 2) Linguistics 3 (from 2)