Character:Shofei Lynndra

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Shofei Lynndra The Warrior with the Mind of a Child Motivation: To recover what the Fair Folk took from me. Caste: Dawn Anima: A golden Lion, with a mane of fire.

Strength 4 Dexterity 5 Stamina 5

Charisma 5 Manipulation 1 Appearance 5

Perception 4 Intelligence 1) Wits 4

Social (5 of 6) (Flaw: Diminished Attribute) Mental (3 of 4) (Flaw: Diminished Attribute). +6 Bonus Points.

Caste Archery 5 Martial Arts 5 Melee 5 Thrown 3 War 3

Favoured Awareness 5 Resistance 5 Athletics 4 Dodge 4 Ride 1 Linguistics 2 Performance 2

Other Integrity 4 Pressence 1 Occult 2 Survival 1 Stealth 1

Specialties Swords (Melee) 3 Song (performance) 1 Knives (Thrown) 1 Gymnastics (Athletics) 1

56 of 42 Ability Dots assigned. 6 Caste or Favored Specialties. 14 Bonus Points spent.

Background Artifact 5 (Orichalcum Grand Daiklive) (The Fang of the Fox General) Artifact 2 (Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers) Artifact 1 (Orichalcum Breast Plate) Artifact 4 (Orichalcum Black Widow Razors) (Nozomi and Izogi)

Manse 4 (Seven Leaping Dragon Stone) Manse 3 (Resilience of Bamboo)

Cult 2 Resources 2

23 of 10 Background Dots assigned. 13 Bonus Points spent.

Virtues Compassion 5 Conviction 1 Temperance 1 Valour 5

Willpower 10

Essence 3

8 of 7 Virtues assigned. 3 Bonus Points spent.


Archery -There is No Wind

Martial Arts -Thunderclap Rush Attack -Fists of Iron Technique

Melee -Dipping Swallow Defence -Bulwark Stance -Heavenly Guardian Defence -Hungry Tiger Technique -5 Fold Bulwark Stance -Call the Blade -Summon the Loyal Steel

Integrity -Spirit-Maintaining Manoeuvre

Resistance -Ox Body -Ox Body -Unbreakable Warrior Mastery -Durability of Oak Meditation -Immunity to Everything Technique

Occult -Spirit Detecting Glance -Spirit Cutting Attack

Athletics Graceful Crane Technique

Awareness Surprise Anticipation Method

20 of 15 Charms. 20 Bonus Points spent.

Quote: Combo Ghost Smiting Blow -Hungry Tiger Technique, Spirit Cutting Attack 2-Charm Combo. 2 Bonus Points spent.

Quote: Flaws Enemy - The dragon blood I cut, should have died but made deal with fell powers, now wants to kill me, she wants to do that very, very badly Level 2 Wanted for the Murder of several Terrestrials, her enemy did not tell anyone that their slayer was an Anathema, but she could not cover up the murders themselves. Level 2 +4 Bonus Points.

Quote: Merits: Hidden Manse The one for her Seven Leaping Dragon Stone, perhaps a monestary like manse on a high mountain, hidden by the mists. 2 Bonus Points Ambidextrous 1 Bonus Point 3 Bonus Points