Star Wars Saga : Kyrie

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Kyrie Elaison

Archetype - Vagabond Adventurer
Species - Human :: Gender - Female
Age - 24 :: Height - 165cm :: Weight : 55kg
Heroic Level = 13 (Noble 01 : Scoundrel 05 : Jedi 07)

Short Description :
Kyrie has platinum blonde hair, worn cut very short all around, except for a single braided "rat-tail" that hangs down to the middle of her back. She has bright blue eyes and a classical beauty that often causes men to become distracted. She tends to "dress down" so as to not draw attention and rarely wears dresses. Most often she wears something that looks "tough".

Character Stats

12 : STR
14 : DEX
12 : CON
16 : INT
16 : WIS
14 : CHA

Hit Points : 95
Dmg Threshold : 12
Initiative : +13
BAB = +10 : Melee = +11 : Ranged = +12
Fort +12 : Reflex +15 : Will +15


Acrobatics (Dex-13) : Deception (Cha-13) : Gather Information (Cha-13) : Initiative (Dex-13) : Knowledge-Bureaucracy (Int-14) : Knowledge-Galactic Lore (Int-14) : Mechanics (Int-14) : Perception (Wis-14) : Persuasion (Cha-13) : Pilot (Dex-13) : Stealth (Dex-13) : Use Computer (Int-14) : Use Force (Cha-13)
Climb : Endurance (Con-07) : Jump (Str-07) : Ride (Dex-08) : Survival (Wis-09) : Swim (Str-07) : Treat Injury (Wis-09)
Basic : High Galactic : Ryl : Huttese : Shyriiwook


Inspire Loyalty (Gain One Follower : DKN-3 Canine Droid Companion)
Space Hound : Gimmick : Security Slicer
Resilience : Elusive Target : Dampen Presence


Dodge (+1 Reflex vs Single Designated Target)
Mobility (+5 Reflex vs Attacks of Opportunity)
Point Blank Shot (+1 To Hit & Damage at PB Range)
Precise Shot (No Penalty for firing into Melee)
Skill Training (Mechanics)
Technical Specialist (Can Modify Devices)
Force Sensitivity (Able to Use Force Skill & Can Learn Force Talents & Feats)
Skill Training (Stealth)
Exotic Weapon Training (Lightsaber)
Vehicular Combat (Negate One Attack per Round vs Vehicle while Piloting)
Force Powers (1+Wis Bonus = 4 Force Powers)
Skill Training (Acrobatics)
Martial Arts I (HtH Dmg = 1d6 & +1 Reflex) Sentinel Strike (+1d6 Dmg with Force & Lightsaber vs Flat Footed Foe)

The Force

Force Powers
Force Slam (Force Roll vs Foe Fort to deal 4d6 Dmg & Knock Down)
Surge (Bonus to Jump & Speed)
Force Shield (Create TK Shield)
Battle Strike (+1 To Attack & +1d6 to +3d6 Dmg)

Dark Side Score = 05

To Face Down/Defeat (but not necessarily kill) The Admiral who destroyed my family
Bonus & Penalty same as 'Destruction Destiny' on page 114 Core Book

Level by Level Breakdown of Feats & Talents

Level One : Noble 01
BAB+0 : Reflex +1 : Will +2 : HP : 19 (18+Con Bonus)
One Noble Talent (Inspire Loyalty) : One Feat 1st Level (Dodge) : One Feat Human Bonus (Mobility) : Linguist (Int Bonus +1=4 Languages) : Weap Proficiency Pistol : Weap Proficiency Simple
Skills (6+Int Bonus = 9) Deception : Gather Information : Initiative : Knowledge (Bureaucracy) : Knowledge (Galactic Lore) : Perception : Persuasion : Pilot : Use Computer

Level Two : Scoundrel 01
BAB+0 : Reflex +2 : HP - 23 (19+1d6+Con Bonus=19+3+1)
One Scoundrel Feature (Point Blank Shot) : One Scoundrel Talent (Space Hound)

Level Three : Scoundrel 02
BAB+1 : HP - 29 (23+1d6+Con Bonus = 23+5+1)
Level Three Feat (Skill Training - Mechanics) : Scoundrel Feat (Precise Shot)

Level Four : Scoundrel 03
BAB+2 : HP - 31 (29+1d6+Con Bonus = 29+1+1)
Scoundrel Talent (Gimmick) : Stat Bonus +1 Str & +1 Wis

Level Five : Scoundrel 04
BAB+3 : HP - 35 (31+1d6+Con Bonus = 31+3+1)
Scoundrel Feat (Tech Specialist)

Level Six : Scoundrel 05
BAB+3 : HP - 41 (35+1d6+Con Bonus = 35+5+1)
Level Six Feat (Skill Training - Stealth) : Scoundrel Talent (Security Slicer)

Level Seven : Jedi 01
BAB+4 : Fort +1 : HP - 48 (41+1d10+Con Bonus = 41+6+1)
One Jedi Feature (Force Sensitivity) : Jedi Talent (Resilience)

Level Eight : Jedi 02 BAB+5 : HP - 59 (48+1d10+Con Bonus = 48+10+1)
Jedi Feat (Weapon Proficiency - Light Saber) : Stat Bonus +1 Str & +1 Cha

Level Nine : Jedi 03 BAB+6 : HP - 67 (59+1d10+Con Bonus = 59+7+1)
Level Nine Feat (Vehicular Combat) : Jedi Talent (Elusive Target)

Level Ten : Jedi 04 BAB+7 : HP - 75 (67+1d10+Con Bonus = 67+7+1)
Jedi Feat (Force Powers - Wis Bonus+1 = 4 Battle Strike - Force Shield - Force Slam - Surge)

Level Eleven : Jedi 05 BAB+8 : HP - 79 (75+1d10+Con Bonus = 75+3+1)
Jedi Talent (Dampen Presence)

Level Twelve : Jedi 06 BAB+9 : HP - 86 (79+1d10+Con Bonus = 79+6+1)
Level 12 Feat (Skill Training - Acrobatics) : Jedi Feat (Martial Arts I) : Stat Bonus +1 Str & +1 Cha

Level Thirteen : Jedi 07 BAB+10 : HP - 95 (86+1d10+Con Bonus = 86+8+1) Jedi Talent (Sentinel Strike) : Build Lightsaber

Additional Information

Created by : Roughtrade