Session 45

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lazarus: Us, to Samuel: "That's why these badges don't stink..."
Random_Nerd: So, we're all here.
Random_Nerd: Anything before we start?
BethE: I'm getting the vision up on the Wiki, before anyone reminds me.  :)
Knockwood: I think I skipped a point somewhere... I've got 2 to spend, right?
Random_Nerd: I'm not sure. We can try to backtrack your character points if you want, but it'll take a while.
Etheric: If you've spent three total, yes you do.
Random_Nerd: I don't keep track of those for you.
Etheric: We've had five story arcs completed.
Etheric: And never upped Chancel Points at the end of a story arc/
Random_Nerd: And nobody's done that.
Etheric: So two is the right numbr if you've upped a stat by one or bought a three-point Gift.
Random_Nerd: You spent two points on the raise dead/heal wounded Gift...
Random_Nerd: Is that it?
Knockwood: ..... I think it is
Random_Nerd: Then you should have three points.
Random_Nerd: I can't see anything else on your character sheet, at least.
lazarus: the wiki keeps changelogs, so you can take a look back at things, if you really want
Knockwood: OK, tweaking it now
Random_Nerd: What're you adding?
Random_Nerd: Some variant of the sword thing we talked about?
Knockwood: not yet.
BethE: No lightsaber?
Knockwood: actually, if I get what RN said right, I can do that with a couple of LCs
Random_Nerd: Pretty much, if I understood what you were asking for correctly.
Etheric: What you have to do, is arm the enemy with lightsabers, that fire out the other end on your command. "Ouch, my arm!" "Ouch, my gut!"
Random_Nerd: You want something that's not going to break at any mundane force, and that can chop steel like wood and flesh and bone like soft cheese, right?
Knockwood: I'm gonna hold off on that, though, cuz I might need the Domain points for this story
Knockwood: yeah
Knockwood: and also 'Summonable', basically
Random_Nerd: Then yes, you can get that with two lesser changes, or a lesser change and a lesser preservation, which amounts to the same thing.
Random_Nerd: Err, a greater preservation.
Random_Nerd: Okay, ready?

      • lazarus is now known as Brian.
      • Knockwood is now known as DanteE.
      • You are now known as Theresa.

Random_Nerd: (Summonable from the lesser change, and unbreakable/really hard from the greater preservation.)
DanteE: (wouldn't that be an LP? It's longsword-size)
Random_Nerd: (Depends how preserved you want.)
Random_Nerd: (A LP would make it very hard to break, but it could happen, especially in Noble-scale fights.)
DanteE: ah.
Random_Nerd: (Someone with high aspect could do it by hand, for instance.)
Random_Nerd: (With a GP, breaking it would take either spending a lage number of miracle points, or else a really expensive gift like Marstriglio's Claw.)
Random_Nerd: ______________START__________________
DanteE: (I can do it on the fly if needed)
Random_Nerd: (Indeed.)
Random_Nerd: A few traces of ash still remain on the table.

  • DanteE examines the ash...

Random_Nerd: (Visually?)
DanteE: (and to touch... is it actual phoenix ash?)

      • Etheric is now known as Carrie.

DanteE: (and shouldn't you be Hollyhock? :)
Random_Nerd: (Looks like wood ash, at least from what you can see. But you've never seen phoenix ash.)

  • Theresa will check out the ash as well, using a lesser div?

Random_Nerd: (It's not a plant.)

  • DanteE scoops it up and puts it in a small container

Theresa: (It used to be part of a plant, if it's wood ash.)
Random_Nerd: (By that reasoning you could do divinations on steak.)
Theresa: (... Mmmm. )
Brian: (I'm sure T could do a div on a stake...)
DanteE: (it was a plant just a moment ago, if it's wood ash. If it isn't... it's more interesting)
Theresa: "I wonder what that would do as fertilizer..."
DanteE: "I wonder how the hell it got here."
Theresa: "Carrie's just that good..."
Random_Nerd: (Any of you could do divinations of realm, or look at it from a different perspective or two. Or heck, find a chemist to look at it.)
Brian: (that one appeals) "I'm going to get a sample of this analyzed"
DanteE: "OK, let me just put this bit away first..."

  • DanteE stows the ash-in-a-bottle and Kudzu's tear in a shelf in his 'office'.
  • Theresa stretches. "That is one confusing, yet familiar, puzzle. Felt like something I already knew but didn't."
  • DanteE comes back. "All right... what do we _do_, though?"
  • Carrie comes slowly back to reality.

Brian: "well, we're Nobilis. We do what we want, ultimately"
DanteE: "Ah yeah... starting with having other NObles over.

  • Theresa goes over to Carrie. "That was some doozy of a vision. Need anything, Sister?"

Carrie: "I am... quite fine. Though also quite intrigued."
Theresa: "Big project."
DanteE: "Anyway... any objection to preparing for a gathering of Nobles?"
Brian: "Well, I've been pushing for the party to happen shortly now, for some time ... I can't very well object to it now..."
DanteE: "OK... we should invite Consequences and his Familia...
Theresa: "My only objection would be how many and who. We don't know a whole lot of Nobles and some of the ones we have heard of, I'm a little queasy about letting in the door."

  • Brian will grab a test tube, and scoop a bit of the ash into it, cork it, and go to the University chemistry department (if it's equipped to analyze things) and request an analysis. (before leaving: "Please, excuse me for a minute")

DanteE: "and also those Nobles with domains 'close' to ours.
Carrie: "I think we should specify a limited number of people to invite, and ask William to round it out. There are bound to be those wh owould be offended if X was invited and they weren't."
DanteE: "True..."

  • DanteE mulls over inviting both Consequences and Electricity & Copper...

Carrie: "That said, I think the Power of the Moon might be one to ask for..."
Theresa: "As long as she hasn't been winning too much at tennis." *small smile*
DanteE: "...the Power of Night?"
Carrie: "I think Night is one of the Sun's..."
Theresa: *muses* "I wonder...if the Power of History would come. Or Sanity."
Carrie: "If you want I can check the Library again."
DanteE: "I'll bet Night would want to meet us after what happened"
DanteE: (Did we send Samuel with William?)
Theresa: (Sam went to do something else, I think. An errand for Carrie. Contacts, I think?)
Carrie: (Samuel went off to build Noble support networks.)

  • Theresa tries to remember why Night would want to meet us...

DanteE: (Because he was the source of the miracle you got from the Cams a few sessions back?)
Random_Nerd: (Remember, with the Cams?)
Theresa: (Oh. Yeah. *sheepish*)
Theresa: "How big is too big of a party?"
Carrie: "Well, how many demigods do you want loose in Amyra?"
DanteE: (and note how this is paralleling the current storyline of 'Zits'... :)
Random_Nerd: (Zits?)
Theresa: (A newspaper comic.)
Theresa: (Which I haven't read for a looooong time.)
Brian: (same)
DanteE: (they just had a storyline involving Pierce throwing a party to which 700 kids came. :)
Theresa: ( O.O )
DanteE: (he figured he could get that many people to come by sending a message to ... 1 person. :)
DanteE: (they text, email, call on cellphones, et cetera, and bang, 700 guests. :)
Theresa: (Let's keep it down to 50 or less Nobles, Anchors and familiars, please? Or RN's going to give up with the NPCing...)
Theresa: "We should also invite your folks, Carrie, and Brian's Anchor Jim and Lesson...and James will need to know too."
DanteE: "The Bureau will be here whether we want them or not...

  • DanteE wonders how Lesson and Consequences will react to one another...

Theresa: (*squirts both Lesson and Conseq. with water mister* "No! Bad! No bloodshed at the party!")
Brian: (ha!)

Theresa: (We have a connection with the Library from the conference room, right?)
Carrie: (I don't know... I always use Realm divs.)
DanteE: (I think we've just been using Realm Divs)
DanteE: (You guys decided putting in a speaker & mike was too mundane. :)
Theresa: (Ahh.)

  • Theresa asks, "Maybe the Library can give us some quick examples of past Noble parties?"

Brian: (RN: Brian will get microscope analysis of the ash, as well as spectral analysis, chemical analysis, etc)
DanteE: "Assuming they made the history books..."
Random_Nerd: (That'll take some time. 24 hours okay?)
Theresa: "Or Kudzu just had to now about them."
Brian: (that's fine.)

  • Brian will walk back into the room

Random_Nerd: (Also, the library doesn't actually listen to you. Rather, you can listen to it and if you follow the right one of a thousand whispers, you hear it say what you're wondering about.)
Random_Nerd: (But technically it was saying that all along.)
Random_Nerd: (It's not sentient or animate, it's just a complicated arrangement of holes and shapes Kudzu made in such a way that in the slightest breeze it continuously whispers the things he thought you might need to know.)
Theresa: (Then someone please listen to the Library? Peeled grapes for the listener? <G>)
Brian: (peeled grapes fed while lounging on a chair and being fanned by scantily clad women with large feathery fans? I'm so there :-P)
Theresa: (Do I look like the Noble of Harems? Or even of Feathers?)
Brian: (I'm sure you can come up with something ;) :-P)
Theresa: (Actually, I could probably cre...wait a minute, you just want scantily clad green-skinned women!)
Random_Nerd: (Thus it is revealed that Brian is secretly James T. Kirk.)
DanteE: (speaking of which, I sent that guy a detailed desc of Dante and the descs of your chars you put on the Wiki. He's chewing on it now. :)
Theresa: (Ooo....)

  • Theresa creates a bowlful of peeled grapes. For, you know, no reason.
  • Brian will start eating some. "Thanks for these grapes, T. They're really quite tasty"
  • DanteE casts his mind to the Library and listens for whispers of Noble gatherings. (1 RMP)

Theresa: "Another thing is what to serve. And whether we need something to, you know, do."
DanteE: "Yes, Twister with this group just brings up disturbing images."
Brian: "All Nobles love to show off. So some kind of participatory sound-and-light show would be quite fun, I think"

  • Theresa does a slight facepalm. "Do we want to start dueling already?"

Random_Nerd: (Whispers of current ones, or trends in gatherings?)
DanteE: (trends in... actually, more like 'how to' :)

  • Theresa mutters "And Lesson can't play Twister, he'd always win...."

Brian: "It doesn't count if you push everyone else to the ground :-P"
Random_Nerd: (Noble parties vary even more so than human ones, and don't generally even tend to be divided among predictable lines like hosting Imperator type.)
Random_Nerd: (Being memorable is more important than following tradition, although the "Surprise parties are verboten, important guests may be disintegrated" rule applies as usual.)
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and don't invite any Imperator that's currently confined to Hell. It's tacky to mock the Helllords.)
Theresa: (*snort*)
DanteE: (we can invite Imperators?)
Random_Nerd: (Why not?)
Random_Nerd: (They might not /come/...)
Random_Nerd: (But it's an honor to be asked.)
Random_Nerd: (It might be a good idea to make sure to clear the guest list by Kudzu, though.)
Theresa: ("Yep. Nope. Yes. No. Oh, no, not _her_..."_
Theresa: )

  • Theresa ponders. "Hmm, I wonder what Nobles would be excited about a chance to come to Amyra."

DanteE: "We were an equatorial country, some might come for the sand and surf. :)"
Theresa: "Or the archeology...oh, reminds me, we should make the palace Do Not Touch turf. Who knows what the artifacts would think at tourist Nobles."
Random_Nerd: (Could just send a blanket invitation out...)
Brian: "enter at own risk?"
Carrie: (Then we'll get way too many.)
DanteE: (RN: HELL NO.)
Brian: "and don't look at the women..."
DanteE: "well, we do have the fake artifacts in the museum...."
Theresa: "Just have to be careful explaing... 'Yes, these are fakes of the real ones because the real ones might decide they want to blight the entire Chancel with famine if you look at them funny...' "
DanteE: "Actually, they might _know_ that already..."
Random_Nerd: ("Cool! I love famine! Will there be boils, too?")
Theresa: "And thus they might want to play Poke the Objects of Phenomenal Cosmic Power?"
DanteE: "... should we invite some angels?"
DanteE: "... y'know, we should run this by King John."
Carrie: "Wouldn't he be, you know... a 'beast' under acertain beastly law?"
Theresa: "The Prime Minister might get a little twitchy with news of this party, I think. Maybe we can say that this is a costume party, come in your favorite human suit..."
DanteE: "Well, just as common courtesy, really."
Random_Nerd: (And Carrie's right. Asking the human authorities permission to have a party would, in layman's terms, "Make Lord Entropy shit a brick.")
DanteE: ("Yeah, you know those folks that hold pieces of reality in their hands and have a nasty tendency to squish 'em? We're inviting a bunch of them to a party.")
DanteE: ("So if you see monsters, darkness, locusts, et cetera coming from the college, it's not the Apocalypse, just spiked punch. OK? OK."
DanteE: ("Oh, a few of them might want to see the you-know-whats. Actually, one or two might want to eat them."_

  • Theresa rubs her forehead. "It always seems to take an act of will to remember that we're supposed to be above about everyone else nowadays..."

DanteE: ("Don't worry, we're prepared for this. We brought catsup." :)
Brian: "Eh. Everyone else can't do this" *makes a four appear and shine, going through different colours* " ... not so hard to remember, sometimes..."
Theresa: "But just because I can create a ficus that can not only answer the phone but take dictation, it doesn't mean that I feel like I'm better than people or offices that I've grown up respecting."
Brian: "You can do more than they can. Isn't that the definition of 'better'?"
Carrie: "No, it isn't. But at the same time... We must keep some distance because of who and what we represent."
DanteE: "Well...
DanteE: "If we do this in the Diplomacy Grove....
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. Does anyone have the Code of Heaven?)

  • Theresa nods at Carrie. "True. Who knows what trouble we could call down on everyone just by being 'nice',"

DanteE: "which is already separated from the general populace for some reason...
DanteE: (Brian)
Random_Nerd: (Thought so.)
Brian: (yeah, Heaven)
DanteE: "Have them stay just long enough for the party...
DanteE: "warn the authorities not to panic...
Random_Nerd: ("Lesser beings should respect their betters" and whatnot.)
DanteE: "... we might just pull it off."
DanteE: (and I might just be Marie of Roumania.)
Theresa: (Fetching dress, Marie.)
Carrie: "I like the idea of holding it in the Grove, but what if the attending Nobles want to see Amyra?
Random_Nerd: (I love what you've done with your... empty eye socket?)
DanteE: (No one got the reference?)
Theresa: "We bluff, play the tour guide and keep everyone on damage control?"
Theresa: (Nope. What was the ref?)
Carrie: "It can be done, but we should prepare carefully."
DanteE: (Dorothy Parker. "Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,/A medley of extemporanea;/And love is a thing that can never go wrong;/And I am Marie of Roumania.")
Random_Nerd: (*snort*)
Theresa: (*giggle*)
Theresa: "So, we prepare like we're coming under nuclear attack or is that not drastic enough?"
DanteE: "Depends on the food, really.
Carrie: "Nuclear preparations are single-minded. We need to be flexible."
DanteE: "Make a note: Twinkies off the table, but available on request."
Theresa: "True, nuclear fallout usually only happens once."
Theresa: "What's something memorable that we could do in conjunction with the party?"
Brian: "Eat the sun?"
DanteE: "... that _wouldn't_ panic the populace?"
Theresa: And if we invite the Angel of the Sun?" *pause, thinks* "You want to do that to her in _public_?!?"
Theresa: ( " at the beginning of that)
Random_Nerd: (It would be memorable...)
Theresa: (You'd also have to get her to agree...)
DanteE: "A ghost-miracle contest?"
Brian: (... I don't have a response to that, Beth...)

  • Theresa thinks. "With some kind of prize, Dante?"

DanteE: "Why, the admioration of the Society of Flowers."
DanteE: "and possibly a t-shirt."
Carrie: "If there were to be a prize, who would judge?"
Brian: "And Amyran Ghost Miracle Champion for a year"
DanteE: "Go by the applause of those assembled. We'll bring a dB-meter."
Brian: "Um, Dante..."
Theresa: (Aspect clapping.  :) )
Theresa: "And if someone doesn't like the judging, well, I'm sure the dueling afterwards will be interesting."
Carrie: "I think we should have the guest of honor judge. As to who that should be... I'm not exactly sure. Maybe the Angel of the Moon?"
DanteE: (I probably shouldn't admit I keep thinking "Fighting evil by moonlight..." :)
Brian: (damn you!)
Theresa: (Arrgghhh...she is the one called Sailor...arrgghh!)
Theresa: "Maybe just have Kudzu pick someone at random? Having a guest judge does take some of the heat off of _us_."
Carrie: (Should I be glad I only saw snippets of that show?)
Carrie: "That could work."
DanteE: "Kudzu _would_ pick randomly, wouldn't he?"
Random_Nerd: (Not really.)
Brian: "On the other hand, I can accurately measure things like enjoyment of the ... wait, they're Nobles. Hm... I might be able to accurately measure their applause..."
Random_Nerd: (Randomness isn't one of his things.)
DanteE: (do I still have a Div-link to the Library?)
Carrie: (Wildlords each have their own unique and incomprehensible logic, which rules them utterly.)
Random_Nerd: (That was ten minutes ago. Probably not. But several people here can do divinations free, right?)
Random_Nerd: (Brian has two, right?)
Carrie: (Brian and I, at least.)
DanteE: (can you 'look up' the Angel of the Moon?)
Brian: (if asked IC)
Carrie: (Good idea.)

  • Carrie will listen to the whispers about the Angel of the Moon, via Lesser Realm Div of Whispers.

DanteE: "Actually, we don't know squat about the Angel of the Moon, except that he or she plays tennis with Kudzu."
Theresa: "She."
Random_Nerd: "Ymera Tsaphiel, the Angel of the Moon, is the Celestial Imperator of Madness, Hounds, and Horns."

  • Carrie has done some listening between sessions, if that's okay with RN, and knows the story in the book about the sun and moon having bene lovers.

Random_Nerd: (And yes, there's a different angel of insanity in the corebook as an example.)
Random_Nerd: (That's fine.)
Theresa: (Hmm...I think the Power of Hounds was killed by an Exc. once.)
DanteE: (one of Luc's Nobles?)
Random_Nerd: (Correct.)
Random_Nerd: (And yes, "The Moon" is not one of her estates. That's a deliberate choice, not a sloppy mistake.)
Carrie: (Any more details from the Library?)
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. What sort of detail would you be listening for?)
Theresa: (Hmm..if we were being weird, we could invite every Family that used to have Luc as an Anchor and pump them all for info on the missing Nobles.)
Carrie: (Mainly anything about her agenda or personality.)
DanteE: (we'd also be being morbid, considering most of them died.)
DanteE: (How about Code?)
DanteE: (... actually, just check & make sure it's Heaven.
Random_Nerd: (The Library is curiously devoid of details about the Angel of the Moon. More so than most Imperators, really.)
DanteE: (...and locate the Angel of Brainfarts, would you? :)
Carrie: (Celestial Imperator. If she were Hell it's be Diabolic.)
Carrie: (Most curious.)
DanteE: (we could always invite Sachiel, Shamsiel, Ramiel, et cetera, just to make the local otaku plotz...)
Random_Nerd: (Could someone explain the anime reference?)
Theresa: (Hmmm...what if Kudzu has a crush on, I need to quit with the fictional matchmaking...)
DanteE: (look up Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Random_Nerd: (Ah. Okay.)
DanteE: (AFK a minute)
Theresa: "We should probably try to avoid inviting folks that are actively feuding. And probably not invite Bara(whatever his name is that helped with the Monty thing.)."
Random_Nerd: (Barakiel.)
Carrie: "Weren't we going ot invite Consequences?"
Theresa: (... It's disconcerting when the GM plays 'Taps' during a game. Even if it's just on a harmonica...)
Theresa: "Oh yeah...darn. And Lesson'll probably be there too..."
Carrie: "We could send Lesson on patrol duty in the jungles, maybe?"
Random_Nerd: (Also, if you were doing Luc's former bosses current Familiae, Shadows was one of Barakiel's.)
Theresa: (*nod*)
Carrie: (Do we want to invite entire Familia or just one from each?)
Brian: (if we want one from each, we invite the whole Familia)
Brian: (that way, theoretically, at least one comes)
Theresa: (Either might be fine but I'd hate to overcrowd. Just means more nuclear-powered cat-ferrets on crack to herd.)
DanteE: (bak)
Brian: (RN's going "EXCELLENT! Now THEY will know what it's like to GM Nobilis!" :-P)
Theresa: (*snort*)
Random_Nerd: (*plays Taps*)
DanteE: "Well, do we even know Tsaphiel will come?"
DanteE: "And we should be running this by our aides anyway, that's why they're there."
Theresa: *shrug* "We don't know if _anyone_ will come. We may have the 'cooties' as the new Nobles for a while."
Theresa: (Hmm...use Realm Miracles to contact them? Or through the badge?)
Brian: "Come now, or we will eat the Sun and Moon?"

  • Theresa facepalms. Not this image again...

Brian: "Who would you rather we eat?..." (err, he meant "what". yes.)
Theresa: (We are not funding freaky Noble-threesomes...or at least just not providing the munchies.)
Theresa: "I would prefer that we not threaten other Nobles' estates just to get them to come to a party."

  • DanteE makes a note to create edible mini-suns and moons for the food table. With milky way dip. :D

DanteE: (it does seem to be a recurring theme, we might as well use it. :)
Theresa: "So we have the where: The Diplomacy grove....we kind of have the who....what about a when?"
DanteE: "Next full moon would be the obvious choice."
Brian: "Five weeks ago yesterday. ... ok, I'll just stop trying to be surreal."
Carrie: "Let's run this by William before making the arrangements, but... Next full moon does sound promising."
Carrie: (How soon is the next full moon, RN? Or should we leave that undefined for now?)
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. I forget offhand what the date is in game, so let's leave it undefined for now.)
Random_Nerd: (Shall we say in a week?)
Theresa: (A week sounds fine. RSVP would be nice.)
DanteE: (well, we do need to do some prepping...)
Random_Nerd: (Two weeks?)
Brian: (next session?  :-P)
Carrie: (I say leave it undefined for now, but next session is out of the question.)
DanteE: (Next session needs to be prep...)
Theresa: (Prep of what?)
Random_Nerd: (Mind if we stop here?
Random_Nerd: )
Brian: (fine with me - I was about to suggest it, being that it's midnight)
DanteE: (OK by me)
Brian: (and I have some work I wanted to get done before bed... yay! I have work! Paying work! ^_^)
Theresa: (I'm good with stopping.)
Random_Nerd: _____STOP____

      • DanteE is now known as Knockwood.
      • You are now known as BethE.
      • Brian is now known as Lazarus.

BethE: Hmm...we are entering a dangerous journey... <g>
Lazarus: it's gonna be fun
Lazarus: my L5R game... we're just getting to Winter Court.
Lazarus: we're a minor clan, with several Major Clans attending.
Knockwood: well, just in case things go wrong, we'll give RN a chance to prepare a cruel angel's thesis.
Lazarus: so, two risky parties at once for Laz! :D

      • Carrie is now known as Etheric.

BethE: Thesis?
Knockwood: (that was a NGE ref)
BethE: Meh, I'm still waiting to see the movie that was the real ending... <G>
Lazarus: never seen any NGE :(
BethE: RN, can you explain again (if possible) the reason why the Angel of the Moon wouldn't have the Moon as an estate?
Random_Nerd: Well, remember the things you know about Barakiel?
Knockwood: it's playing on Cartoon Network as part of their Adult Swim. :)
BethE: RN - umm, I think so. Familia estates or other things like history?
Etheric: "Cruel Angel's Thesis" is the name of the opening theme song.
BethE: Etheric - Ahhh...I have had that song stuck in my head many times. Glad to know the name now. I can also do a cruddy version of Fly Me to the Moon.
Random_Nerd: Barakiel is the Angel of Jupiter.
Random_Nerd: His estates, however, are Consequences, Duty, Shadows, and Eclipses.
BethE: Ahhhhhhhhhh....
Knockwood: of course, for catchy anime theme songs, you can't beat Paranoia Agent. :)
BethE: any of the Families that Luc was an Anchor in have anything else in common?
Random_Nerd: Maybe.
BethE: Besides being Nobles.
Random_Nerd: You know two of the families of them.
Knockwood: OK 2 possible translations: Either "Yes, and you'll have to search for it" or "Haven't thought of that, but ... GREAT IDEA!"
Random_Nerd: The only common element you've seen so far is that both that you know of the Imperators of seem to have Celestial Imperators.
Random_Nerd: You don't know enough to know if that holds true for all the others.
Random_Nerd: I believe the list is Hounds, Shadows, The Arts, The Arts, Silver, Dance, and the Ocean.
BethE: Hmmm.
Random_Nerd: And currently Bone.
Lazarus: my question is "why do people keep Anchoring him?"
BethE: (I'm sure that the third Art took a look at Luc and said "Nonononononono..."_
BethE: )
Random_Nerd: He's very good at being an Anchor.
Knockwood: moonlight dances on the ocean and is howled at by hounds...
Random_Nerd: He's the Jeeves of Nobilis.
BethE: Laz - because he is the Noble equivalent of the Wolf from Pulp Fiction.
Random_Nerd: That works too.
Lazarus: are the nobles killed because he's their anchor, or do we only see a pattern because he's their anchor?
Lazarus: and Beth: never seen Pulp Fiction
Random_Nerd: The reasons for the deaths that you know of don't seem connected to him.
Random_Nerd: Okay, possibly Shadows.
Knockwood: you could argue for tenuous connections to the Moon for all of those
Lazarus: just because they don't seem connected to him, doesn't mean they aren't.
Random_Nerd: The possible connection with Shadows is that the guy who killed him, subsequently took on Luc as his Anchor.
Lazarus: and presumably died at some point late
Lazarus: r
Random_Nerd: Yep.
Random_Nerd: Executed by Entropy, I believe.
BethE: Hmm..the first Art died due to the Locust Court, right...never mind.
Lazarus: Luc should be the Noble of Anchors (who had their Nobles killed)
Random_Nerd: Another common connection is that most of the known deaths are heroic, stupid, or both.
Random_Nerd: Two of the known ones were killed by Excrucians, one died in a duel, one was executed.
Lazarus: ... phone sex lines have branched out into gay lines. You can tell because there's a man on tv.
Knockwood: well, that came from nowhere
Lazarus: that came from the tv.
BethE: Hmm, yeah I would have to agree on heroic/stupid/all of the above.
Knockwood: but none of them were excruciated
BethE: WHich is a good thing.
BethE: ABout how big do you think this party will be?
Lazarus: as big as RN wants?
Knockwood: what was the order in which those guys were Luc's anchors?
Knockwood: and: big enough that his playing everybody will distract him from our nefarious deeds.... oops, was that out loud? :)
Random_Nerd: Uh... I don't know the order offhand.

  • Random_Nerd tries to recall.

Random_Nerd: Silver, Hounds, Dance, Shadows, The Arts, The Arts, Ocean, Bone. I think.
Random_Nerd: But I could be misrecalling that.
Random_Nerd: And the Shadows in question was two Nobles ago, as he died some time ago, and the current Shadows is new.
BethE: Shadows has been around a hundred or so years, i think.
Knockwood: if there was someone in the interim
Random_Nerd: Yes, Knock, it's harder to plot nefarious deeds when I have fifty new NPCs to hang plot hooks on.
BethE: No, wait, that's Consequences. Shadows has to be younger because Luc is only about a hundred, I think.
Random_Nerd: Once an Imperator has made a chancel, it's rare for a gap in Nobles to pass.
Random_Nerd: (Also, it's possible that the list you have has gaps.)
Random_Nerd: (It was from the Library, which doesn't know everything, just what's public knowledge.)
Etheric: Well, going to call it a night.
Etheric: Be well all.
BethE: Night Etheric! *HUG*
Lazarus: 'night etheric

      • Etheric has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: Destiny is choice.).

Knockwood: who came up with this list of Luc's Nobles?
BethE: The Library, I think.
Knockwood: OOC
Random_Nerd: I beg your pardon?
Random_Nerd: Oh, you mean, what real-world human being did?
Lazarus: yes
Random_Nerd: Me.
Knockwood: ah. So, we can assume you didn't just pull it out of your (bleep)? :)
Random_Nerd: Possibly!
Random_Nerd: (Bear in mind that I say that regardless of whether it's meaningful or not.)
Random_Nerd: But the fact that it does tie in to established NPCs is suggestive.
Lazarus: I remember at least some of them being in the flaurelis (err... that the right word? little nanofics)
Random_Nerd: Flores?
Random_Nerd: My list matches those only through coincidene.
Lazarus: I'm sure lelak had a third syllable, but sure.
Random_Nerd: Coincidence.
Random_Nerd: Well, on the Nobilist, I believe the term that was settled on was flores. Right?
Lazarus: Unsure, haven't read the nobilist lots
Random_Nerd: Etheric would probably know, but he's gone.
Knockwood: flores sounds right
Random_Nerd: Still, don't go looking in the GWB to find out about Luc's past Nobles. I used it as inspiration, but not as a direct source.
Lazarus: I wouldn't expect any less
Random_Nerd: While the broad details of Luc's career are the same, I've changed him to a moderate degree.
Knockwood: of course, HG's perogative
BethE: And I just have to say that picking the GM's brain from this end doesn't work that well on him. ;P

  • Knockwood makes a point of not thinking of the alternative... :)

BethE: *grin*
Lazarus: Lelak says Flaures are the little nanofics.
Knockwood: they make me wonder about the works she quotes... a few from Emily Chen....
Random_Nerd: One moment, checking the Nobilist.
BethE: Knock - *nodnod* I want to read more of those 'books'.
Knockwood: of course I've got American Gods here, on my to-be-read list
Lazarus: I wish I had enough money to throw a bunch at Noble of RPGs, Rebecca Borgstrom, to have her write more stuff.
BethE: Mmm, good book.
Lazarus: not more rules. Just fiction.
Knockwood: I'd bribe her and SJ to let her to In Nom II
Knockwood: *do
BethE: (I think you might like Anazasi Boys too, Knock.)
Lazarus: actually, really, I would just fund RSB to have her do whatever the hell she wants
Lazarus: if I had the money, that is
Random_Nerd: Flaures has no hits, but flores has 144.
Lazarus: whatever :-P
Knockwood: flores has that flower connection
Lazarus: Fleures would be a good one. Has the great thing of "Fleure" being French for flower (and "fleures" being "flowers"), as well as having a "flourish" style to it (drop an accent on there, and you've got the pronunciation - but not spelling)
Knockwood: well, Emily Chen doesn't show up an Amazon...
Knockwood: at least not with the books names in the GWB
BethE: I don't think that she's a real writer...
BethE: Or am I misunderstanding where the author name is from?
Knockwood: but...
Random_Nerd: Emily Chen exists only in the brain of Rebecca, right?
Lazarus: that's the impression I got from all the Flores references.
Random_Nerd: "Flores" is what the individual parts of a floregium are called, correct?"
Knockwood: there are a few entries there with similar names that seem to have to do with Comp Science or similar things
Lazarus: I don't know, I don't rememeber, I'm tired, and sadly seemingly can't do the work I wanted to do before sleep :(
Random_Nerd: None of the "quotes" in Nobilis are from real books.
Lazarus: 'night folks.
Random_Nerd: G'night.

Knockwood: I wonder if she maybe 'promoted' some of the folks she worked with to surrealist authors... :)
Random_Nerd: I don't believe so.
Random_Nerd: Could be, though.
Random_Nerd: (For the record, a florigium is a book of small quotations.)
Random_Nerd: (Name comes from a book of flowers, so it's doubly appropriate.)