Session 51

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  • BethE ponders Brian and Theresa going out around the Chancel doing stuff, as an alternative if people don't show up.
  • lazarus coughs.

lazarus: Together, they fight crime!
BethE: Well, Brian can go out among his People. Heck, the courage award ceremony even.
Theresa: Were we fast-forwarding to the party?
Random_Nerd: Fine with me.
Brian: I think that's what we agreed
DanteE: We're gonna need more cheez doodles...
Random_Nerd: Okay. And can you give me the List?
Theresa: Of the finest doodle.
Random_Nerd: There've been so many different versions I honestly can't recall the last one.
Theresa: Consequences and Family. Night and Family. Physics. I think that was our last list?
Brian: I think so
DanteE: did we think up any other 'close' Nobles?
Random_Nerd: I can't think of any.
Theresa: Fear was tossed about and Choice, but nothing ever came of it.
DanteE: OK. Shall we RP party prep or launch right into guest arrival?
Random_Nerd: Either's fine with me.
Random_Nerd: I just need to know where you're having it and what's there.
Theresa: I thought in the Diplomacy Grove or Monty's Room were the options. *looks at others*
Brian: "Where's the chip bowl? Why are there no chips in it?!"
Brian: grove
DanteE: a tent in the middle of the Diplomacy Grove...
DanteE: set up so that they can watch the miracle contest?

      • Etheric has joined #nobilis.
  • Theresa hands Brian a large bowl of ridged potato chips. Salt 'm yourself.

DanteE: Which has a 'no permanent damage' rule...
Theresa: Hi Etheric! *HUG*
DanteE: Hiya Hope
Etheric: (Hi, sorry people -- I trust RN relayed that I was tied up with my mom's birthday celebration?)
Random_Nerd: (I hadn't mentioned the details.)
Brian: bowl of everlasting potato chips?
Random_Nerd: (I figured you could if you wanted to, since you'd be here in a moment anyway.)
Etheric: (Okay, not a problem.)

      • Mode change "+oooo DanteE Etheric Random_Nerd Theresa" for channel #nobilis by Brian.

Random_Nerd: Okay, shall we begin?
Etheric: (Regardless, that's what happened. I should have mentioned it beforehand, but I honestly didn't expect it to run this late.)
Etheric: (Fine with me.)

      • Etheric is now known as Carrie.

Brian: wait, first - RN, do you remember what we put doing things like making a bowl of everlasting potato chips at?
Theresa: (I think a bowl of everflowing potato chips would be more of a Realm Lesser Change than a Plant thing.)
Random_Nerd: Mmm... *ponders a moment*
Brian: (Numbers thing, T...)
Random_Nerd: Preservation, according to precedent.
DanteE: Now wait, these are Nobles, we have to make it fancy. Everlasting blue tortilla chips.
Brian: ok. If we're not RPing prep, then I'll have created one of those, taking ... crap, don't remember - 2 DMPs?
Random_Nerd: Potato chips fall under Plants.
Theresa: Blue tortilla chips? What do we look like, Bobby Flay? <G>
Random_Nerd: Yes you do. All of you.
Random_Nerd: Except James, who looks like Rachel Ray.
Brian: what level's a Preservation, again?
Carrie: (Is this good or bad, cornsidering that I have no idea who those names are.)
Random_Nerd: Okay, everlasting potato chips. Big tent in Diplomacy Grove.
DanteE: ghost-realm-creation of Chairman Kaga.
Random_Nerd: Lesser Preservation's 3.
Random_Nerd: (Food Channel people.)
Random_Nerd: (Chairman Kaga's just Entropy in disguise.)
Random_Nerd: Any other details of prep you want to establish ahead of time?
Theresa: (Bobby Flay is an obnoxious chef who likes to southwesternise everything, with chipolte and blue tortilla corn chips. Rachel Ray, I dunno, just some cute chief who likes to abbrieviate Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Kaga is...well, that takes longer.
DanteE: Creation of a nice low-wind sunny day?
Brian: with it as a Level 3 miracle, it's free for me? Sweet. We'll have everlasting potato chips and other stuff like that.
Random_Nerd: You can just do a Preservation of Nice Weather for that.
Theresa: Some comfortable chairs under the tent and in Monty's room. Oh and Carrie and I at least went out and gathered homemade food from Amyra.
DanteE: Ah... Carrie's a foreigner, remember. Should probably be you & me.
Random_Nerd: Okay. Guest List consists of Consequences, Duty, Eclipses, Shadows, Night, Physics, Martyrs, and Angst.
DanteE: (hm... Duty & Martyrs ought to have some interesting conversation)
Theresa: THat should be enough to keep herded like the nuclear cats on catnip heroin they are.
Random_Nerd: I think we've got everything we need. Anyone have anything else before we start?
DanteE: What's the entree?
Carrie: (Did William have anyone else to suggest? Eight seems like not very many..)
Carrie: (Though if the rest are fine with it I won't object.)
Random_Nerd: (William didn't suggest anyone, and you guys vetoed Samuel's suggestions.)
DanteE: (eight people who _warp reality to their will as entertainment_ :)
Carrie: (I was sort of expecting we'd name a few and William would say, "Well you can't invite X ithout inviting Y, they'd take offense."
Carrie: (Oh -- what were Samuel's again?)
Brian: (I wanted to meet the Power of Blue Shock)
Theresa: (Some Dionyls, if I remembered right.)
DanteE: (There's the trouble, he was saying Dionyls have trouble with Earth chancels)
Random_Nerd: (He suggested... Blue Shock, Conceptual Tint, and The Triad.)
Carrie: (Ah... Well, I'll just check the log later.)
Random_Nerd: (Well, Noble dionyl don't have those problems. Nor do anchored ones.)
Random_Nerd: (It's just regular ones that have difficulty adjusting to Earth.)
Theresa: (Then let's go ahead and invite them! "What could go wrong?" <G>)
Brian: (I agree)
Random_Nerd: (Okay. Anything else?)
DanteE: (part of it was what would they do? We could set up fans, but that'd be kinda bland because we can't "color" the air)
Theresa: (Nope. We're probably forgetting something major, but such is any important party or event.)
Theresa: (Have a fountain nearby, I thought.)
Random_Nerd: (Well, you actually will be able to "color" the air.)
Random_Nerd: (They're nobles of a True God.)
Random_Nerd: (And one of them is Conceptual Tint.)
Carrie: (So they bring their Estates with them when they come... What does Conceptual Tint do again?)
Random_Nerd: Oh, one question I had for you. Which of your various assistants and underlings, if any, are invited?
Random_Nerd: (It's like synthaesia as a physical law.)
Theresa: The Maple is already 'there'.  :)
Random_Nerd: (Err, synesthesia.)
Brian: I'll have invited Jim, but I doubt he'd want to attend.
DanteE: Our aides are invited, I think...
DanteE: The big question is Lesson & the Bureau.
Random_Nerd: I don't think so. As characterized, he's not much for parties.
Carrie: (My parents/Anchors are there, and I don't really have any other significant servants.)
Brian: Lesson is an Anchor, but he's James' Anchor. With James AWOL...
Theresa: Would Jim have wanted to meet Physics?
Random_Nerd: Lesson generally seems to function as an assistant to the group as a whole.
DanteE: he's already met Numbers. :)
Random_Nerd: Even when we have a James, he usually doesn't interact much with Lesson directly.
Carrie: (Wehave a James? Actively?)
Random_Nerd: (Not at the moment.)
Theresa: Is he all healed up from the police station? Has he gotten a new suit and fedora?
Random_Nerd: (We're between James right now.)
Carrie: (Ah. Misread.)
Random_Nerd: He's healed up.
Random_Nerd: And yes, he has.
Theresa: Maybe have Lesson while Ick and the rest of the Bureau keep an eye on the borders and Chancel during the party?
Carrie: (I don't know that's the best idea -- Consequences will be there.)
DanteE: do I need to remind you that the guests probably include someone who stuffed Lesson in the box?
Random_Nerd: Technically not. Lesson was one of the consignment of demons that Barakiel brought back with him from Hell. He hasn't directly interacted with Consequences based on what you know.
Theresa: Okay, Les...*blink* Wha-now?
DanteE: ah, wasn't sure of the timeline.
Random_Nerd: What part of that was new?
Random_Nerd: I thought that was at least strongly hinted, based on what you knew.
Carrie: (Consequences *was* surprised that we hadn't killed Lesson, though.)
Carrie: (So he wouldn't be that thrilled to meet him.)
Theresa: I just thought that Lesson and Consequences had met before. I had assumed that Con. was the one who told Lesson that he was good at proportional torture.
Random_Nerd: (But Lesson wouldn't recognize Consequences, as if that's even possible.)
Carrie: (I think including Lesson would be somewhat of a faux pas.)
Random_Nerd: If I said that, I got my backstory mixed up, but I don't think I said that.
Theresa: Oh, yes, because Conseq. had that nondescript look to him...
Theresa: Okay, I retract Lesson. But we would have told him that he had a very important job of guarding while we were entertaining the Nobles and nothing's going to go wrong, right?
Brian: yep
Brian: keep people from the grove? Protect the border?
Carrie: (Sounds good.)
Theresa: *nodnod*
Random_Nerd: Okay. I think we're ready.
Random_Nerd: Agreed?
Brian: yep
Carrie: (Sure.)
Theresa: *nod*
Random_Nerd: Everlasting food of various sorts around, meeting in Diplomacy Grove, no Lesson, Dionyl invited. Correct?
Brian: correct
DanteE: hm...
Random_Nerd: Hmm?
DanteE: well, we'll need to get a fountain in the grove, and some fans...
Random_Nerd: Details. Feel free to narrate stuff like that in at will.
Random_Nerd: Ready?
Theresa: *pulls some of the bewitched Beloved of Brian in and gives them palm branches*
Theresa: (Ah, okay. Ready.)
Brian: they are NOT Bewitched!
Random_Nerd: ________________START______________
DanteE: (Ah, if we do a Miracle Contest, we can't have mortals here, their minds would go pop)

  • Theresa fiddles with some of the living decorations.

Theresa: (Good point.)
Brian: "There, I think that just about does it. Now, we just need guests..."
Brian: (William as Majordomo, announcing arrivals, I think)
Random_Nerd: Guests are expected to arrive any minute, and all the arrangements are in place.
DanteE: (how would they arrive exactly?)

  • Theresa paces, nervous.

Random_Nerd: (I assume that you've given them sufficient information to be able to move directly to the Grove if they have the requisite Gifts or talents.)
Brian: (of course)

  • DanteE guises up a nice formal suit.

Random_Nerd: A tone, like a deep iron bell ringing, sounds in the air.
Random_Nerd: (Nobles can see through Guising, remember.)
Random_Nerd: (But you can easily just have such a suit on hand.)

  • Theresa is in a nice cotton dress.

DanteE: (anyone else keep flashing back to the Party Quirks game from Whose Line Is It Anyway? :)

  • Brian is in the suit Theresa made for him a while back.

Theresa: (Dante - Hah!  :) )
Brian: (heh!)
Brian: (what the hell is /this/ doo-dad?)

  • Carrie is wearing an elegant white gown, slightly iridescent in the light. She steps forward to welcome the new arrival.

Random_Nerd: A glowing line splits the air, from about ten feet up to the ground.
Random_Nerd: It widens to the shape of an arch.
Random_Nerd: Through walks...
Random_Nerd: Well, it's hard to describe.
Random_Nerd: The first one's wearing a white wig and a dinner jacket, pretty sure.
Random_Nerd: Second one through's dressed mainly in white.
Brian: (Dionyl?)
Theresa: (Ten quataloos that it's a Dionyl.)
Random_Nerd: And the last one's wearing a somewhat tattered trenchcoat.
Carrie: (I'd take that bet. :P )
Random_Nerd: (No, it's not that there isn't any body there...)
Random_Nerd: (Just... their physical appearance conveys no impression to your brains.)
Carrie: (It's Barakiel's familia.)
Brian: (ah)
Random_Nerd: Wig and Jacket: *looks at a watch*
Random_Nerd: "Just on time, I believe, correct?"
Theresa: (*gives Carrie the money*)
Carrie: (Or else someone else with that Imperator property.)
Brian: "Welcome to Amyra. You're the first to arrive, just on time."
DanteE: "You are indeed.
Brian: "I'm Brian, that's Dante, Theresa, and Carrie."

  • Theresa inclines her head a bit to the guests.

Random_Nerd: "Ah. Pleased to meet you. I'm Immanuel, Power of Duty. These are my familia."
Random_Nerd: "Consequences, I believe you've met."
Theresa: "Our brother James is currently busy at the moment and unable to attend the festivities."
Theresa: (Whoops, that was before the other Introductions.)
Random_Nerd: "And Thomas Shadows'-Regal I do not believe has been introduced to you.."
Random_Nerd: He nods.
Random_Nerd: "The demands of the war place create plenty of work for all of us, of course. I hope you won't think us amiss in our responsibilities for coming."

  • Carrie curtsies slightly. "Carrie Winters, Domina of Hope. Pleased to meet you."

Random_Nerd: Consequences, in white, waves.
Random_Nerd: Thomas S-R paces around, but doesn't directly introduce himself.
DanteE: "Dante, Scion of Courage and Blades. Welcome to Kaerkoven."
Theresa: "Oh no, we're glad you're able to take some time to relax with us!"
Random_Nerd: Duty inclines his head a degree or two.
Brian: "Please, make yourselves comfortable. We've got plenty of food."
Carrie: "If this meeting builds the alliances between Nobles, it can only aid the war, can it not?"
Random_Nerd: Shadows mills over into the shadow of the Maple, and stretches.
DanteE: "Please, have a seat over here by the food."
Random_Nerd: A sound like a trill on a flute is heard from the air.
Brian: (Who wants to bet that the Maple will say something, in the middle of the party, like "YOU ARE ALL DOOOM-ED!"?)
Random_Nerd: All three of those that've already arrived walk over to the tent area.
Theresa: (Nah, I expected that Maple would talk during the party a long time ago and thus, RN won't do it.  :) )
Random_Nerd: The same flute sound reoccurs, a half-step higher.
Theresa: "More company..."
DanteE: (10 quatloos says this is the Dionyl)
Random_Nerd: A dark red three-corner hat drifts by on the wind.
Theresa: (I'll have to step out of the betting. I still have that chocolate habit of Theresa's to fund.)
Random_Nerd: A moment after, a red-and-white scarf follows, as does a three-piece suit.
Random_Nerd: All three drift a little, and then assume the positions they'd be in if worn by people of more or less average height.
DanteE: "Ah, hello....
Random_Nerd: Hat: "Pleased to meet you."
DanteE: "Samuel, I believe you can help us with the protocol..."
Theresa: "Welcome to Amyra!"
Random_Nerd: Samuel walks over from the tent to where you and the Dionyl are standing.
Brian: "Welcome to Amyra, Nobilis of Dionyl. I am Brian, Numbers. These are Dante, Blades and Courage; Theresa, Plants; and Carrie, Hope." (gesturing, of course, to the appropriate person at the right time)
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "These are Conceptual Tint, Blue Shock, and the Triad, from Locus Senhar."
Random_Nerd: He turns to them.
Random_Nerd: He does a complicated bow that wouldn't be possible for someone with an actual physical body.
Random_Nerd: The hat adjusts its angle slighty.
Theresa: ( *holds up sign with "9.9" on it*)
Brian: (That's Brian's job ;))
Random_Nerd: Scarf: "Thank you for inviting us to your home."
Theresa: (*grin*)
DanteE: "Welcome, Nobles. Have a seat over here by the fountain and fans."

  • Carrie curtsies in response to the three Nobles, each in turn.
  • DanteE makes sure they're both running...

Random_Nerd: Suit: "Now, this is an Earth Chancel, but not an actual Red Zone, right?"
Random_Nerd: Scarf makes a shushing noise.

  • Brian looks at Samuel quizzicly?

Theresa: "Red Zone?"
Carrie: (Um, quick Lesser Divination of Whispers to find out if the Library has anything on Red Zones?)
Random_Nerd: William, in the background: "A colloquial term for an Excrucian Breakthrough, or more loosely, a highly contested location. We aren't one."
DanteE: (with Blue Shock and Red Zone this is starting to sound like a deodorant commercial... :)
Random_Nerd: (Red Zones are in the GWB, I'm almost positive.)
Theresa: "Oh, no, we're not a Red Zone. Just a rather newish EnChancelment."
Random_Nerd: Suit: "Ah, a relief. I know you're on the front here, where we aren't back home, and I wasn't sure of the precise degree of danger."
Random_Nerd: (Yep, Red Zone's on page 14, GWB.)
Theresa: "Well, we hope you have a pleasant stay with us." *warm smile*
Random_Nerd: Incidentially, everything seems a little... off, perceptually speaking.
Carrie: (Gee, sure a lot of hints relating to the Valde Bellum. Is our HG trying to make a point? ^^; )
Random_Nerd: It's not quite tasting sounds and hearing sights, but that's the closest analogue.
Brian: ("aah, synesthaesia, a most wonderful sensation.")
Random_Nerd: (Well, from the Dionyl perspective, going to Earth is like going to Russia during WWII.)
Theresa: (Would they have prefered Casablanca?)
Random_Nerd: Samuel swirls appreciatively.
DanteE: (They're freezing their tails off? :)
Theresa: (Eat, Drink and Be Merry...for tomorrow, they may be Excruciated.)
Carrie: (Aah. So, it's a big place, where a lot of it is war-torn, but a lot of it isn't. And they hear mostly about the war-torn parts.)
Random_Nerd: (Pretty much.)
DanteE: "We actually haven't had any native-soil attacks since the enChanceling."
Random_Nerd: Oh, and somewhere by the tent, next to the Unfathomables, you see someone you didn't spot before. A young guy, in jeans and a denim jacket, with hands dripping red on the table.
Random_Nerd: Hat: "Oh? That's good, I suppose. How long has that been?"
Brian: (frak. that's not good)
Theresa: (*hides the 'We Have Been __ Days since Excrucian Attack' sign*)
Random_Nerd: Suit and Scarf whisper something along the lines of "Surely that's not..." "Well, do /you/ want to ask?"

  • Theresa heads over to the young man. "Hello?"

DanteE: "Well, it's been ... uhoh...
Random_Nerd: He looks up at Theresa.
Random_Nerd: "Yes?"

  • Carrie approaches the young man. "Hello, welcome to our Chancel. I'm not certain if we've been introduced?"
  • Brian hovers protectively by the girls

Random_Nerd: He smiles, and says "I'm a man of distinction and taste, hope you guess my name. But I confuse my references, I suppose."
Random_Nerd: (err, wealth and taste.)

  • Theresa holds out a hand notlookingathishands, "I...think I do. I'm Theresa, m'lord."
  • Theresa has a slight wry look. "Showing my mortal age, I suppose."

Random_Nerd: (The skeleton hand?)
DanteE: ("Wow, nice to meet you Mr. Jagger!")
Theresa: (Nah, she healed that up before the party. Didn't want to freak anyone out with it.)
Brian: (aw, that gave her some distinction)
Random_Nerd: He shakes her hand, shrugs, and hands her a handkerchief from his pocket.
Theresa: (And a tendency to snap off fingers with a good handshake.)
Theresa: "Thank you. We...weren't expecting you."
Random_Nerd: A purplish smell of cinnamon wafts in the air.
Random_Nerd: Young Guy: "Oh, I'm sorry, is this a private party?"
DanteE: (See, another reason to hold this outside...)
Brian: (and we were worried about inviting the /Dionyl/...)

  • Carrie is smiling at the presumable Lord Entropy, trying to figure out the best way to respond.

Random_Nerd: The cinnamon shades to cloves, and turns to a light green in the process.
Theresa: "It was invitations, but who are we to be rude to a guest." *surrep. wipes off hand* "Would you like some refreshments?"
Theresa: (I had thought you were going to go Kill Bill with Entropy, RN.  :) )
Random_Nerd: An older guy with greying hair, wearing what looks like a hybrid between a sports jacket and a monarch butterfly with tentacles, starts to slowly fade into existence.
Random_Nerd: (I have my plans.)
Random_Nerd: Red Hands: "Oh, I helped myself."
Random_Nerd: William walks over to the guy who's dissolve-cutting into the Grove.
Random_Nerd: When he's almost in, there's a loud snapping sound, and two more figures appear next to him.
DanteE: "Didn't realize this get-together had become so ... notorious. By the way, do you know Kudzu?"
Carrie: (For all we know this guy is a fake, but I don't know if anyone would dare do that.)
Random_Nerd: One's a twentyish woman in a grey business suit, one's a rather preppy college-age guy in a polo shirt and jeans.
Theresa: (If he is a fake, he is probably the Noble of Big Brass Ones.)
Random_Nerd: Red Hands: "I do believe we've been introduced, yes. Is he going to be here?"
DanteE: (That's _my_ turf)
DanteE: "Well, he's here by definition... not sure if he's planning an appearance, though."
Brian: (Lelak posits that Entropy is Emo...)
Carrie: "I don't believe our Lord had planned to formally attend, but I'm sure he takes careful note of what transpires here."
Random_Nerd: Red Hands: "Ah, very well. Do you mind if I go mingle?"
Theresa: (The name of his LJ is "redrighthand".)
Random_Nerd: In the background, it's tough to tell, but you're pretty sure Shadows didn't have that rapier at his side a moment ago.
Theresa: "Oh no, please." *carefully walks over to the new folks and William*

  • Brian goes to the new arrivals. "Greetings, and welcome to Amyra. I am Brian, in charge of Numbers. My familia is around, and ... here's Theresa, Lady of Plants."

Carrie: "By all means, and it is a pleasure."

  • Carrie cursies slightly to Red Hands, then walks over to join Brian and Theresa.

Random_Nerd: William, to the three: "If there's anything I or my associate can do to make you at home, please, just ask."
Random_Nerd: Salt-And-Pepper Hair: "Hello, I'm Laurence, Duke of Shadows."
Theresa: (*blink* Umm...don't we already have a Shadows?)
Random_Nerd: "These are my familia, Petra of Martyrs and, err... Gene of Epistemological Doubt."
Random_Nerd: (err, Night.)
Random_Nerd: (Sorry, mixed up two similar Estates.)
Theresa: (*whew* I know it's going to get bad tween those two, but I didn't think we had out and out twinning...)
Theresa: "Pleased to meet all of you. Welcome to our home."
Random_Nerd: Petra: "I do hope we aren't late."
DanteE: So, what's E doing?
Random_Nerd: She adjusts her red tie.
Carrie: (I was worried for a moment one was an impostor, before I realized the guy's name was Laurence.)
Random_Nerd: (He's talking to the Unfathomable Three, who seem rather uncomfortable.)
Theresa: (Well, he is sort of the corpse at the wedding...)
Random_Nerd: Gene: "Over there... that isn't... him, right?"
Random_Nerd: G: "Just a little joke, yes?"
Theresa: "Oh, not late at all, everyone has just been arriving. Please, please come in and refresh yourselves."
Random_Nerd: William shrugs at Angst.
DanteE: (Dang, forgot where I was...)
Theresa: (Anything muttered is going to be heard by anyone with Aspect, right?)
Carrie: "He seems to have come on his own initiative. We hope that this won't be any problem, and that all might enjoy the party."
DanteE: "It actually may be .. him. Crashing the party."
Random_Nerd: (Unless you mutter it really quietly, in which case it'll only be heard with people with sufficiently high Aspect.)
Theresa: (How high is Entropy's Aspect?)
Random_Nerd: Gene: "In that case... there's an open bar, right?"
DanteE: (Avogadro's number.)
Carrie: (I really doubt we know that.)
Theresa: "Any plant-based alcohol you can name and possible a few you can't."
Brian: "Of course there's an open bar. Plus, all the food you can eat."
Theresa: (possibly even)
Random_Nerd: Angst: "Ah, goo.d"
DanteE: "Whiskey, or straight to Tequila?"
Carrie: (Do we have a bartender, or is it sort of PReservation-miracled into working?)
Carrie: (Or, wait, is an open bar referring to one where it's serve-yourself?)
Theresa: (Free and/or serve yourself, I think.)
Random_Nerd: (Either way's fine with me, just tell me which.)
Random_Nerd: The new arrivals mingle into the group over by the tent, keeping a distance from the guy with bloody hands.
Brian: (Preservation-miracled, was my thought?)
Random_Nerd: (Makes sense.)
Carrie: (I think we decided no mortals would be there and none of our Anchors would want to tend bar, so yeah.)
Theresa: (*nodnod* No need for DA.)
DanteE: "Alternatively, there's this wonderful liqeur called 'Everclear' which also doubles as a paint thinner."

  • Carrie glances at Dante confusedly.

Theresa: "Now, now, you know that some of the fraternities on the University campus have been doing wonderful things with the Everclear..."
Random_Nerd: Duty, in the wig, is telling an anecdote regarding a confrontation with an Excrucian. All three Dionyl are listening in an interested way.

  • Carrie will walk over to listen.

Theresa: *to the others* "That's everyone, right? Plus one?"
Brian: "Physics hasn't arrived yet, I don't think"
Random_Nerd: The Dionyl in the three-piece suit arranges a few bottles carefully, waves a sleeve, and pours himself a drink from a bottle that wasn't there a moment ago.

  • Theresa mutters about a hostess' work is never done. "Would anyone else like something specific to drink?"

Random_Nerd: Duty: "...but I knew, since he'd reforged himself in the aspect of my late friend Fate, that he wouldn't..."
Random_Nerd: (And yes, one of the dionyl is drinking. This is rather unusual, I might mention.)
Theresa: (True..from what we know of their eating habits. Maybe it's because Entropy is there. He drives Nobility to drink?)
Random_Nerd: Shadows bumps up against Red Hands as he walks by him.
Random_Nerd: Red Hands scowls, and flicks a bit of blood on Shadows' trenchcoat.
Random_Nerd: Still no sign of another guest.

  • Theresa steps up. "Ahh, Shadows. I saw you were enjoying one of my favorite trees in this grove..."

DanteE: "Brian, why don't you wait for the straggler while I get the entree on the table?
DanteE: "
Brian: "Sure."
Brian: (Quick: what's Entropy's Domains?"
Brian: (), rather)
Random_Nerd: (Destruction, Spite, Desecration.)
DanteE: (with a minor in Making Nobles Shit Themselves)

  • Theresa steps up closer to Shadows and smiles winningly.

Random_Nerd: (I think that falls under Spite.)
Random_Nerd: Shadows shrugs.
Random_Nerd: "I guess."
Random_Nerd: (That last being Shadows.)
Carrie: (Is it Spite in this game and not Scorn?)

  • DanteE goes over to where they're cooking a side of beef old Roman style. :)

Random_Nerd: (Oh, wait, the book has Scorn? That, then.)
Random_Nerd: (I think of them as pretty similar, I guess.)
Random_Nerd: (But that wasn't an intentional change.)
Carrie: (Okay.)
Random_Nerd: Red Hands wanders over to Brian.
Brian: "Yes, sir, can I help you?"
Random_Nerd: RH: "So, I hear your estate was attacked by the Excrucians recently?"
Brian: "That happened a while ago, but yes."
Theresa: "He's a rather unusual tree, actually. Apparently he has been visited by a secret Noble and told to keep a secret. And I haven't been able to get at the secret yet."
DanteE: (and you can bring over the Excrucian if you want, too)
Random_Nerd: RH: "How'd you end up dealing with that?"

  • DanteE hauls the beef over to the big table, spit and all.

Brian: "I redefined the attack out of existance - the Excrucians attempted to convince the mathemeticians that there was nothing left to find. They forgot about [Brian goes into Mathspeak for a while, describing the chains of stuff that happened from the discoveries at the time]"
Random_Nerd: A bluish bell ringing, the same sound as before, rings out.
Theresa: (Is Brian going to get the 'doorbell'?)

  • Carrie walks over toward the source of the sound.

Random_Nerd: RH: "Hmm. What do you think that did to the other estates related to mathematics?"
Brian: (Brian's now engaged in conversation ... hopefully boring Entropy and having him go elsewhere :p)
Theresa: (Let's ask Physics!)
DanteE: "So, who wants well-done? :)
Random_Nerd: A... person, appears next to Carrie. A voice that's almost certainly feminine says "I do apologize for my lateness."
Theresa: *to Shadows* "I'm wanting to stay delicate with the Maple tree, not just take the secret and destroy him...but it is an interesting little problem, at least to me."
Brian: "Well, the world hasn't collapsed around us yet. That's also part of the reason I hope Physics shows up - I really don't know how math-based Estates interact with my own."
Random_Nerd: Duty and Angst raise their hands.
Random_Nerd: After a slight pause, so does The Triad.

  • Carrie smiles at the new arrival, curtsying slightly. "I'm Carrie Winters, Domina of Hope."

Random_Nerd: RH: "Physics? Well, I can explain that one. I was rather under the impression that Physics had submitted an official complaint against you to the Locust Court."
Random_Nerd: RH: "Seemed pretty angry about it, actually. I don't believe w...they had gotten around to formal charges yet, of course."
DanteE: (OK, who did the Creation of Drama? :)
Random_Nerd: New Arrival: "I'm... well, you'll pardon me if I don't give a name. I'm Eclipses."

  • DanteE slices up some beef.

Theresa: (Not me! I was working on my Lesser Creation of Idle Chatter.)

  • Carrie is oblivious to that -- bless Aspect 0 hearing. "Welcome to Amyra."

Random_Nerd: Duty and Angst argue about Kierkegaard.
Carrie: ("That" meaning the Locust Court reference.)
Random_Nerd: Eclipses: "That sun's a little bright, and I think one of my family is a bit put out. Do you mind if I do something about that?"
DanteE: "Go ahead... though please confine it to the grove. This is still a human nation. Potatoes?"
Random_Nerd: The Triad is currently talking with Martyrs about cows.
Carrie: "Assuming you mean something temporary, I wouldn't mind at all."
Random_Nerd: She waves a hand, and the clouds under the sun thicken.
Random_Nerd: "Thank you."
Random_Nerd: RH, to Brian: "Do you have any comments on that?"
Random_Nerd: RH: "I mean, 'conspiring to weaken the foundations of Creation' is a pretty serious charge."
Brian: "The problem with being under Excrucian attack is you're being redefined out of existance. I would hope that Physics could understand that, it being the first time I was under attack, so shortly after having become a Noble, I hadn't had time to put much thought into the various threads of effect. I would hope that I could deal with such an attack better in the future"
Brian: (Sorry, I was in the process of writing a large paragraph, while deciding exact wordings for the whole shebang at once)
Random_Nerd: RH: "I think, ah... /they/ break out the bugs for that one."
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock, in the scarf, paces around.
DanteE: (what is 'Blue Shock', exactly?)
Brian: " 'conspiring to weaken the foundation of creation'? Conspiring with whom? And weakening how? Mathematics enjoyed a boost of importance in the aftermath of that attack. I can see this doing nothing other than strengthen reality."
Random_Nerd: (It's the way that too many conceptually blue things, in a confined space, cause a rebound towards warmer colors.)
Random_Nerd: (It's not an Earthly estate.)

  • Theresa notices Eclipses' arrival. "Ahh, your Sister?" *to Shadows*

Theresa: (Blue like...Angst? <G>)
Random_Nerd: Shadows nods, and Eclipses looks at him.
Random_Nerd: You can't quite see her face, but you're still pretty sure there's a glare there.
Theresa: "I'm glad she could make it!" *smile*
Theresa: (*facepalm*)
Random_Nerd: RH: "Well, I'm just saying, they might say that you arranged with the Excrucians to cause the attack as a pretext, to give you the chance to do what you did with an excuse..."
Random_Nerd: Shadows says, in a rather teenagerish voice, "That is an interesting story about the tree, ma'am."
DanteE: Aspect-impressive: "Dinner is served!"

  • Theresa recognizes the glare, now. BigSister "You _are_ behaving, _right_?"

Random_Nerd: Martyrs, to Dante: "Could I have a rare piece, please?"
Brian: "I had been a Noble for [insert time, it was somewhere between 1 and 2 months, IIRC?]. I would present that that is insufficient time to even learn of the full extent of the Excrucian threat, let alone conspire with them and come up with a plot that would unravel creation - and myself - if it failed..."
Random_Nerd: Shadows brushes his trenchcoat, and it turns to a lighter shade.
Random_Nerd: Greyish, say.
Theresa: *to Shadows* "I'm hoping to figure out the mystery within the next decade or two. Until then, I just take care of him and Red, our giant walking redwood tree."
Carrie: (Less than that, more like 2 days.)
Random_Nerd: RH: "Well, you do know what they say about the Wild. Half on the other side already, and all that."
Brian: (and, it's great that there's someone who's even less capable at flirting with T than Brian :-P)

  • DanteE slices up a bloody (but not too bloody) slice for Martyrs. "Rare enough?"

Random_Nerd: RH: "I think Physics said something about that in his statement."
Theresa: (I don't think he's flirting. The 'ma'am' gives it away. <g>)
Brian: (I thought that he was trying and botching ;))
Random_Nerd: Martyrs takes the piece, and smiles at Dante.

  • Theresa has a slight bristle at hearing the insult toward the Wild.

Brian: "While it is true that the Wild views Sanity as a crutch and a cage, that does not mean that we're all batshit, if you'll excuse the language."
Random_Nerd: RH: "Even still, I think you and I should have Words after this gathering."
Theresa: *to Shadows* "How long have you been a Noble, Shadows? I think we here in Amyra are around the 2 month mark or so...hard to keep track of time in Chancel at times."
Brian: "That sounds Ominous, but if you feel it's for the best..."
Random_Nerd: RH: "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't think I've properly introduced myself. Jack, Dominus of Physics." He holds out a hand to shake.
Brian: "Ha. Neat trick. Welcome, Jack."

  • Brian shakes his hand.

Theresa: (Oh you are _kidding_ me...)
Random_Nerd: Jack: "Well, I figure, you just about gave me a heart attack with that set theory thing. So fair's fair, eh?"
Random_Nerd: A sigh of relief echoes from just about everyone there.
Carrie: (I knew it!)
Theresa: (I say we dunk him in the ocean!)
Brian: (isn't impersonating Entropy one of the Illegal things?)
Random_Nerd: (It's not on the official rules.)
Brian: (damn.)
Random_Nerd: (Say... that it's not illegal in the way that it's not illegal to set yourself on fire?)
DanteE: "You two, over here!"
Carrie: (Technically he never claimed to be Entropy, anyway. We just assumed.)
Random_Nerd: (Besides, he didn't actually say he was Entropy.)
DanteE: "We're not here to fight, we're here to meet. And, for now, to eat."
Theresa: (Yes, and I would rather assume and be wrong, than scoff and end up with the Worldbreakers Hand up my posterior.)
Brian: "Somehow, I was expecting Physics to be less ... Loki. If you'll forgive me for saying."
Random_Nerd: Angst argues with Duty, waving a fork in the air for emphasis.
Theresa: (What are they arguing about? Still Kaer.? And what about that?)
Random_Nerd: Jack: "Clearly you haven't met many American physics grads."
Carrie: (Who's Dante talking to?)
DanteE: Brian and Jack, there. :)
DanteE: Aspect 2, he heard everything./
Random_Nerd: (About truth and subjectivity, still. And yes, still Kierkegaard.)
Brian: "Well, it's been a while, at least. Anyway, I beleive Dante's got the food out..."
Carrie: (Okay if Carrie decided to listen in just when Jack identified himself?)
Random_Nerd: Jack looks at his hands, and wipes them on his jacket.
Brian: (C has Perfect Timing, doesn't she?)
Random_Nerd: (She does.)
Carrie: (Yes, that's why I asked.)
Random_Nerd: (So it's fine.)

  • DanteE slices Jack a nice rare steak... :)
  • Carrie heads over to the table, and takes a seat, somehow being just at the cusp of fashionably late.

Random_Nerd: Shadows, to Theresa: "A bit over half a year."
Random_Nerd: S: "So it's still a bit weird, you know?"
DanteE: "We're going on two weeks. It's extremely weird.

  • Theresa nods. "Completely. I keep finding that I was having to redefine 'impossible' to myself on an almost daily basis. Especially after our Godzilla-sized rabbit escaped his room." *takes his arm* "Shall we eat?"

Random_Nerd: S: "Yeesh, man, and you've already gone through an Excrucian attack?"
Random_Nerd: (That, to Dante.)
Random_Nerd: S: "Is... there a reason why you would have a giant rabbit that everyone else already knows?"
Carrie: "Not quite. Keeping him was a charge from our Lord."
Theresa: *smile* "Our Imperator made him...he started out normal bunny size..."
DanteE: "Our Imperator is of the Wild, and it shows?"
Random_Nerd: S: "Okay, good."
Random_Nerd: S: "Didn't want a repeat of the 'what's so important about flowers anyway?' fiasco."
Random_Nerd: Eclipses shrugs in the background.

  • Theresa _will not_ create a bachelor button in the kid's trenchcoat lapel. Real tempting though.

Random_Nerd: Everyone but two of the Dionyl eats.

  • DanteE throws a Preservation of Freshness on the leftover beef

Theresa: "We just got our coat of arms and banners figured out, thanks to William, here."
Random_Nerd: Triad eats slowly and handles his silverware like someone who's never seen it before, though.
DanteE: (And it's in his Auc anyway, Theresa. :)
Random_Nerd: William bows at Theresa's comment.
Theresa: (Very true. Thank you for reminding me.)
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and neither Aide is eating.)
Random_Nerd: (Should have mentioned that.)
DanteE: "William, Samuel, go ahead and eat."
Theresa: (Do we know of any reason that a Dionyl normal?)
Carrie: (So the only people other than Nobles at the table would be Carries Anchors?)
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "But I don't drink... wine."
DanteE: "These are our Aides, those of you who haven't met..."
Random_Nerd: (No, you don't know of such a reason, Beth.)
DanteE: to Samuel: "You been watching Classic Movies in your off hours?"
Random_Nerd: Willam nods to Dante, and gets a plate of food. He sits down some distance from the others, though.
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "The whole reason I asked for a posting here is that I like Earth culture."
Random_Nerd: "Besides, you think nobody off Earth's heard of Bella Lugosi?"
Random_Nerd: Jack, to Brian: "I do gotta give you credit for not flinching."
Carrie: (Am I missing anyone? Just the Aides, Carrie's parents, and the Nobles, right?)
DanteE: "It's from being around me. :)"
Brian: "In the face of Entropy, to flinch is to be undone."
Theresa: "Plus, sanity is a crutch..."
Random_Nerd: (Oh, yes, Carrie's people are here. Sorry I've not been mentioning them.)
Carrie: (It's fine, I was just wondering if there was anyone else there.)
Random_Nerd: (I'm functioning not too far from the upper limit of my NPC multitasking competance.)

  • Brian nods to T

Random_Nerd: (Hmm... okay, the guests, the anchors who aren't Jim or Lesson, the Aides. And the Maple.)
Carrie: (I'd be glad to add details in regarding them if it's all right.)
DanteE: (Then what will happen when the contest starts?)
Random_Nerd: (That's everyone.)
Theresa: (Dante - Chaos!)
Random_Nerd: (Feel free to narrate them.)
Carrie: (Okay.)
DanteE: (Too much Entropy and you'know'who will notice)
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "The war may be a problem, and I don't like the air, but you people make some quality audiovisual stuff here."

  • Carrie 's mother is sitting to Carrie's right, between Carrie and her father.

Brian: "By the way, Jack, I had been meaning to get in touch with you, to figure out - for myself, mind, I'm sure you're already aware - how our domains intermingle."
DanteE: (Maybe for fun we'll fire a roman candle though his ass. :)
Theresa: "We try, Samuel. Is the food okay for everyone?"
Random_Nerd: Jack: "Well, I don't think we've worked that out yet. Are you the first Numbers or the second one?"
Random_Nerd: "I thought I'd heard something about a different older one, but everyone says this is a new Chancel."
Brian: "I do not know, myself, whether I am the first or second. I know I've been around only a short time as a Noble, but I must admit ignorance on the matter of my Domain's history."
DanteE: "None of us got very many details."
Theresa: "It was a rough enChanceling and a busy couple of weeks. New moon, though."
Random_Nerd: Jack: "Really, only some numbers are all that important. Integers and stuff are fine. Just don't mess with Pi or e or I'll cut you, savvy."
Random_Nerd: Martyrs: "Is that really a rabbit up there?"
Brian: "I was considering the implications of altering pi a while ago. I think there was some weird implication, like if pi is exactly 3, all circles become triangles."
Brian: "and yes, that's a rabbit."
Random_Nerd: Jack: "Also, that's one of your big points of overlap. It'd mess me up, and I'm pretty sure there's a Circles out there."
Random_Nerd: J: "I'd suggest not changing phi, either, if you don't want Art and Greece on your back."
Brian: "I'm not sure what's easier, though - to actually go through the math to figure things out, or to take a specific piece of space, ensure there's no way its rules can seep out of there, and play and observe. I'm sure you understand the appeal of experimentation :)"
Brian: "I'm sure it's safer to go through the math, of course."
DanteE: "Reminds me... what do you know about Luc Ginneis and his Nobles?"
Random_Nerd: (Who was that to, Dante?)
DanteE: (the assembled guests)
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "Well, one of them used to be me, sort of? The one before the previous one, I mean."
Random_Nerd: Samuel and William exchange looks.
Random_Nerd: The Triad, to Brian: "Yeah, please, don't do anything to the Golden Ratio. That'd mess me up something fierce."
Random_Nerd: Duty: "Oh, yeah. Plato, right?"
Brian: (remind me what the Golden Ratio is? I remember something about a term like that)
Random_Nerd: Triad: "Yep."
Random_Nerd: (A certain set of proportions based on phi.)
Brian: (oh, right)
Random_Nerd: (Really big in classical aesthetics and so on.)
Carrie: (What is The Triad, again?)
DanteE: ((1+sqrt(5))/2. :)
Random_Nerd: (The tendency of two things brought close together to create a third thing sharing traits of each.)
Carrie: (Ah, interesting.)
Brian: "I don't intend to go around messing with the fundamentals of math. None of you have to worry about that ... and, Triad, what does the Golden Ratio have to do with your domain, may I ask?"
DanteE: (So, Dionyl has spontaneous generation under certain circumstances?)
Random_Nerd: (Yes. They use that instead of sex to reproduce.)
Random_Nerd: Triad: "Err... sorry. I thought Plato was from here. Aelfscinne, right?"
Theresa: "Gescheundtight?"
Brian: "Plato is from here - well, from Earth. I must admit to not being overly familiar with your Domain, however, and am curious to learn more"
Random_Nerd: Duty: "The Timaeus dialogue, at one point, deals with a concept very similar to the Triad, and connects it to the Golden Mean."
Random_Nerd: Duty, to Triad: "You've been here before, haven't you? Back then?"
Random_Nerd: Triad: "That was the previous one, I'm afraid."
Brian: "Ah. I'll have to look it up, I suppose"
Random_Nerd: The Triad: "Okay, I love doing this for people who haven't seen it before. Could I have two small objects somewhat similar to each other, please?"

  • Theresa hands the Triad two peaches.

Random_Nerd: "Too similar. Could I have some other fruit, instead?"

  • Brian hands him a banana.

Theresa: (Brian, is that a banana in your pocket or...)
Random_Nerd: He positions them on the table, and rolls up his sleeves.
Random_Nerd: "Now, normally this would take at least a few days. Probably more, since the shape's different. But since I'm Me, I can do this like..."
Brian: (he's just happy to see T ...)
Random_Nerd: He waves his sleeves over the two, and suddenly there's a squat longish orangish-yellow fruit in between the two.
DanteE: (should we throw in a drumroll?)
Theresa: (*Snorts at the "I'm Me" bit.*)
Theresa: "Ooo, _nice_. That would be perfect for smoothie people who don't have a lot of space."
Random_Nerd: Triad: "Frankly, I don't know how you guys get by without it. You have to mess with orifices and eggs and collaborations on papers and stuff."
Theresa: (Ow, papercuts...)
Brian: "paper collaborations normally don't have anything to do with reproduction..."
Random_Nerd: Triad: "It does if you do it right!"
Random_Nerd: Jack snickers.

  • Theresa laughs.

Brian: "Hey, Theresa ... want to /collaborate/ on a paper?"
Random_Nerd: Triad: "See, you just get the people in the group together, keep 'em in the same space and have them do their similarity exercises, and then have the synthesis write the paper."
Brian: (oops, was going to put ()'s around it, but it works out loud, too)
Random_Nerd: Duty pokes up his head at "synthesis."
Random_Nerd: D: "Like Hegel, but with physical reality?"
Random_Nerd: The Triad: "Yep."
Random_Nerd: D: "Fascinating."

  • Theresa throws a peach to Brian. "Chew on this and I'll think about it. I'm still pondering if I use human reproduction or plant, anymore."

Carrie: (Hum, Brian and Theresa... Would that be considered incest?)

  • Brian eats the peach.

Random_Nerd: (There ain't nothing more mythic than incest.)
Theresa: (Hmm, good point... on both counts.)
Random_Nerd: Triad, to Brian: "Err... sorry. I forgot your estate for a moment. I guess this steps on your toes a bit, eh?"

  • DanteE suddenly registers why Samuel suggested inviting him... :)

Brian: "Creating stuff? Nah, not really. Triad's native to Dionyl. Want a real mind-bender? Numbers aren't from around here."
Random_Nerd: Conceptual Tint: "The Timeas is the one with the Pythagorean Scale, isn't it?"
Random_Nerd: Duty: "I believe so, yes."
Random_Nerd: CT: "I never liked that tuning. The shades are all off."
Brian: "It's better than the equitempered scale - more mathematically accurate."
Brian: "Equitempering is an excercise in making everything equally wrong"
Brian: (actual reason for Equitempered scale: they wanted to close the pythagorean scale.)
Random_Nerd: CT: "S'got the same problem."
Brian: "Pythagorean is closer to numerically pure."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Doesn't fit an octave. It's /worse/."
Brian: "Nah, it's only broke if you go around the Circle."
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock "Oh, great, you got him going again."
Random_Nerd: CT: "No, no, have you ever looked at the Pythagorean Comma? It's hideous!"
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "Fine. I'm settling this."

  • Theresa looks at Shadows. "Are you getting anything of this? Because I'm lost."

Brian: "Have you ever heard Barbershop? They've got a good combination of the two - the numerical purity of pythagoras, and the closedness of equitempered. While being something else entirely. It's great to listen to"
Random_Nerd: He waves his scarf, and all conversation about Plato and Music Theory is suddenly dampened almost to silence.
Random_Nerd: (And the Socratics have already been established to be blueish.)
Brian: (and there's no more chatting at the table :p)
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "Sorry about that, but I have to listen to this rant of his all the time."
DanteE: "Who wants more food?"
Random_Nerd: Triad hesitates for a moment, and then raises his hand.
Random_Nerd: T:"Could I have something that tastes different from this?"

  • Theresa , hesisitantly, "I'm sorry if this is rude, but Triad, may I ask how you're enjoying the food? I was...informed that Dionyl prefer a different sort of nourishment?"

Random_Nerd: Triad: "Oh, I've got a body on. Had it made special."
Random_Nerd: Triad: "I figure, if you're going to Earth, you might as well enjoy it properly, right?"
Brian: (for those who don't know: Pythagoras went and "measured" and quantified the relationships between pitches in a major scale - the same major scale we still use, IIRC - when sung naturally. It is broken if you change keys, and if you continue high enough - I believe it's double-octave on the scale - you're in a subtly different key. Equitemperment was meant to make everything equal - and thus, equally wrong.)
Random_Nerd: CT mutters: "tourist"

  • Brian will not have had his food diminish in quantity, through the Miracle of free Preservations ;)

Random_Nerd: (Err, that should be Blue Shock muttering that.)
Random_Nerd: (Sorry.)
DanteE: "Well, we have some shrimp from the appetizers...

  • Theresa smiles. "Well, then, can't let you go home hungry, then." *creates and pushes a wooden bowl of fruit salad of many fruits toward Triad* "Please, everyone, enjoy."

Random_Nerd: Triad: "What's a shrimp?"
Brian: "seafood. Some people enjoy it"
DanteE: "Small sea creature we like to cook, peel and eat."
Random_Nerd: T: "Then bring me one, please."
Random_Nerd: Duty and Angst have started debating again.
Brian: "Hey, did anyone think to make sashimi? it's a delicacy, and our Dionyl guests probably have not tried it before."

  • DanteE brings T _one_ shrimp. (and has a bowl of more on hand. :)
  • Theresa will check and see how the rest of Consequences' family is doing.

Random_Nerd: CT, to Brian: "What /do/ people think of diminished fifths on this planet?"
Brian: "Tritones? They make a good 7th chord"
Brian: "They've had a ... rough history in the past"
Random_Nerd: Eclipses and Shadows are squabbling slightly, Consequences is sitting and eating a breadstick, Duty is still arguing with Angst.
Random_Nerd: CT: "Even without the shading to point it out, and with human vibration sensitivitry?"
Random_Nerd: (Err, sensitivity.)
DanteE: what about Night & his group?
Brian: "Um... I don't quite understand your question - you wonder why we like or didn't like the tritone?"
Random_Nerd: Anst is with Duty, Martyrs is working on her steak, Night looks bored.
Random_Nerd: CT: "Well, you notice that it's a bit odd, right?"
Brian: (I can just see a painting, like The Last Supper)
Brian: "It is ... interesting in its colour, on its own."

  • Theresa puts a hand on Shadow's arm and smiles at him. "One moment, need to continue hostessing duties, I think."

Random_Nerd: CT: "But how can you tell that? I mean, on this world?"
DanteE: "Theresa, have you talked to Night?"
Brian: "It's a great interval, though - a 7th chord has it from the third to the flat-seventh."
Theresa: "Just heading thatta way, Dante."
Brian: "Um... we can tell its oddness from the fact that it's hovering halfway between the two Perfect intervals"
Brian: "it's not-quite Perfect."
Random_Nerd: CT: "But the color, I mean. It's off-white, but how can you /see/ that?"
Random_Nerd: (Err, I mean, light blue.)
Random_Nerd: (Not off white.)
Theresa: If Shadows doesn't care, Theresa will sit down next to Night and smile. "I wanted to thank you for something, recently."
Random_Nerd: Night looks up at her.
Random_Nerd: "Thank me for something? But we've only just met."
Brian: "We don't actually perceive the actual colour of the note as a colour-colour. We use the term 'colour' to refer to ... the tambre? of the note or interval."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Fascinating. There almost has to be some leakage, to explain that."
Brian: "Humans have a distinct ability to perceive the mathematical ratios behind notes and intervals. That's the only way I could describe that"
Random_Nerd: (And for the record, all "colors" of notes are based on Scriabin's Clavier à lumières.)
Theresa: *to Night* "True, but a favor through a third party came in very handy when our rabbit broke out and started terrorizing the city."
Random_Nerd: CT: "I didn't know you could do that too."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Do you mind if I borrow some humans to look into this? I'll take good care of them and return them in the same shape they came to me in."
Carrie: "Speaking only for myself, when I played piano, years ago, I never thought my distaste for that interval was due to its being between a perfect fourth and fifth. Shared a cause, maybe. I just disliked the sound -- it sounds almost dissonant, but not quite."
Random_Nerd: Night: "This is about the favor to... them?"
Brian: "Um. They're not really mine to give away. I could find a group, and ask them if they'd like to go with you, though."
Random_Nerd: CT, to Carrie: "So it's an instinctive thing, to humans?"
Random_Nerd: CT, to Brian: "Did you or one of your priors do that on purpose for some reason?"
Theresa: "In a round-about way, I guess. But I thought I would just thank you personally. Your wonderful work was very helpful in keeping the city from crumbling into chaos."
Carrie: "Yes, very much so. Every human has an acoustic sense, sort of like the sense of balance."
DanteE: (more than usual)
Brian: "Most humans fundamentally understand the rightness or wrongness of music"
Random_Nerd: Night: "Could we please not discuss them here? I find the subject distasteful."
Random_Nerd: CT: "But did you do that on purpose? That is what your estate is connected to, right, that underlying math?"
Brian: "I did not put that in, I don't know if one of my predecessors did - or even if I had predecessors."

  • Theresa nods. "Sure. Can you tell me about yourself? We haven't met many other Nobles until this party."

Random_Nerd: Jack: "That's more me, if anything."
Random_Nerd: J: "But I don't think it's deliberate."
Brian: "Perhaps Music put that in. I'd have to find him or her, and ask."
Random_Nerd: Night: "Okay, I'm Larry. I'm the Dominus of the Night. I serve the Light, even though my Imperator is of the Dark."
Brian: "I referenced Barbershop earlier - I should possibly point out that the way it is sung is to produce the pitches that /feel/ right. I would posit that most Barbershoppers wouldn't be able to tell you anything about the frequencies they're producing, except that they feel right."
Brian: "Can the Dionyl not fundamentally perceive the rightness or wrongness of notes?"
Random_Nerd: Night: "I'm human, still, despite urging to the contrary. I'm really not quite sure why you invited me here."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Of course. We can see the colors. That's because of me, actually, not to wave my own fan."
Random_Nerd: CT: "But I don't see how you get by without the tints."
Brian: "So the Dyonyl perceive music based on the literal colour of the notes. Fascinating."

  • Theresa nods. "And I'm Plants. I'm a...Serpent, I guess you could call it and Kudzu, our Imperator, is of the Wild. You and your Family were invited because you sounded interesting. And why the urging to the contrary, if I may ask? Aren't many Nobles human?"

Random_Nerd: CT: "Is this like how you get by without him" *waves at the suit* "and has something to do with... orifices?"
Brian: "Um... it has something to do with ears, which I guess you could call orifices..."
Random_Nerd: Night: "Well, here, sure. But you know how the Dark works."
Random_Nerd: CT: "And they're completely organic? How do they work?"
Theresa: "No, not quite...oh, wait...location?"

  • Carrie chokes, then recovers. "I really don't think that it's related to that."

Random_Nerd: Triad puts a sleeve to his forehead-area.
Brian: "The way we hear - I don't know if you're aware - is through the transmission of vibrations in the air - hence, the frequencies are what we perceive."
Brian: "They function basically by having a hammer reproduce the frequencies by hitting a bone on the inside of the ear, which gets transformed into stimulus the brain can comprehend"
Random_Nerd: CT: "Yeah, I know the air. But you guys eat animals and plants and stuff, right?"
Brian: "yes?"
Random_Nerd: CT: "Okay, so the ear's for hearing, and the brain's the interpretation? Like an animal?"
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "Please. We're /guests/."
Random_Nerd: BS, to Brian: "I'm sincerely sorry..."
Random_Nerd: Samuel's sitting next to William, sort of hunched over.
Brian: "Don't worry about it. I still don't quite understand the synaesthetic perception you folks seem to have all the time, and take for granted. I'm sort of honoured to be able to explain music to someone who cannot perceive it the same way we do."
Theresa: (*pats Sam on the back* It's okay, Sam, we all have embarassing family...)
Random_Nerd: Night: "I mean, I atill cultivate a human aesthetic, and I was even able to talk my sister into concealing her own... style... for the evening."
Random_Nerd: Night: "It's just not easy, straddling Light and Dark."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Okay, well, if you want to understand our perceptions of color, I don't think you could be talking to a better source..."
Carrie: "Humans actually class themselves as members of the animal kingdom for some purposes and not for others. This is wrong, of course -- humans are descended from Adam and Eve -- but the details of the first days of humanity are not widely known among humans on Earth itself. They're mostly remembered through myths..."
Carrie: "And, of course, many of those myths conflict with one another, given the drift over time."
Brian: "I wonder ... your 'bodies' are based on motion, right? would you be able to perceive the change in frequency of motion to part of you?"
Random_Nerd: CT: "Of course."
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock, to Carrie: "Please, he really didn't mean to offend you."
Brian: "Do you mind if I give it a try?"
DanteE: "I wouldn't worry. We've got that tolerant, easygoing demeanor that comes from not knowing what the hell we're doing. :)"
Random_Nerd: CT: "One moment, this place could use some more color."
Theresa: *to Night* "At times, it's painfully hard to face what's left of our humanity and the call of the Wild. Add in a Serpent Code of Being at Peace and I'm looking for tranquilizers sometimes." *small smile*
Random_Nerd: He pauses for a moment, and tints and shades spring up around everything, even ideas and concepts.
Random_Nerd: (Theresa's discussion is yellowish-brown!)
Theresa: (Figures.)
DanteE: (...considering what else is that color...)
Random_Nerd: Martyrs scratches at her arm under her sleeve.
Brian: (is Brian still human? Who knows! He tends to follow the Wild code, well, a mix of Wild and Heaven ... which is more than a little non-human in its behaviour...)

  • Carrie looks at Blue Shock a bit surprisedly. "There's no offense! I was just trying to clarify. Most humans would say that our intelligence places us above the animals, but it's a common phrase to call man the "rational animal." So your comparison is really not offensive. Comparing humanity to the animals should only shed light on the true aspects of the divine that set humanity apart."

Random_Nerd: (He could probably argue it either way.)

  • Theresa murmurs appreciatively at the tinting.

Carrie: (Did all that go through?)
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "Well, have you ever been to Dionyl?"
Theresa: (I saw all of it, Carrie.)
Random_Nerd: (apart." was last?)
Carrie: (Yes.)
Carrie: (Thanks.)
Brian: "Actually, Physics, are you or I more capable of generating pitch and the proper overtone series for a human voice?"
DanteE: (Considering it's Aspect that tells how far from humanity you are, I'd be the most inhuman one, I think)
Random_Nerd: BS: "See, there we have the animals, which are made of meat, and cannot reason."
Random_Nerd: BS: "And we have people, the clothed spirits, who're bodiless and can think."
Theresa: (Aspect 2 as well _and_ Elemental. Beat that!  :) )
Random_Nerd: Physics: "Well, you do seem to be talking..."
DanteE: (Always forget that...)
Random_Nerd: Jack: "So I figure you can manage."
Theresa: (That's because it's only come up under cleavage discussion, I think.)
Carrie: "Ahh, I see. I can see how you might have perceived an offense -- believe me, there was none taken."
Random_Nerd: Martyrs twitches, again, and scratches at her forehead.
Carrie: "I actually asn't aware that the animals of Dionyl were analagous to the animals of Earth."
Random_Nerd: BS: "As I understand it, the two worlds started out practically identical."
Random_Nerd: BS: "The only difference was the people. Of course, things have changed since then."

  • DanteE looks at Martyrs...

DanteE: "More bloody meat?"
Random_Nerd: CT: "You had the apple thing and the dinosaur thing, we had the Shattering."

  • Brian waits for CT's permission to proceed with the experiment

Theresa: "I was wondering, Night, if you had any interest in some new night-blooming flowers that are being engineered right now for bat propagation?"
Random_Nerd: CT nods the hat to Brian.
Random_Nerd: Martyrs: "I don't even know why I agreed to this. We're all people of the world, right?"
DanteE: "...agreed to what?"
Theresa: (*duck and covers*)
Random_Nerd: She waves a hand in front of her. "This!"
Carrie: (Was Martyrs the sister of Night?)
Random_Nerd: (Correct.)

  • Brian will use Ghost miracles to start, for this experiment. He'll generate a pure A-440Hz tone, let that ring, and then add the overtone series

Theresa: (Yep, the Dark one.)
Random_Nerd: (And Martyrs is of the Dark, but seems to look fairly ordinary. See the problem?)
Brian: "Now, how do you perceive that? Through colour? Do you perceive the vibration in yourself as it passes through?"
DanteE: "... what's the last thing you did as part of your ... office?"
Random_Nerd: (440 khs is A, right?)
Brian: (Hz, I'm fairly sure. A-440, using whichever prefix of Hz it is)
Random_Nerd: Martyrs: "A man with life insurance threw himself off a bridge. Like A Wonderful Life with me instead of the chubby angel. Now his family will never hunger."
Random_Nerd: (That's what I meant.)
Random_Nerd: The note rings green in the air.
Random_Nerd: (If I get abbreviations or things wrong, assume I'm just tired.)
Brian: "Can you perceive the vibrations of that note? And the overtone series?"
Random_Nerd: (Really, can we stop soon?)
Carrie: (I'd be glad to stop anytime.)
Random_Nerd: CT: "Of course."
Brian: (soon is good. I'd prefer not to stop in the middle of the experiment, but whatever)
DanteE: "... maybe if you look there. His family will never hunger."
Theresa: (I'm okay with stopping when it is possible. Work tomorrow, etc, etc.)
Theresa: (I'm confused by Dante, at the moment.)
Random_Nerd: The overtones shimmer slightly, like a spectrum.
Carrie: (to Martyrs) "You can be sure your discipline is appreciated, but if you need to change your form, I doubt any of us would object."
Random_Nerd: Martyrs: "What're you talking about?"
DanteE: "And... if I have my cosmology right... he goes back and gets a new life, which means maybe he'll get it right."
Brian: "Can you humour me and turn off the synaesthetic perception temporarily? I'll add some more notes to it, and see what you feel about the chord"
Carrie: (That to Carrie?)
Random_Nerd: (To dante.)
Random_Nerd: Martyrs deguises, in the process ripping off her clothes and skin, and some muscle as well.
Random_Nerd: CT: "How about this. I'll turn off the colors, if you make everything in here not have a quantity."

  • Theresa blinks, but goes back to swallowing the bite of fruit she was eating.

DanteE: "What are you doing?!?"

  • Carrie grimaces, but still looks directly at Martyrs. "This is your true self. Thank you for the courtesy of hiding it for so long."

Random_Nerd: Martyrs looks at Dante with her flayed face: "Peasants and simpletons. Larry was right."
Brian: "Well, I had hoped to see if you could feel the rightness of the vibrations. I guess the colour won't really affect that."
Theresa: "I think I would call us more 'newbies', but that's a bit modern."

  • Brian will generate an A-major chord, root position, rooted on A-440Hz

Random_Nerd: CT: "But how else would I do it, without the colors?"
Random_Nerd: The colors within CT's direct vicinity tone down some.
Brian: "Through vibration."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Vibration's just the air. The air's not right or wrong."
Brian: (I will note that that's a "perfect" A-major chord)
Random_Nerd: CT: "It's the imposition of the spectrum that gives it meaning."
Brian: "You can feel it, though?"
Random_Nerd: CT: "Sensation's not meaning."

  • Brian will add in the b7, to form an A7 chord, root position

Brian: "and how does this change alter the feeling?"
Random_Nerd: Martyrs stomps off, leaving bloody footsteps.
Theresa: *to Night* "I apologize if we've offended her."
DanteE: to Night: "How long has she been Noble?"

  • Carrie rises as well. "If you will all excuse me."

Random_Nerd: CT: "Okay, other than green, brown, and pale blue, how am I supposed to interpret that."
Random_Nerd: Night: "Centuries."
Random_Nerd: Night: "But you, what was that you said, a week?"
DanteE: "Two. Not that that matters..."

  • Carrie somehow manages to be in Night's path before she leaves the Grove. (Perfect Timing)

Brian: "Interesting. That's really all I wanted to try - oh, wait." *will remove R and 5, leaving the 3-b7 tritone* "how does this feel?"
Random_Nerd: Night, with some scorn. "Do you even know all the Codes, yet?"
Theresa: (Martyrs, Carrie.)
Carrie: (No need to roleplay the interaction this session, though.)
Random_Nerd: (Okay, which tritone is this?)
Carrie: (Oh, sorry. Mistype. I'm feeling the tiredness too.)
Brian: (C# - G)
Carrie: (I meant Martyrs.)
Random_Nerd: "Purple to orange."
Theresa: *honestly* "No, not really. We have mostly been going on what we feel ourselves and the Nobles we have met."
Brian: "Interesting. Thank you for humouring me."
Random_Nerd: "I mean, it clashes. Even here, where you just have colors of light, you wouldn't wear purple and orange together, right?"
DanteE: (Y'know... being that I suck this week, maybe we should take a week and determine the best thing to say. :)
Brian: "Well, I might. But then Theresa would yell at me."
Carrie: (Carrie has done some research offscreen on the Light and DArk in thE Library, so likely understands Martyrs' reaction a bit better that the others do.)
Random_Nerd: CT: "So it's like that."
Theresa: (He's asking the college student/professor...this isn't good. Do you know how many science proffs I know wear socks and sandals and shorts?)
Brian: "But a 7th chord has an embedded tritone, and is one of the fundamental building blocks of music"
Brian: "At least, it is here - is the 7th used on Dionyl, or just the major 7th? Or no extensions to the triad?" (and I'm fine with stopping any time now)
Random_Nerd: CT: "What do humans think of seventh chords? Are they a pleasant one, or a harsh one?"
Carrie: (That okay by the way, to have Carrie just happen to cross her path via PT?)
Brian: "7th are ... natural and right, to us"
Brian: "The 9th is normally when people start having problems"
Random_Nerd: CT: "Well, we use them some. Like... I don't know."
Random_Nerd: Triad: "Bitter spices in food!"
Random_Nerd: CT: "Would you stop flaunting that thing?"
Random_Nerd: (That's fine, Etheric.)
Random_Nerd: (Do you guys mind if we stop here?)
Brian: (that's fine)
Carrie: (Sure.)
Brian: (he's referring to the Triad's body?)
Theresa: (Brain...ooze...)
DanteE: (s'okay)
Random_Nerd: (He is referring to Triad's body, yes.)
Random_Nerd: _____________STOP_____________
Random_Nerd: Okay, thoughts?
Theresa: Fun session!

      • Brian is now known as Lazarus.

Lazarus: most fun session in a long time

      • DanteE is now known as Knockwood.
      • You are now known as BethE.

Lazarus: sorry if I stole the spotlight from anyone
Random_Nerd: Refresh my memory. It's the minor ninth that's the really unstable one, right?
Knockwood: well, we're doing actual interaction with others this time around. :)
BethE: The Physics switch was crafty and the whole thing has been fun. It's interesting to see Brian come out of his shell (and you use some of that harmonica/music class knowledge).
Carrie: Well, a 7th wasn't wiely used before jazz, unless I'm mistaken.
Lazarus: RN: flat nine is a flat 2 an octave up. Any 9th is inherently unstable-feeling, though - it has a 2, and a minor chord upon a major
Knockwood: I'll let you guys debate esoteric musical theory while I pop some Rolling Stones in the CD player. :)
Lazarus: Carrie: the 7th was used since the Baroque era, widely.
Random_Nerd: Sevenths always sound a bit dissonant to /me/, at least.
Lazarus: the first page of the Well-Tempered Clavier goes even into major-7th and major-9th chords.
Carrie: I've never heard it in classical music, that I can recall.
Random_Nerd: At least, major sevenths.
Lazarus: you have, but you probably haven't identified it as such.
Random_Nerd: Oh, it's there in classical music.
Random_Nerd: But it wasn't one of the favorite intervals.
Carrie: Well, I can clearly identify it in jazz and rock -- what's the difference?
Lazarus: major 7ths are irritatingly dissonant. Dominant 7ths (R-3-5-b7) is very consonant.
Random_Nerd: Ah, okay.
Random_Nerd: Of course.

      • Carrie is now known as Etheric.

Random_Nerd: Well, it's not very common in most classical that I can think of.
Lazarus: in certain eras of classical music, they ended every song with a 5-1 cadence, which was a V7-I ... which is where the "Dominant Seventh" terminology came from, and why it's important to know those chords - if you want to change key, you throw in the V7 of the new key
Lazarus: maj7 chords, and 9ths, and especially 11ths and 13ths are rare in classical.
Etheric: Hmm. I bow to your superior knowledge.
Lazarus: sus4 is common in classical and rock, rarer in jazz, not found at all in barbershop (they'd just switch to a VI, IIRC)
Lazarus: it's, honestly, easier to hear a 7th chord when it's solid - like normally done in jazz and rock. Classical either breaks it up over multiple instruments, or would have a broken chord, anyway.
Knockwood: Actually, maybe you can settle something about the game...
Random_Nerd: Oh?
Etheric: Ah, good point.
Random_Nerd: The dominant seventh is built on a minor seventh, correct?
Knockwood: does the Creation of Night that the Cams pulled out of their hat mean that Night has a little less debt to them?
Random_Nerd: Night's favor to them has been payed, yes.
Random_Nerd: It might not be the only one he owes them, of course.

  • Random_Nerd is brainzonked.

Lazarus: the dominant seventh chord is based on the key to which the root is the dominant (V) of. Hence, a C7 chord has a Bb, which is the b7 of C.
Random_Nerd: And the music theory is one of the first things to go.
Knockwood: but it means his balance is a little lower, ne?
Lazarus: I avoid saying "minor 7th" for the interval, as it's also the chord quality R-b3-5-b7
BethE: Yeah, but I doubt Night would want to talk in front of everyone about it. Dirty laundry and so forth.
Random_Nerd: But it's a major chord with the seventh up there at the top, right? Or has my brain failed me?
Random_Nerd: Seventh from the root, I mean.
Lazarus: but yes, the dom-7, known in Jazz and rock as the 7th, and in Barbershop as the "Barbershop 7th" (as if they created it, though it was used for centuries), and in classical as a "Dominant 7th" (as it is normally used in a Dominant context, whereas rock and jazz uses it in a "Tonic context" - also, Etheric, why it would be easier to hear it in jazz, bbshop, and rock)

  • Random_Nerd pulls out Wikipedia.

Lazarus: the dom-7, 7th, etc, is R-3-5-b7, yes. Major triad with flat 7th. Major 7th is R-3-5-7
Knockwood: (ah, the heavy artillery. :)
Random_Nerd: Okay. And that gives you the tritone between third and seventh, for the vaguely bluesy sound, right?
Lazarus: yes
Random_Nerd: Okay. So I'm not totally confused.
Random_Nerd: Good.
Random_Nerd: I'm just deliberately not thinking about how this connects to the blues scale, because if I juggle one more thing, my brain will collapse.
Lazarus: which actually feels very natural in a dominant context - where the chord is being used in a different scale, and the notes are appropriate for that scale - and can feel very odd in a tonic context - where you're flatting the 7th. Does that make any sense at all?
Random_Nerd: So... things you guys liked or disliked about the game?
Random_Nerd: Well, I know jack about barbershop music.
Random_Nerd: Most of the stuff I know about intervals is in a blues context, where they use the tritone a lot, but in an an apparantly much different way.
Lazarus: the context thing comes from my brother's talking to me about classical theory.
Random_Nerd: Err, "tritones" for "intervals."
BethE: I hadn't realized that Shadows was a teenager or I would have refrained earlier from trying to talk to him (the old person/young person battle rages on!)
Random_Nerd: Well, to be fair, you couldn't really tell from his body.
Random_Nerd: The trenchcoat was really the only tipoff.
Knockwood: You're right, Carrie sahould do it. They can bond over Yu-Gi-Oh. :)
Lazarus: blues and jazz love to emphasize the tritone, as well. You'll hear blues and jazz musicians play a 7th chord, and really emphasize the 3 and b7, but not so much the R and 5
Random_Nerd: Well, blues even rearranged the scale for it. Which the back of my tongue really hates when playing the harmonica.
Etheric: Liked about the game -- just about everything, but particularly the Entropy impersonation by Physics. Disliked -- music theory sailing straight over my head. XP
BethE: Trenchcoats means _nothing_! He could have been a Highlander fan or something. He could even have a katana...
Knockwood: Shadows had one at one point.
Random_Nerd: What about the philosophy trivia going around?
Knockwood: And, hey, I always have one. :)
BethE: Nah, it was a rapier.
BethE: The music stuff sailed too but I am looking forward to the Hope/Martyrs confrontation.
Etheric: Philosophy trivia I liked. I'm a Phil major, I can relate to it. Music theory has me lost.
Random_Nerd: There were, like, four obscure Plato references. Plus the Kierkegaard stuff.
Knockwood: Hope/Courage/Martyrs. I started it, I need to finish it.
Random_Nerd: By the way, does anyone actually remember from way back when who Duty is?
Lazarus: if you want to know more about music theory, and can find me a "white board" program, I could try teaching folk. If you don't want to know more, don't ask :-P
Lazarus: and I don't remember at all who Duty is.
Knockwood: Kant
Random_Nerd: Yep.
Etheric: I'd like to learn that, but not now -- I'm rather zonked.
Lazarus: of course not now. But I'm offering free music theory lessons
Etheric: Wow -- I need to reread the log with that in mind.
Lazarus: for some point in the future
Etheric: Appreciated. And I'll see if I can find such a program, though I'm a bit uncertain that I can.
Random_Nerd: And as far as him being fairly social, Kant /loved/ dinner parties.
Knockwood: BTW, RN gets a 'You Sneaky Bastard' award for "Entropy"....
Lazarus: yeah.
Lazarus: that was ...
Lazarus: I was genuinely fearful of what I was typing ;)
Knockwood: Although, in retrospect, I don't see how he could have pulled it off. :)
Random_Nerd: Why not?
Knockwood: Hasn't _someone_ in that group seen E?
Random_Nerd: I don't think he knew anything it would be improbable for Physics to know, and the motive makes sense to me.
BethE: Ghost miracle of Bloody Hands?
Random_Nerd: Actually he just dipped them in blood before he came.
Lazarus: doesn't Entropy change his appearance, like, hourly?
Random_Nerd: My Entropy does, at least.
Lazarus: I thought GWB Entropy did, too
Knockwood: In that case, what's to keep some random Noble--or Ex--from impersonating him?
Random_Nerd: I don't know. I was doing it in my other Nobilis game before the GWB was out.
Etheric: Who would dare impersonate Entropy? And who would get away with it?
Lazarus: the fact that Entropy will Kill You in Face With Kung Fu if he finds out?
Random_Nerd: Really, it was a somewhat dangerous thing he did. But he figured that he could probably get away with it.
Knockwood: makes sense... he gets mad, moons start smacking into planets
Random_Nerd: Besides, it took place in a friendly chancel, and as such, is less likely to be prosecuted than stuff you do out in public where anyone could be watching.
Random_Nerd: (*fiddles with chords and harmonicas, wishes he had a piano on hand*)
Knockwood: hm... I can just see us in a social situation with Him and Physics, going "Hey, do that Lord E impression!"
BethE: Plus we didn't freak.
Etheric: <.<;
BethE: Yes, I can see Dante doing that. And the rest of us dogpiling him to get him to be quiet...
Knockwood: It's from hanging around me all those ... weeks/... :)
Random_Nerd: Anything you guys /didn't/ like?
Etheric: Well, the music theory we already covered...

  • Etheric thinks.

BethE: I feel awkward making small chat, but that's a me issue.
BethE: And I want to know what is up with Triad.
BethE: (And poor like torturing him, don't you...)
Etheric: The eating? I thought he explained that.
Random_Nerd: As for why the other Dionyl are reacting the way they are...
Random_Nerd: Picture it as like being invited to a party in a southern state, and going there wearing blackface.
Random_Nerd: That's how they see it.
Knockwood: we've got fountains & fans...
Etheric: Ah... Makes sense.
BethE: No, I meant more the sweating, I think.
Random_Nerd: What sweating?
BethE: I thought that he was wiping some sweat away toward the end there... *looks*
Random_Nerd: That wasn't the intent of the description, at least.
BethE: Random_Nerd: Triad puts a sleeve to his forehead-area.
BethE: Okay, so it was farther back...
BethE: Ahh, okay.
Knockwood: Triad has the Vapors?
Random_Nerd: Well, look at the context.
BethE: He wasn't eating anything spicy.
Random_Nerd: [23:39] Random_Nerd: CT: "Is this like how you get by without him" *waves at the suit* "and has something to do with... orifices?"
Random_Nerd: [23:40] Brian: "Um... it has something to do with ears, which I guess you could call orifices..."
Random_Nerd: [23:40] Random_Nerd: Night: "Well, here, sure. But you know how the Dark works."
Random_Nerd: [23:40] Random_Nerd: CT: "And they're completely organic? How do they work?"
Random_Nerd: [23:40] Theresa: "No, not quite...oh, wait...location?"
Random_Nerd: [23:40] * Carrie chokes, then recovers. "I really don't think that it's related to that."
Random_Nerd: [23:40] Random_Nerd: Triad puts a sleeve to his forehead-area.
Random_Nerd: It's a facepalm.
Knockwood: all the talk about dark organic orifices got to him? :)
BethE: *snort*
Random_Nerd: It's the universal sign of "WOULD YOU STOP IT WITH THE ORIFICES ALREADY."
BethE: *louder snort*
Random_Nerd: But since he doesn't have a visible face, or a visible hand...
Random_Nerd: The desciption has to be modified.
Knockwood: so, what do they think of us?
Random_Nerd: Which they?
BethE: Night's probably disgusted.
Random_Nerd: Name a person, I'll give you a summary.
Knockwood: the assembled Nobles
Knockwood: OK, Night.
Random_Nerd: Night thinks you're very Nouveau Nobility with a tendency to put your feet in your moth.
Knockwood: perceptive. :)
Random_Nerd: Mouth.
Random_Nerd: Not moth.
Etheric: I'm curious what Martyrs thinks of Carrie.
Random_Nerd: Hmm. Martyrs doesn't have a strong opinion on Carrie yet. It's mainly Dante she's formed conclusions about.
Knockwood: ...and they are/
Random_Nerd: Unprintable!
Random_Nerd: Mostly "typical human Light" and then profanity in various languages.
BethE: I think I'm going to have to bow out, all. Sleeeep....
Knockwood: ...OK... Duty?
BethE: Great game, though! *HUGS*
Random_Nerd: Duty's enjoying himself. He hasn't talked much with the PCs, but he thinks you've got an interesting group of guests there.