Session 92

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BethE: To recover on what we can and can't do with cults, protecting ourselves and revenge for insults are good. Any miracles except Aspect are subject to Hollyhock manipulation. And we have Dim Warding which should kick any Excr. Anchors if we touch them?
BethE: Hi Knock!
Random_Nerd: Hmm! That could cause headaches, couldn't it, because of where the eyes focus.
Random_Nerd: Hey, Knock.
Knockwood: Hiyo
Random_Nerd: Yeah, you guys can de-anchor Scruchie anchors with a touch.
Knockwood: Then again, Theresa and I are both Aspect 3, and I'm basically bulletproof, so we can pretty much branch into Exalted territory. :)
lazarus: dim warding?
Random_Nerd: An Imperator quality.
Random_Nerd: You have it.
Knockwood: not to mention we're loaded for bear.
lazarus: and have just kicked in a door
BethE: Loaded with demon.
Knockwood: No, I specifically said we open quietly and slip in
Random_Nerd: Wardings are on page 152.
Knockwood: Remember the cleaning lady waaaay back when?
Random_Nerd: Basically, you can de-anchor Excrucian anchors, and the excrucians can't directly find you any more than you can directly find the cultists.
BethE: If we used the Sight in here, would we have trouble seeing something specific
BethE: ?
Random_Nerd: If you were using that, it'd be hard to make out details of anyone not miraculous.
Random_Nerd: Which would be bad if, say, dozens of them were trying to kill you.
Random_Nerd: Hypothetically.
Knockwood: another good reason to have slipped in... we can assess the situation first
BethE: I thought that they saw us anyhow, because they all turned to us.
Random_Nerd: Well, they heard the fight outside.
BethE: We are not ninja.
Random_Nerd: Anything else before we start?

      • You are now known as Theresa.
      • lazarus is now known as Brian.

Theresa: And William and Sam are staying outside, right?
Random_Nerd: (Well, you could be ninja, if you wanted to be. But you aren't ninja by default.)
Random_Nerd: Yeah, you have them staying with the car.
Brian: (Ninja is just a factor of sufficiently high Aspect, no?)
Knockwood: That and attitude. Oh, and black PJs.
Random_Nerd: (Yeah. Anyone with high aspect can be really sneaky if they want to.)
Random_Nerd: Or you could just have a gift that automatically destroys any sounds near you that would be a problem.
Knockwood: Give us a full & complete description of the place?
Random_Nerd: Amusingly, the Power of Ninja is mentioned in the book.
Brian: And his arch-rival, the Power of Pirates?
Brian: (they team up, sometimes, against the Power of Monkeys)
Random_Nerd: No, all those are Powers of the same Imperator.
Brian: who's that?
Random_Nerd: Chuck Norris.
Random_Nerd: <@Random_Nerd> Inside, it looks mostly like an old abandoned factory. However, there are three noteworthy things in sight.
Random_Nerd: <DanteE> (I may be a brick, but I'm not dumb. :) )
Random_Nerd: <@Random_Nerd> First, there's an immense and weird-looking kiln, pouring out huge amounts of smoke.
Random_Nerd: <@Random_Nerd> Second, there are about 80 crazy-looking people, many with sharp tools in their hands.
Random_Nerd: <@Random_Nerd> Third, and perhaps most noteworthy, there's a nine-foot tall man made of what looks like very dark bronze, bound to a stone pillar with chains that pass through his arms, legs, and torso.
Random_Nerd: <Scurve> (I love it when you actually bother using the word "weird".)
Random_Nerd: <@Random_Nerd> Also, his arms seem to be bleeding quite heavily, into what seems almost like a little moat of blood around his pillar.
Random_Nerd: <@Random_Nerd> He looks up at you with tortured eyes.
Random_Nerd: Any other questions about how it looks in there, before we start?
Brian: um. How badly does it look like we're going to get our asses kicked?
Random_Nerd: Unlikely.
Random_Nerd: These guys look human, and you're Nobles.
Brian: (replace the plural for singular in case there's a difference ;))
Knockwood: If we were humans in the same situation?
Random_Nerd: So very badly.
Random_Nerd: The coroners would have to identify your asses by their dental records.
Random_Nerd: So to speak.
Knockwood: our asses have dental records?
Theresa: _Mine_ has been photographed for posteriority.
Brian: ... ... ...
Random_Nerd: Well, you guys have been known to talk out of them.
Knockwood: (How tough is Brian, BTW?)
Theresa: (I think Brian is an Aspect of 1...Hope was a 0...)
Brian: (A0, only Immutable, which doesn't help in the being punched department)
Theresa: (Or was she a 1 too...)
Random_Nerd: (She was low, but with some relevant gifts that'd help.)

Theresa: (Nooo! The Shard got Scurve!)
Theresa: (Does the fact that we're going to be freeing someone who is obviously bound going to help us any, as we are Wild?)

      • Knockwood is now known as DanteE.

Random_Nerd: (It would, but your Wild code doesn't give you benefits.)
Random_Nerd: (Because of the way it's imposed.)
DanteE: (Anyone else thinks this looks way too obvious, tho?)

      • Scurve has joined #nobilis.

Theresa: (re Scruve)
Random_Nerd: (Obvious how? In that they knew that you knew that they were broadly in this area?)
Scurve: ((Think when the other client set me to AFK it stopped letting me transmit messages - that or you guys ignored everything I said for ten minutes))
Theresa: (Well, I thought cults had to be obvious because they aren't magical themselves, just ritual-y.)
DanteE: I mean, obvious raving lunatics blocking our way to an obvious victim.
Theresa: (I don't have you saying anything since you came back the last time, Scurve.)
DanteE: Beth, how sneaky is RN anyway? :D
Scurve: (What crap. That's a lousy script.)
Random_Nerd: I'm hardly sneaky at all.
Random_Nerd: Ask anyone!
Scurve: ((Anyway, Wendy's ready now. I'll settle down and watch.)
Random_Nerd: (I didn't see you say a single thing at any point, Scurve.)
Theresa: Hmm...the sneakiness of my husband...who GMs many games...and is playing a paranoid pretty boy who wants to become a god in a different game...
Theresa: I would say he is sneaky but he is honest about it. He won't try to retroact stuff behind our backs.
Random_Nerd: That sounds about right. I'd make things that might mislead characters, but I'd probably not lie to my playerr.
Random_Nerd: Err, players.
Random_Nerd: And the things that decieve characters would be there because a specific NPC set them up with that in mind, most likely.
Theresa: We tell them to release the prisoner, they refuse (thus insulting us and our Code), we're okay to act.
DanteE: or they come at us going rrAAARWRR
Brian: well, they've already kind of insulted our code by keeping him prisoner in the first place
Theresa: They come at us going rawr, we defend ourselves.
Random_Nerd: For that matter, the mere fact that they're keeping him here gives you license to stick lots more chains in their arms and lock them up a really long time.
Random_Nerd: Ready to go?
Theresa: Does anyone want dibs on freeing the bronze man? I'm sure he'd like some hits in...

      • Scurve has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

DanteE: That's just it... are we sure we should free him?
Brian: yes.

      • Scurve1 has joined #nobilis.

Random_Nerd: (Welcome back.)
Theresa: That's why we _ask_ first.
Brian: sorry. Are we the players sure, or we the characters?
DanteE: either or both
Scurve1: ((Think the big chunk of pasted text murdered this client. IRCAtWork got killed, so I'm trying to find a decent one.))
Brian: ... and what do you mean by "sure we want to free him"?
Theresa: (I am very very sorry for killing your client. I give you the XP for it.)
DanteE: I'm using ChatZilla myself
Brian: many folks use mIRC for a download client.
Random_Nerd: That's what I'm using at the moment.
Random_Nerd: Trillian is good too.
Scurve1: ((You owe me some influence as well))
Brian: I'm using pidgin (nee gaim)
Scurve1: (Never liked Trillian, and mIRC seems to be the bane of my router's existence.)
Theresa: (*checks stat sheet* Would you take gold instead?)
Random_Nerd: Ready to go, or did you want to debate the situation out of character more, instead?
Brian: you know, we could debate for hours, but we'll end up with freeing the guy anyway.
Brian: if nothing else, because (at least one of) our characters want to, and (at least one of) the players are curious to see what would happen
DanteE: point
Theresa: The last time we had a player 'curious what would happen', we ended up with a rabbit on the moon. But ready.  :)
Brian: :D
DanteE: Start the violence!
Brian: on the other hand, we wouldn't HAVE a rabbit on the moon without. Ergo, curiosity is awesome.
Brian: (let'sago! /mario)
Random_Nerd: _________________START___________________
Theresa: "Release that humanoid!"

  • Brian brandishes his gun threateningly.
  • DanteE draws his sword-cane and a 'blessed' katana

Brian: (or what he hopes is threateningly, anyway, for a math grad student in a lab coat with a gun ...)
Random_Nerd: Some of the nearby people, who seem to be dressed roughly like normal folks who've been wearing the same clothes for a year, start to walk towards you in a stopped way.
Brian: (stooped, I hope?)
Random_Nerd: (Stooped, yeah.)
Brian: ('cause I can't imagine a stopped moving)
DanteE: (stop-motion?)
Random_Nerd: Then, one of the guys in back, wearing a rather silly black robe, looks and says "Stop! It's them!"

  • Theresa will check the room with the Sight.
  • DanteE does the same

Random_Nerd: Robed Guy: "We didn't expect you this early, we aren't quite ready. Do you want the giant yet?"
Brian: "Free him."
Theresa: "Why did you think we would want this?"
Random_Nerd: Robed: "Are... you sure? How will you catch him then, when it's time to eat him?"
Random_Nerd: Some other guy: "Because you told us to!"
DanteE: "OK, I think I know what's happening.

  • Brian blinks at the others

DanteE: "First, we are the Powers of your Cult...
Random_Nerd: (Sightwise, they seem to be mundane humans. But they look... a bit off. A few traces of power, and they just look really ugly and revolting for some reason.)
DanteE: "Second, we're not the ones you've been listening to."
Random_Nerd: Someone pokes the giant with a big stick. "You! Bow your head to them, now!"
Theresa: "How were you communicated with?"
Random_Nerd: The giant glares at stick-guy, but then bows.
Random_Nerd: One guy: "You talked to me in my dreams."
Random_Nerd: Some girl: "It just seemed obvious."
DanteE: (Anything show up to the Sight?)
Brian: "I will give you a ten-count to release the giant. 10." "9." (1-second intervals. Exactly 1-second intervals)
Theresa: (I think just the stuff above in ().)
Random_Nerd: Someone grabs a crowbar and starts trying to loosen a big rivet that attaches a chain to a metal plate on the ground.
Theresa: "Did we say why we would be eating the giant?"
Random_Nerd: Crowbar guy: "This is going to take a while!"

  • DanteE steps forward...

Random_Nerd: Robed: "Uh... No. I guess you didn't. But it made sense when you said it."
Theresa: "And also how did you find a giant? He doesn't seem to go with the decor."
Random_Nerd: Crowbar guy: "He was just... here, when we showed up. Like this."
Theresa: "Us, making sense, oh, that's a wrong note right there."
Brian: .oO("awfully obedient for a supposedly corrupt cult")
Theresa: "Giant, explain who you are and how you came to be here."
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and to the Sight, the giant looks a lot like a Noble, but something's off. Sorry, forgot to mention that.)

  • DanteE cuts and removes the chain from the floor.

Random_Nerd: Giant: "Fuck you."
Theresa: "Doubt you could."
Random_Nerd: The guy with the pointy stick pokes the giant, hard.
DanteE: (Off?)
Brian: "... is that cause to shoot him?"
Random_Nerd: The giant flinches.
Random_Nerd: (What Aspect is Dante?)
DanteE: (3 now)
Random_Nerd: (Okay, you can get him free, but it'll take about a minute to do it without hurting him.)
DanteE: (Hold on...)
Random_Nerd: (Since the chains are stuck right through him, and they're quite thick.)

  • DanteE grabs the Giant's leg...

DanteE: (What, if anything, does Dim Warding do?
Theresa: (Can we feel an Auctoritas?)
Random_Nerd: (He does not seem to have an Auctoritas.)
Random_Nerd: (Makes it so Excrucians can't find you directly, makes it so you can free their anchors with a touch.)
Brian: (feel like an Anchor or Ex-Anchor?)
Random_Nerd: (Doesn't do anything here.)
DanteE: (I meant 'to the giant')
Brian: (Excr-Anchor, not Ex-, as in Luc)
Random_Nerd: (He looks more like a Noble than anything else.)
Brian: (huh)
Random_Nerd: (Looks a little bit like a really weak Imperator, one weaker than you guys were when you started.)
Random_Nerd: (But those don't exist.)
Theresa: (*checks RN for the shifty*)
Brian: (Brian will use Realm communication to the Library, if he can, to listen about giants, titans, and the like, if they have any spark of Imperial power or whatever)
DanteE: "All right, people...
Random_Nerd: Robed: "But you're supposed to come here and eat the giant. We've been waiting here all this time."
Theresa: "How long?"
DanteE: "You've been lied to for a long... looooong time.'

  • DanteE frees the other leg

Random_Nerd: (From what the library mutters, there's no single type of giants. There're the people from Joutanheim, the physical forms of some imperators, some children of imperators or high-aspect nobles, some low-grade supernatural beings like the arm guys in Amyra, some humans on other worlds who're just very tall, and so on.)
Random_Nerd: Robed: "Better part of a year. Some longer than others."
DanteE: "In general, NObles on the side of Creation don't eat giants...
Brian: (wait. Children of Imperators? Tell me more)
Random_Nerd: (And yes, you weren't even Nobles then.)
Random_Nerd: (Sometimes, imperators have kids with mortals)

  • DanteE frees the giant's arms.

Random_Nerd: (Uh, let me find a page reference.)
Random_Nerd: The giant glares at Dante.
Theresa: "Better part of a year...hate to tell you this but we have been enNobled less than that. The people you talked to could not have been us specifically. Did they look like us or give their names?"
Random_Nerd: Some guy: "They just... seemed like you. It just seemed clear that you were them, once we saw you."
Random_Nerd: (Found it. Page 228.)
Theresa: *mutters* "I hate time-travel." *togiant* "So you got a story, yet, or do we get to make up one for you?"
DanteE: to the giant: "So where did you come from?"
DanteE: (jinx)
Random_Nerd: (Have you freed the giant yet?)
DanteE: (Yeah)
Theresa: (*puts up tiny umbrella*)
Random_Nerd: The giant ignores Dante, and grabs the pointy stick from the guy holding it.
Random_Nerd: Blood continues to pour from the giant's wounds.
Random_Nerd: The guy who formerly was holding the stick seems to remember the proverb about what the better part of valor was, and tries to bolt.
Brian: (*watches as an anvil crushes T* :O)
Random_Nerd: The giant ignores Theresa as well.
Brian: "Stay here!" (to the cult, obviously)
Random_Nerd: Giant: *lunge!*
Theresa: (Well, you're closest, Dante.)
Theresa: (Lunge at?)

  • DanteE grabs the Giant...

Random_Nerd: (Dante, you could stop him if you want to.)
Random_Nerd: (At the nearest cultist.)
Random_Nerd: (Okay, how do you grab him?)
Theresa: (Ah. Wanted to make sure.)
DanteE: ah, I'll say around the waist
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and now that you see him closer, he looks a little less humanlike than before. In particular, his eyes have weird rectangular pupils.)
DanteE: "Don't. They're dupes of the you-know-who."
Random_Nerd: (Also, he isn't wearing clothing.)
Random_Nerd: Dante restrains the giant successfully.
Random_Nerd: He seems to be awfully strong by human standards, but not so impressive by Noble standards.
Random_Nerd: And you're nearly positive that he isn't using miracles.
Random_Nerd: Robed: "Look, if you aren't the guys that told us to do all that stuff, then who the hell are you?"
Scurve1: ((Unless you've decided to stickwith Avram, Power of Golems, after all, you can find Wendy, Power of Confessions, over in the topic at #wendy ))
Theresa: "Plants, Numbers and Courage. And the name of your cult is?"
DanteE: (With a sub-domain of burgers, or classic stories? :) )
Random_Nerd: About a sixth of the people there start to stoop down more, and seem to be starting to come down with a spontaneous case of The Crazy Eyes.
Brian: (how do you stop a missile with confessions?)
Theresa: (But everyone knows it's Wen-dy!)
Theresa: (Man, I'm old.)
Brian: (isn't that Windy?)
Random_Nerd: Some guy. "Name? We're just... you know. Us. Doing these things we're supposed to do."
DanteE: (That's Windy)
Scurve1: ((EnNobled LiveJournal, Wendy is short for 'windysheets03'))
Brian: (Carol King?)
Brian: (no)
Brian: (um.)
Theresa: (Oh. Huh. You're right.)
DanteE: (I think it's The Association. And I think I may be old.)
Brian: (I seem to remember she did a version, but it's not the original)
DanteE: OK, the crazy-eyes guys are...?
Random_Nerd: Crazy-looking guys: *faces contort*
Theresa: (Crazy eyes as in DA or feral mathematicians?)
DanteE: "Uhoh...."
Random_Nerd: Everyone else: *starts to back away from crazy-looking guys*
Brian: "Time to start shooting yet?"
Random_Nerd: (Crazy eyes as in Norse berserkers biting through their shields.)
DanteE: "Hold on..."
DanteE: "If that's an Excrucian thing...
Random_Nerd: About twenty guys, mostly in the crowd of people, all as one start charging towards where you're standing, and biting and clawing at anyone in the way.

  • DanteE grabs the nearest crazy-eyes guy

DanteE: "Scratch that. Violence time!"
Theresa: (You let go of the cultist.)
Theresa: (Err, giant.)
Random_Nerd: The guy tries to bite Dante's throat out. It doesn't work.
Random_Nerd: He seems vaguely confused by this, and then starts trying again.

  • DanteE splits chompy in half lengthwise.

Random_Nerd: (And, yes, are you letting the giant go?)
DanteE: (Yes.)
Theresa: *yells* "Anyone not gone crazy, get to the doors but don't go out yet! Especially you, Robe-boy!"
Brian: (Is lesson with us? What's his reaction to "Violence time!"?)
Random_Nerd: (Hmm... yeah, you can do that at Aspect 3 with a sharp sword.)
DanteE: (I'm packing several. :) )

  • Brian will start A0 shooting crazy guys. (Might get fed up and go for an A4 shoot-everyone-at-once thing)

Random_Nerd: Lesson snarls something obscene and charges towards the nearest crazy.
DanteE: to giant: "You focus on not bleeding."
Brian: (and yes, I do mean A0 miraculous shooting - it's not very good, but it's still better than mundane :p)
Theresa: (Does touching Dante do anything to the cultist? The one trying to bite out his throat..)

      • Scurve1 has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
  • DanteE whacks another nut.

Random_Nerd: (The group is in chaos, with people trying to get free and crazies moving rather quickly. If you shoot at just Aspect 0, you may hit non-crazies. Do you still do it?)
Random_Nerd: (Touching Dante doesn't seem to have any direct effect.
Brian: (hm. if there's clear shots)
Random_Nerd: Some of the non-crazies lose fingers and eyes to the clawing attention of the crazies, and one actually gets his arm ripped off.
Random_Nerd: Of course, the guy bit the shoulder pretty hard at the same time as he pulled, which is probably cheating.
DanteE: "Save that arm!"
Random_Nerd: The giant bellows, grabs the nearest crazy, and starts trying to swallow him whole. It seems to be working, if slowly.

  • DanteE takes out the arm-biter

Random_Nerd: Arm-biter: *gghrgh*
Brian: "I wish Snow were here..."
Random_Nerd: Theresa, are you using a miracle for that shout?
DanteE: to giant: "You know a Imperator named Kudzu?"
Theresa: (Hmm...just Aspect 3 loud.)
Random_Nerd: Giant: *bits the crazy off at the waist, and tries to smack Dante in the face with the legs*
Random_Nerd: His rectangular vertical pupils narrow horizontally, rather like a captial I
Random_Nerd: Everyone hears Theresa, but many are too panicked to be able to think clearly.
DanteE: (Hears her what? I don't see it...)
Random_Nerd: Several folks try to shove their way past those of you standing at the door.
Random_Nerd: (She said it up there. "Anyone not gone crazy, get to the doors but don't go out yet! Especially you, Robe-boy!")
DanteE: (Oh... the don't-leave thing)
Random_Nerd: (Dante, do you duck the smack-with-half-a-corpse thing?)
DanteE: (Uh, yeah.)
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and the guy's tall, but only about half again as tall as a tall guy. Him eating half a guy looks rather like a big guy biting off half a dog. It hurts your jaws just looking at it.)
DanteE: (I'm doing a weird blade-fu thing here with the ducking and tyhe slicing... :) )
Brian: (So it looks like Snow, if she chewed)
Random_Nerd: (Largely, yes.)

  • Theresa will head into the fray, yelling at the mortals to get to the door using an Aspect 3 miracle to get them to listen to her and obey.

Random_Nerd: (And the eating did indeed look like the use of a miracle, unlike the rest of what he's doing.)
Random_Nerd: About 80% of the people who aren't crazy seem to listen to Theresa's use of Drill Sergeant's Commanding Presence Prana. Basically, everyone who isn't actually maimed seems to start doing what she said.
Random_Nerd: A crazy decides that Theresa's leg would be better off in his stomach, and takes steps to enact this plan, sinking his teeth in her right leg all the way to his gums.
Random_Nerd: This hurts.

  • Brian will Aspect (with AMP) shoot the guy biting T

Theresa: (Even though I'm Durant?)
Random_Nerd: (Even though. He's biting with more than human jaw strength.)

  • DanteE goes through the crazies with his Two-Swords-No-Waiting Kata.

Brian: (With Holy Fire and such)
Random_Nerd: (It doesn't actually do a wound in game-mechanical terms.)
Random_Nerd: (But it does hurt.)
Random_Nerd: (Theresa has very low Spirit.)
Theresa: "I only let _Imperators_ takes chunks out of me!"
Brian: (how many AMP to safely shoot just the one guy, and kill him dead?)
Random_Nerd: (Her Holy Fire only blocks large-scale things.)
DanteE: "All bets are off!"
Random_Nerd: (You can get a clean brain shot with Aspect 1.)
Brian: (Done. 1 AMP to "save" Theresa)
Theresa: (I hope the brain stops the bullet.)
DanteE: (You'll mess up Theresa's outfit, tho.)
Random_Nerd: The guy makes one last twitch and then dies, as a bullet passes through his head from above and lodges in one shoulderblade, from the inside.
Theresa: (I have _teeth_ in my pants. It's already ruined.)
Random_Nerd: There're about four crazies left at this point.

  • DanteE wastes one loon with each blade.

Brian: (how many AMP to take 'em all out at once? With a well placed, ricochet'd bullet? Exalted-style)
Random_Nerd: Various hurt people sob on the ground.

  • Theresa will look at the crazy with the Sight. And then in mythic.

Random_Nerd: (Aspect 4 to do both that Dante didn't kill with one bullet.)
Random_Nerd: (Since a human could in theory do it but it's not bloody likely.)
Brian: (ok. tapping myself out to do it :p)
Random_Nerd: Mythically, they look a lot like the ones outside, who were hollowed out and had The Crazy stuck in.
DanteE: (Ooh, reminds me...)
Random_Nerd: (And yes. This counts as a Harvest.)
DanteE: (eeeeeeeexcellent.)

  • Brian will shoot a corner of the room, have the bullet bounce around, pass through one of the crazies, ricochet off a silvered mirror, and lodge itself in the last of them.

Brian: (there's gotta be a reason we have 5 AMP, and it's gotta be to reach Exalted levels of cool. Unfortunately, no more AMP for Brian :p)
Theresa: (What is Dante's healing Gift based on? What stat.)
Random_Nerd: The giant, after utterly failing to touch Dante, picks up the nearest cultist, this one not crazy, and starts to jam him down his throat, jaw distending hideously.
Random_Nerd: (It's based on a miracle of Domain.)
DanteE: (Domain, unfortunately. Destruction of Damage.)
DanteE: "Whoa whoa whoa whoa!
Random_Nerd: About six people who weren't injured look at Brian with awed expressions.

  • DanteE grabs the dude out of the Giant's mouth...

Random_Nerd: Giant: *nom nom n...*
DanteE: "Grab a dead one, they're less likely to grab your uvula.
Theresa: (Can Not Has!)
Random_Nerd: The giant makes a gagging sound as Dante pulls the still-living-but-chewed guy out of his throat.
Brian: (not yours!)
Random_Nerd: Giant: "Mine!"
Brian: "No! Not yours! Bad giant!"
Brian: (in a scolding type voice)

  • DanteE picks up two dead guys and hands them to the giant. "Trade ya!"

Theresa: (...We are _not_ keeping him!)
Random_Nerd: The bronzed giant charges towards Brian, knocking over three people and stepping on one in the process.
Brian: (why not? We have two already, for him to play with)
Random_Nerd: The leg of the stepped-on person makes a very unpleasant sounding crack.
DanteE: (I knew it, I knew it... )
Brian: "um. uh oh."

  • DanteE tackles the giant!

Random_Nerd: The guy whose leg was just broken sobs on the ground.
Random_Nerd: Dante masses a lot less than the giant, but he smacks into him with great force, bringing him to the ground with a thump that shakes the building slightly.
Theresa: (How's Lesson?)
Random_Nerd: (Lesson was fighting one of the last two until Brian's bullet killed it.)
Random_Nerd: Lesson looks up at Brian with more genuine respect than he's shown him in the past.
Brian: (*laughs*)

  • DanteE tries healing broken-leg guy

Random_Nerd: (Lesson and the guy seem to have been rather evenly matched, and he's gotten several bites taken out of him, but not big ones.()
DanteE: (Hope it wasn't rabies...)
Theresa: (Great, corrupted cultists with demon blood chasers...)
Random_Nerd: The guy's leg straightens... and then starts to lengthen, that bone pulling free of cartilidge and ligaments as the lower end extends out six inches past his ankle.
Random_Nerd: The guy screams for a moment and then passes out.
Brian: "... that's not what a leg is supposed to look like"
DanteE: "Crap."
Theresa: (Unless it's Lesson's...)
Random_Nerd: Lesson, to Brian: "Didn't know you could do that."

  • Theresa will hustle over to the giant.

Random_Nerd: The legbone keeps lengthening until it's about three and a half feet long.
DanteE: "That was me, with help from the cult."
Brian: (to Lesson) "I'm a Noble."
Random_Nerd: Lesson bows his head fairly low to Brian.
Brian: "No need for that, Lesson. At least, not right now, in the aftermath of ... whatever that was."
Random_Nerd: Dante has the giant under control, although he's struggling on the ground.
Random_Nerd: Up close, he looks really hairy, with curly hairs of a darker bronze covering almost his entire body.
Random_Nerd: Most of the people, standing by the door, look at Theresa for guidance.
Brian: "Do we have any scholars of the Classics in the room?"
Random_Nerd: Some guy: "Uh, I took a few classes when I was in college."
Brian: "What kind of giant is this?"
DanteE: This giant showing any signs of intelligence?
Random_Nerd: That guy: "Fuck if I know. The kind that just ate Larry."
Random_Nerd: (It's spoken a few times.)
Random_Nerd: (Mostly profanity.)
Random_Nerd: (And really, "it" is clearly a "he.")
Brian: "... and what were you doing restraining a giant of unknown origin?"
Brian: (in a kind of teacher-scolding-student-for-idiocy voice)

  • Theresa directs the people. "Okay, *points to group of people* you find who's still living in all of this and _carefully_ get them outside. We'll get care for them as soon as possible. Robe-boy, get over here."

Random_Nerd: That guy: "What you /told us/ to do. What kind of crazy thing have you roped us into?"
DanteE: "That ... wasn't ... /us!/"
Random_Nerd: That guy: "Then who the hell are you?"
Theresa: "The dream people had no names, no identification?"
DanteE: "That was people impersonating us, in order to get you working against Creation.
Random_Nerd: The people start filing out the door.
Theresa: (The Cneph-damned _Plants_!)
DanteE: "And save that arm."
Random_Nerd: Someone does indeed pick up the arm of that one unconscious guy.
DanteE: what's the giant doing?
Random_Nerd: Struggling to get free, unsuccessfully.
DanteE: to giant: "you... stop. We're going after the people behind the cult. They're probably the ones who did this.
DanteE: "Once we take out the cult I'll be able to heal you good as new."
Random_Nerd: As people file out, the robed guy swallows hard and then stabs himself in the throat with a sharp knife.
Random_Nerd: (Aspect 4 to get to him in time to stop him.)
DanteE: (I'm on the giant... Theresa, he's yours.)
Theresa: (I spend it.)
Random_Nerd: (Fifteen seconds, if nobody does a miracle to stop him, it's done.)
Random_Nerd: (Okay.)

  • Theresa rushes over to him, making sure to make contact with him. "Now who's being naughty..."

Random_Nerd: The guy's knife stops with the point pressing against his skin, but not quit past it.
Random_Nerd: (Err, quite.)
DanteE: "This is turning into a Tim Burton movie starring Adam Sandler..."
Random_Nerd: The guy shudders in Theresa's arms.
Random_Nerd: (Although he wasn't an Anchor, you checked him earlier with the Sight.)
Brian: (...)
DanteE: (Maybe he's really lonely. :) )
Theresa: (Yeah, but I checked the room with the Sight before and didn't pick up that the cultists could become sharky.)
Theresa: *to Robeboy* "Talk to me."
Brian: (I can just imagine: "Oh no, a REAL GIRL *shudders*")
Random_Nerd: Robe: "It's all useless! I threw my life away for this. I quit my job, left my wife, and it's all crap?"
Theresa: "What were you promised?"
DanteE: (Giant calming down?)
Random_Nerd: (Somewhat. Isn't struggling as hard.)
Random_Nerd: Giant: "Let. Me. Go."
DanteE: to giant: "Come with us. We'll help you."
DanteE: "Just ... don't eat anybody yet."
Random_Nerd: Robe: "You didn't promise us anything, it just... I could just tell I was supposed to do it."
Random_Nerd: Giant: "No promises, asshole."
Brian: "Where did you learn to speak like that?"
DanteE: (He should know about dissing a Noble...)
Random_Nerd: Giant: "From your mother. She talks in her sleep."
Brian: (lamest Nobilis quote EVER. To get a laugh.)
Random_Nerd: Robe guy starts crying.
Brian: (I'm assuming I can't hear robe-guy from where I am)
DanteE: to giant: "Get up!" (gets off him)

  • Theresa soothes. "It's okay...start at the beginning. Tell me everything."

Random_Nerd: The giant starts to pull himself to his feet.
Random_Nerd: Dante is covered in giant-blood, which smells like a mix between blood and a really sweaty farm animal.
DanteE: (Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. :) )
Random_Nerd: Robe guy: "I was just living my life, and then I had the dream. And sure, I left my home, but I was part of something really important. I was someone important. And it's all a lie!"
Random_Nerd: The guy cries more.

  • DanteE shakes some of it off.

Random_Nerd: The blood feels thick and syrupy.
DanteE: "How long ago?"
Random_Nerd: (To the robe guy?)
DanteE: (Yeah)
Random_Nerd: Robe: "Last... last summer."
DanteE: (Current date IC?)
Random_Nerd: (Late Feb.)
Theresa: "Close your eyes...think back to the dream...what can you tell me about it."
DanteE: "6 months?"
Random_Nerd: "Bit more. Early summer."
Random_Nerd: Robe: "You... you, the one with the sword, was talking to me, and you told me where to come and what to do. And I don't remember it all. But it was true, so I did it."

  • DanteE checks out the blood and the Giant with Sight and Mythic

Theresa: "And what was all of the 'what to do'?"
Random_Nerd: (Mythically, the guy looks like a goat that's been very poorly treated from some angles, or a big tall beardy guy from others.)
Theresa: (And I quote the 'uh-oh'. So, hey, Dante, looks like you _could_ have sent the message.  :) )
Random_Nerd: (The bloods are all clinging to each other tightly.)
Brian: (how could dante have sent the message?)
Random_Nerd: Robe: "We... we come here. We keep the giant. We mix his blood with the bricks, and drop them all over town. Stuff like that."
Theresa: (We found out OOC that Dante, or at least Blades, isn't completely new...)
Random_Nerd: (The mythic goat looks a lot like the one you saw when looking at Silicon Valley, last time you were in California.)
DanteE: to giant: "Where are you from?"
Theresa: "What were the bricks supposed to do?"
Random_Nerd: Robe: "Hell if I know."
Theresa: (Does the face on the bricks look like the giant?)
Theresa: "Could you find all of the bricks again?"
Random_Nerd: Giant: "Babylon."
DanteE: ".... How long have you been here?"
Random_Nerd: (It kinda does. Could be him, at least, but you can't really see the beard on the bricks.)
Brian: (library me. Giants of Babylon. Any known?)
Random_Nerd: Giant: "I don't know. Feels like forever."
Random_Nerd: (Lots of mythical history at Babylon. No specific giants named, other than some Imperators who met there to sign a treaty a long time ago.)
DanteE: (Wasn't Gilgamesh a giant, or at least tall?)
Brian: (that one was Norse)
Random_Nerd: (I don't think he was a giant, but he was a really big and strong guy.)
Random_Nerd: (As was Enkidu, probably more so.)
Theresa: (Treaty?)
Random_Nerd: Robe: "Probably not. We threw them all over."
Random_Nerd: (Some big deal a lot of Imperators agreed to, a long time ago.)
Theresa: "Are any of the bricks still here? And what fuels the kiln?"
DanteE: "Then how did Jim get 11?"
Theresa: (Can the Library get more info on the Treaty or was Kudzu not there/invited?)
Random_Nerd: Robe: "...coal. There was a big pile of coal when we got here."
Theresa: "Weird-magnet."
Brian: (static-time-wise, when was the Treaty?)

  • DanteE checks out the fire under the kiln

Random_Nerd: (Hmm. Treaty's not directly relevant here, and I'd have to remember or make up some of the details, and I don't want to set a in-continuity decision now for if I have a more clear idea later. That okay?)

  • Theresa looks Robe in the eyes. "There is still hope in your life. Believe me, I know Her." *smile* "Are you going to be okay standing on your own or will I need to stop you again?"

Brian: (sure. Was wondering if it was at a major Age-change mostly)
Random_Nerd: Robe guy just lies there crying.
Theresa: (Okay with me. Thought it might be important. But if it's flavor, s'okay.)
Random_Nerd: (Might be important, but not to this storyline, and I don't have all the details worked out.)

  • Theresa will check out the coal, while keeping an eye on Robe guy too.

Random_Nerd: Robe, through tears. "Big pile of bricks. Over there. Haven't sent them out yet."

  • Theresa murmurs, "Hello bricks."

Random_Nerd: The robe guy starts to curl up in the fetal position.

  • Brian will go over to robe guy

DanteE: (Can we spot the cult-taint in Sight or Mythic?)
Random_Nerd: (You can.)
Random_Nerd: The bricks lie there sullenly.
Brian: "I understand you were duped into doing all of this. It is possible we can help you get a life back." (Is it possible to cleanse the cult-taint?)
Random_Nerd: Robe-guy exhales deeply, breathing out a mist of blood, breath, and foulness. As he does so, his body starts to melt.
Brian: "Um. Guys?"
Brian: "Here. Now."

  • DanteE heads to robe-guy...
  • Theresa heads over. *sigh*

Random_Nerd: He murmurs a word, "Sueridus", as he melts.
DanteE: Sight and Mythic check. What do I see?
Random_Nerd: The red cloud hangs in the air.
Random_Nerd: (To the sight, nothing shows up. No greater miracles are being done.)
Brian: (Switch to Mythic: appearance?)
Random_Nerd: (Mythically, it looks like the cells of his body just spontaneously decided to bail on him.)
Brian: "Cells?"
Theresa: "Did we tick off the Power of Blood recently?"
Random_Nerd: (You see them driving away and leaving their families alone.)
Brian: "Hey! Cells! I'm talking to you!"
Theresa: (Does the word mean anything to us?)
Random_Nerd: (Nope.)
Brian: (... also, count that in the list of "things I never thought I'd say.")
DanteE: "Which of our Aides knows history better?"
Random_Nerd: The cells of blood and flesh in the cloud ignore Brian, and continue to dissipate.
Brian: "ok. NOW I'm mad >_<"
Theresa: (Are there any containers nearby?)
Brian: (but can I think of a way to do anything about it? nope.)

  • DanteE cell-phones Samuel in the car.

Random_Nerd: (Hmm. Not really. There's a bag by the bricks.)
Theresa: (What's in the bag?)
Random_Nerd: Samuel picks up the other end.
Random_Nerd: (Dirt and tiny bits of brick.)
DanteE: "Samuel--Dante. Need you to look a few things up...
DanteE: "Starting with the name 'Sueridus'. Ring any bells?"
Random_Nerd: Samuel: "Uh, not really. What's the context?"

  • Brian will listen to the Library for Sueridus. Also Sudireus.

DanteE: "Last words of an ex-cultist who just melted.
Random_Nerd: (The word is not mentioned in the library a single time.)

  • Theresa will use the bag to try andcontain the cells that are dispersing.

DanteE: "Also... we've got a 7-foot hairy bearded bronze guy who says he's from Babylon."
Brian: "No hits in the library"
Random_Nerd: S: "...huh."
Random_Nerd: (It's a fabric bag. The cells are in a mist. Some stick to the inside, and start to leak through.)
Brian: "By the way, does this happen often, the melting of ex-cultists?"
DanteE: "Good question... Samuel, ever hear of an otherwise human cultist melting?"
Random_Nerd: S: "I think sometimes they die in weird ways, but that still sounds rather odd."
Theresa: (Really want to spend a Domain miracle...)
Brian: "Also, anyone know the Power of DNA or Cloning? It's possible we may be able to remake him?"
DanteE: "ANything from the little oracles in your ears?"
Brian: (so do I)

  • Theresa coats the outside of the bag with hardening tree sap to stop the mist from going through. (There. Don't like it and it'll backfire but still.

Theresa: )
Random_Nerd: After a pause: "We've heard the name mentioned in passing by an Imperator, but when asked about it they don't tell us what it means. It's one of our standing mysteries."
DanteE: "Context?"
Brian: "Remind me to set up NobleWiki at some point ..."
Random_Nerd: S: "The one who heard it didn't feel that it was right to give the Imperator's name, given that it was something he seemed to want to hide."
Random_Nerd: S: "It's listed anonymously."
Theresa: "Maybe Kudzu knows the word."
DanteE: "Thanks Samuel... (click)"
Random_Nerd: S: "And it was something that the Imperator in question said to one of his Nobles, and the Aide thinks it was the name of a person, place, or group."
DanteE: "It sounds Latin to me."
Theresa: (...great, I now have a Schoolhouse Rock song stuck in my head.)
Brian: (request to wrap up soon?)
Random_Nerd: Giant: "I don't want you to think that I'm some kind of monster. But these people kept me here for a long time in very great pain, and I consider myself only very partially avenged."
DanteE: (so, it's a Mystery Noun?)
Random_Nerd: (Pretty much.)
Random_Nerd: Giant: "Squealing little animals pretending to be humans."
DanteE: "When we find whoever's behind this... that will be taken care of."
DanteE: "... just out of curiousity, who was your father?"
Random_Nerd: Giant: "Whatever, child of animals."
Random_Nerd: Giant: "The angel Azazel."
Random_Nerd: _________STOP__________
Theresa: "They're dying, lost their purpose in life and are possibly doomed to wander the rest of their short lives."

      • Brian is now known as Lazarus.
      • You are now known as BethE.

Lazarus: query: non-interference Treaty?
BethE: My mother was a Saint!
Random_Nerd: Mmm?
Lazarus: or am I thinking of a different game?
Random_Nerd: Oh, and the treaty was at the beginning of the Third Age, and had to do with how to deal with the Excrucians.
DanteE: Hm... I figured it was somebody else
Lazarus: non-interference in the affairs .... ah! I'm thinking of Scion.

      • DanteE is now known as Knockwood.

Random_Nerd: So, thoughts on the session?
Knockwood: Remind me: Who was Azazel?
Lazarus: combat fast :p
BethE: That I want to raid the Library/Aides about the Angel.
Random_Nerd: Azazel was a name mentioned a few times in passing in the Bible, generally in weird contexts.
Knockwood: I was thinking... big guy, cannibalistic tendencies, linked to bricks and us. Who's that sound like?
Random_Nerd: Also, in 1 Enoch, he was one of the Watches.
BethE: Kudzu.
Random_Nerd: Taught humans to make weapons and cosmetics.
Knockwood: hope he taught them not to mix those up... :)
Random_Nerd: You're not entirely barking up the wrong tree, Knock.
Random_Nerd: Remember the thing about the origin of Blades we discussed?
Knockwood: ahhhhhhh. Azazel gave Blades to Kudzu?
BethE: Hey, as a woman, I am confident that cosmetics can be weapons.  :)
Random_Nerd: For certain values of "gave."
Knockwood: OK, what about Sueridus? Sounds Latin to me...
Lazarus: Sounds latinier in the reverse.
BethE: We keep running into Watchers. Any more and I shall be forced to Anchor someone named Buffy.
Random_Nerd: Oh, and it was interesting that Beth mentioned "scapegoats" since the scapegoat was the one given to Azazel.
BethE: (SOrry, it was an 'out loud in RL' comment.)
Knockwood: Technically, we should whack the giant for dissing me. :)
Lazarus: yeah
Lazarus: I was thinking that
Random_Nerd: If you don't want to, though, you have an out.
BethE: But he's possibly not a lesser being. If that was how it worked, Angels could take out most of the world for having acne. Maybe just a duel.
Random_Nerd: That law is pretty much about accepting that sort of thing from humans, and he claims to be partially angelic.
Random_Nerd: Of course, if you want to kill him for it, you can probably build a case for that, too.
Lazarus: well, my case for that would tend to go: "He tried to attack me. Probably was planning to eat me. I had a gun. Of course I shot him. Seventy-two times. Had to make sure."
Random_Nerd: So, what did you guys like most and least about this one?
Knockwood: I _think_ we can justify taking out the crazy cultists...
Lazarus: oh, we can definitely justify them.
Random_Nerd: What with them trying to kill you and actually hurting other people.
Random_Nerd: Plus, one bit Theresa's leg!
Knockwood: and I did get a HArvest, which we've been neglecting.
Lazarus: they attempt to attack us. We reply with sevenfold-escalation to actually hurting them.
BethE: Theresa has plans for a harvest later. Takes a bunch of walking.
Knockwood: long as she doesn't get rabies...
Lazarus: Brian's views on Harvest: "Sacrifice part of our own Estate? Wouldn't the Excrucians LOVE that?"
Lazarus: (which explains why he's never done one)
BethE: Theresa sees it more as a way of pruning. Pruning is needed for many plants in order to become stronger and better.
BethE: Plus no one _needs_ crabgrass.
Lazarus: hee
Lazarus: or thistles.
Knockwood: could also be seen as a 'refining' process...
Lazarus: stupid stabby plant.
BethE: Scotland needs thistles.
Knockwood: I like that I came in expecting a Battle Royal, didn't get one due to circumstances ... then got one anyway. :)
Lazarus: not canukistan
BethE: O Canada needs maple trees. Destroy them, and you can symbolically destroy Canada. And Vermont.
Knockwood: BTW, where's Scurve's potential character?
BethE: It was in #wendy but we're having communication problems again.
Lazarus: he's at least got a few weeks to get all that sorted out
BethE: Yeppers. I go under the knife Monday.
Knockwood: for what?
Lazarus: much luck for successful surgery Bethychan.
BethE: Removal of fibroids. Apparently I am carrying around a small D&D dungeon inside of me.
Knockwood: ...fibroids?
BethE: Hoping the doctors level up some on the removal.
Lazarus: :)
BethE: Think small (noncancerous) tumors inside a uterus. Can cause unusually long bleeding at times.
BethE: Plus, I look like I'm 6.5 months pregnant. :P
Knockwood: yikes.
Random_Nerd: So, "small" in this case fails to apply.
Lazarus: lots of small adds up.
BethE: Most of them are small. It's just that 14cm one in the last 10x10 room that's hard.
Knockwood: That better be a hell of a pie it's guarding.
Random_Nerd: I heard they buffed it in the last patch, too.
Random_Nerd: Now it randomly deaggros and runs around the room killing healers.
BethE: Hmm, must remind sugery raid to have extra priests available.
Knockwood: (I actually started playing CoH recently...)
Lazarus: I prefer the Guild Wars aggro style.
Lazarus: less ... artificial.
Random_Nerd: I still can't get the hang of that.
Knockwood: (got guys on the Victory and Freedom servers)
Random_Nerd: But I suppose it makes sense, since GW has less complicated boss fights.
Lazarus: it's quite cool: things go for squishies first.
BethE: And we'll send out email/PM to let everyone know I made it back home and updates as to how I'm recovering.
Random_Nerd: If I had to deal with that system /while/ doing complex synchronized ninja dances in WoW, my brains would melt.
Lazarus: GW has some complex Mission boss fights (like, not the named-guy bosses, but the final boss fights ... often quite tough)
Lazarus: as a tank, your primary job is to hit things until they die.
Knockwood: Well... scheduled surgery during the middle of the day with lotsa prep, right?
Lazarus: as a squishy, your job is to stay alive, and target their healers and Mesmers (primarily)
Random_Nerd: Well, I haven't gotten to the end of the campaign, but pretty much everyone I've talked to says that WoW does boss fights better to about the same degree as GW does PvP better.
Lazarus: oh, I would believe it. It's just that there's some that are agonizingly tough :p
Knockwood: (any other City of Heroes players?)
Lazarus: but there's nothing like what I've heard WoW has.
Random_Nerd: Me, I like both games.
Lazarus: (I used to play CoV. Realized I got bored of it and wasn't having fun. Stopped.)
Random_Nerd: I think I like WoW a bit more, but GW makes a good break from that when I get bored with it.
Lazarus: I'd try out WoW, except for the fact that I can't afford it.
Random_Nerd: Yeah, there is that.
BethE: Scheduled for Monday in the morning, as far as I know. (Find out specifics on Friday.) Surgery will be at least 1.5 hours. May be in hospital till Wed morning or so. Then about 2 weeks recovered.
Random_Nerd: That's why GW makes a good "second game" for me.
BethE: recovery even
Random_Nerd: Had a whole big pre-surgery getting-things-taken-care-of thing yesterday.
Lazarus: (it helps that I know plenty of folks playing WoW ... I /really/ want to try out some high-level raids and stuff)
Random_Nerd: (They're really fun, once you get the hang of it.)
Knockwood: so, how long until the next Nobilis session?
Lazarus: 2 week break it sounds like.
Random_Nerd: Depends how fast Beth recovers, really.
Lazarus: at least, anyway.
Random_Nerd: But something like that.
BethE: *looks at calendar*
Knockwood: Maybe they'll let her connect in the room.
Lazarus: Guild Wars does suffer from the 8-man-team max. :(
BethE: :) From what I've been told, I will be wanting lots of painkillers while in the hospital. Gaming might be more difficult than usual. And I might even be...cranky.
Knockwood: Then again, you've got her recovering from this, and presumably you recovering from removing the kidney you had to sell to pay for it... :)
Lazarus: (but Heroes are where GW /really/ shines in my opinion. Sadly, you need Nightfall or GWEN to get them, but the concept is genius. Now, if only I could get them to carry the stuff so my main character can still hit things :p)
BethE: But yeah, we should know by the 11th how I'm doing, whether I'm going back to work, whether I'm able to stay up past 7pm...
Knockwood: Beth: Well, it would be different......
BethE: But me being mean and nasty (while doped) would be something that mortals should not experience!
Knockwood: In fact... if you need something to do, you could try that 24-hour Setting I was trying to get people to do
Random_Nerd: At least the insurance covers it.
Random_Nerd: (And I've not used Heroes, as all I have is Factions, since the Ritualist seemed interesting.)
Random_Nerd: We'll be out a fair bit of money, but our kidneys can remain in place.
Lazarus: (Rit does seem interesting. Factions is the only one I /don't/ have at this point ;). Heroes are wonderful. They allow you to customize your team more than anything but an Order of the Keetom team :p!)
Random_Nerd: (Yeah. Some day, when I've got the money to spare, I'll get one of the ones with Heroes and make a ritualist minion-bomber hero. I love the style of that build, but it's micromanagement-intensive enough to make me bleed from the ears, and there's no good way to target minions in GW.)
BethE: I'm hoping that I can get more of the Actual Plays up for my threads while I am recovering.
Random_Nerd: (That's one thing I like better about WoW, they go out of their way to encourage user-made UI mods.)
Random_Nerd: And don't worry, guys, I'll do my best to take good care of Beth while she recovers.
Lazarus: (you know ... Necro minion masters are one of the better ones - along with interrupters - where Heroes excel. They also have way better AI than the Henchies do, and can play builds better than many humans)
Random_Nerd: (Minion masters are cool too, but the one thing better than zombies is /exploding/ zombies.)
Lazarus: (hee. I don't actually know the Rit powers very well.)
Random_Nerd: (They make alarmingly good minion-bombers, if you're good at targeting some tiny pixel of a moving zombie.)
Knockwood: hm... I kinda wonder what a 24-Hour Setting 'fueled' by painkillers would be like now....
Lazarus: (hold alt or ctrl, and you can click on the names to target)
Random_Nerd: (Basically, with the right set-up, you get health and energy for each minion you create, your minions have extra health, and they make little AOEs when they appear.)
Lazarus: (WHEEE! kaboom :D)
Random_Nerd: (Plus, you can use a particular ability to make all your zombies blow up at once, which can make for a scary spike with a good death nova on each.)
Lazarus: a 24-hour setting fueled by painkillers would get you Yellow Submarine: the RPG
Lazarus: I'm not sure if that's awesome or hideous.
BethE: I'm not sure how I will react to the painkillers. I know I can get incoherent on certain medications. And that I don't handle pain all that well.
Random_Nerd: Bah, use amphetamines and make Valis.
Lazarus: (... I always remember to interrupt the Death Novas)
Random_Nerd: (With disenchanting, or what?)
Lazarus: (in my case, it's some kind of warrior "I hit you, and deal more damage" thing. Don't remember exactly which. +30 damage if interrupting a spell)
Random_Nerd: (Ah, that.)
BethE: Plus, they're even limiting how long I can sit at a computer, even. :P On the bright side, I can't use a vacuum cleaner for 6 weeks!
Lazarus: (it's also good for dealing with Rangers and their pesky Troll Unguent. Of course, my Mesmer interrupt monkey tends to take care of things)
Random_Nerd: (My warrior has that, although I don't usually have it on my skill bar.)
Random_Nerd: Yes, you won't be able to do any raiding in SSC while you recover!
Lazarus: (I find it's helpful to have an interrupt and a self-heal on the bar. And a Stance - Flurry. And For Great Justice! and Watch Yourself! so ... really, I have 3 slots to play with x_x. Savage Slash and Gash take two of those. ... so, one. Which is a Power Attack-a-like)
Random_Nerd: (Rather simila to what I use in some ways.)
Lazarus: (In the end, all that matters for a Warrior is to hit things lots and stand in between the bad guys and the monks.)
Knockwood: so... Wendy would actually be a LiveJournal made, um, flesh?
Random_Nerd: (I use sever artery for bleeding, gash for deep wound, sun and moon strike for adrenaline with For Great Justice and to hit blocking people, Quivering Blade for a fairly spammable attack with good damage and a chance to be able to daze folks...)
Lazarus: (err, Sever Artery, not Savage Slash. That one was my Power Attack-a-like at one point)
Random_Nerd: (And then For Great Justice and berserker stance, plague touch for condition control and transfering that dazed.)
Lazarus: (S&M and Quivering are Factions only, damnit >_<)
Random_Nerd: (Plus, a wildcard.)
Random_Nerd: (Quivering, Plague Touch, and S&M work well together.)
Lazarus: (at least, at some point I should be able to get Riposte and Deadly Riposte. Those are cool. Stances, I believe, with a % chance of blocking. If you block, your attacker takes damage and starts bleeding - for deadly)
Knockwood: ... you still talking about a game? (rimshot)
Random_Nerd: (Get Dazed on me if you block me, put it on you with Plague Touch, and then hit you to interrupt even if you're still blocking with S&M.)
BethE: I apologize again for disrupting the gaming again, especially so close to the holidays. But it's something that has to get taken care of.
Random_Nerd: And I didn't hear much from Scurve about that.
Random_Nerd: He seemed to be connected only a fraction of the time.
Knockwood: so Scurve has a few weeks to get his sodding connection working properly? :)
Random_Nerd: So it seems.
BethE: :)
Random_Nerd: Anything else before I head offline?
Lazarus: not unless you want to chat about Guild Wars some more :p
Lazarus: (seriously, Knock, GW is a great investment for casual, and also more-than-casual, MMOing)
Knockwood: aheh... latest Zero Punctuation includes a goofy 'Intro Sequence Theatre' thing. (Link:
Random_Nerd: Yeah, that was a funny review.
Lazarus: what's it of?
Knockwood: The Witcher. Intro Sequence Theatre is from Painkiller
Lazarus: what is The Witcher?
Random_Nerd: Even if you're unfamiliar with the game, watch it.
Random_Nerd: Some CRPG.
Lazarus: eh. I'd have to set up sound to do that (really, just turn on my headphones)
Lazarus: (bluetooth rocks, but it's kind of effort to turn them on sometimes :p)
BethE: Well, guys, I should probably get to sleep. Enjoy yourselfs for a couple of weeks! *HUGS*
Knockwood: g'night and good luck Beth
Lazarus: g'night and good luck.
BethE: Thanks!