Black Panther PL15

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Black Panther (T'Challa, King of Wakanda); PL 15 (235pp)

Init +7; Spd 50ft (Run, Climb) 20ft (Leap); Defense 24 (6 Base, 7 Dex, 1 Dodge); BAB +6; Atk Melee +11 (8S Punch, 10L Claws, 11L Energy Dagger), Ranged +11; SV Dmg +3 (8 Armor), Fort +3, Ref +7 (Evasion), Will +9; Str 20, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16 (Total 70PP)

Feats: Assessment, Blind Fight, Conected, Dodge, Endurance, Expertise, Evasion, Headquarters, Improved Trip, Inspire, Iron Will, Leadership, Minions, Move-By Attack, Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Takedown Attack, Track, Wealth x5, Whirlwind Attack (Total 48PP)

Skills: Acrobatics 3/+10, Balance 4/+11, Bluff 2/+10, Computers 2/+9, Diplomacy 4/+12, Disable Device 4/+11, Demolitions 1/+8, Gather Information 1/+9, Handle Animal 4/+12, Hide 7/+14, Knowledge: Wakanda 2/+9, Listen 2/+11, Medicine 1/+8, Move Silently 2/+17, Open Lock 1/+8, Pilot 2/+9, Ride 3/+10, Search 4/+11, Science: Physics 5/+12, Spot 2/+11, Survival 2/+11 (Total 29PP)

Powers: Armor +8 (Source: Super Science; Extras: Clinging +5, Super-Skill Move Silently, Natural Weapon +5 (Extra: Corrosion); Power Stunt: Darkvision; Cost 2pp/rank+17pp, Total 33pp); Gadgets +6 (Source: Super Science, Cost 1pp/Rank, Total 6pp); Strike +3 (Source: Training, Cost 2pp/Rank, Total 6pp); Super-Dexterity +2 (Source: Mutation, Extras: Running, Super-Senses, Telescopic Hearing; Cost 7pp/rank, Total 14pp); Super-Wisdom +5 (Source: Training, Extras: Super-Intelligence, Super-Charisma; Cost 5pp/rank, Total 25pp); Weapon +6 (Source: Super Science, Extra: Corrosion; Power Stunt: Ranged Weapon; Cost 2pp/rank+2pp, Total 14pp) (Total 98PP)

Weakness: King First, Hero Second - T'Challa will, when it becomes necessary, put the needs of his people and country above those of others. The expenditure of two hero points is required for the Black Panther to temporarily (and it is only temporary) ignore his royal duties. This also tends to make the other members of teams he is on edgy, as he has no qualms about utilizing all the resources he has at his disposal (like favors from a certain other armored monarch) (Total -10PP)