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Name: Maer (most commonly used alias to protect the guilty and avoid embarrassing friends)
Age: Old enough to drive a car, young enough not to avoid Social Security checks.
Bio: Artist. Writer. Happily married. Mom. All else subject to change without notice, and often does. Easily distracted by shiny things.
Birthday: 31 March


Q. Why RPG gaming?
A. Why not? It's a great way to make up a story and share it. It's a way to act out all those bathroom mirror fantasies that would otherwise have you hogging the sink when others in your household have to brush their teeth or pee. It's a great reason to step away from your laptop and get out of the house. I'd call that a solid win.
Q. What attracted you to this particular game?
A. Science fiction. Western. Guns. Spaceships. Blowing stuff up. Oh, and the chance to play a paranoid scrappy underdog who's a mechanical wizard and can do complex mathematics in her head. What's not to love?