Sora Chiba

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A character in the PbP game Malaysian Mantrap, inspired primarily by Takuma Tsurugi, Sonny Chiba's titular character in "The Street Fighter" movie series.


Japanese-Chinese martial artist, young and cocky but really very good. Bit of a playboy. Works variously as a martial arts instructor, bouncer, prizefighter, bodyguard, bounty hunter, courier, enforcer and, on some rare occasions, assassin. Solid personal connections to organized crime through the martial arts world and from a childhood spent out on the streets of East Asia after running away from a Tokio orphanage. Still very much a street person, brash and arrogant, with an odd "law of the jungle" kind of honor code, although these days he makes an effort to educate himself (if only because he likes to feel smarter than the people around him).

Mid-twenties, average height, athletic build, brown eyes, mid-length black hair, usually clean-shaven and well groomed. Sharp dresser in a rockstar sort of way, with a taste for fancy sneakers, cool shades and black two-piece suits worn without a shirt. Tends to carry a few knives, a silenced pistol and, when he's feeling dramatic, a heavy three-foot bamboo flute that he uses like a hanbo.

If Sanchez asked some friends in Tokio or Hong Kong for a favor, they might well have sent Sora to help him.


Total 55 points.

6 INTelligence
6 ATTRactiveness
6 Movement Allowance
6 EMPathy
8 REFlex


Total 200 points.


7 Awareness/notice (base 2)
4 Education & general knowledge
5 Gamble
7 Hide/Evade
4 Instruction
4 Scrounging


2 Demolitions
5 Disguise
5 First Aid
2 Forgery
2 Pick lock
2 Pick pocket
4 Play (flute)
4 Play (bass guitar)


4 Wardrobe/style (base 1)
4 Personal grooming (base 2)


4 Human perception (base 2)
4 Leadership
4 Perform
4 Persuasion (base 2)
5 Seduction (base 1)
4 Social (base 2)


7 Athletics (base 1)
5 Dance
6 Fencing
5 Handgun
8 Martial art (Streetfighting)
6 Melee (base 1)
5 Motorcycle
7 Stealth


6 Streetwise
6 Intimidate
6 Resist torture/drug


8 Strength feat
8 Endurance
4 Swimming (base 2)


6 Japanese
4 Cantonese
4 English
2 Mandarin
2 Malay
2 Korean
2 Thai