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Bishop, PL 10 150

Str 16 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 20 (+5), Int 16 (+3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 12 (+1)

Combat: Attack: +9, Damage: +3 (unarmed) or power rank (see below), Grapple +3, Defense: +6 (+8 Dodge, +3 Flat-Footed), Initiative: +2.

Saves: Toughness: 5, Fortitude: 13, Reflex: 10, Will: 8.

Skills: Acrobatics 6, Climb 11, Computers 11, Disable Device 9, Drive 8, Escape Artist 6, Gather Information 9, Intimidate 11, Investigate 13, Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 9, Knowledge (Civics) 9, Knowledge (History) 7, Notice 10, Pilot 6, Search 11, Sense Motive 8, Stealth 8.

Feats: : All-Out Attack, Defensive Roll 3, Diehard, Dodge Focus 2, Improved Aim, Power Attack, Precise Shot.


  • Absorption 5 (Extra: Energy Storage. Feat: Energy Conversion, Slow Fade [1 min]. Boost: Blast [variable rank]. Alternate Power 2: Boost: Protection [variable rank], Boost: Strength [variable rank])

Abilities 32 + Combat 30 + Saves 22 + Skills 27 + Feats 10 + Powers 29 = 150.