Grunge PL8

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Alternate Identity: PERCIVAL EDMUND CHANG Group Affiliation: GEN13 First Appearance: GEN13 miniserie #1, Deathmate Black Power Level: 8 (130pp)

Str: 16 (+3) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 19 (+4) Int: 16 (+3) Yes he's not an idiot, he just acts as it Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 12 (+1) Total: 31

Base Attack Bonus: 6

He's a well trained martial artist with Kung Fu style (he was raised by Triads) 

Melee: +10 Ranged: +10 Total: 18

Base Defense Bonus: 5 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +9 Initiative: +4

Cost: 10

SAVES Damage: +6 (toughness) Fort: +6 (toughness) Ref: + 4 Will: +0


Alternate form +7 [solid, power stunt: extra form (semi-solid), power stunt: extra power*, extra:incorporeal, extra: regeneration (extra: regrowth, flaw: in alternate form only*); cost: 46pp; source: mutation]

  • Power Stunt: when spend a hero point, he can use another power as shapeshift, liquid form, or give an alternate form by touching another person
    • he can't regenerate if he doesn't keep his alternate form.

Total: 38pp


Attack Focus (unarmed), Power Attack, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Toughness, Photographic memory, Immunity (bullets) He can take a shot, be stunted but he absorbs the bullets without any problems

Cost: 14pp

Skills: Acrobatics +6, Climb +4, Drive +7, Computers +4, knowledge (martial arts) +7. Total: 10 pp

Weakness: Quirk: he always believe in his capacities and he doesn't use his powers until it's necessary. He thinks that his fighting skills can handle problems anytime.