Balder PL12

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Balder (Barry Landers) Concept: Noble Asgardian Power Level: 12 Weakness: Vulnerable to Mistletoe

Abilty Scores: Str 20,Dex 16,Con 18,Int 13,Wis 18,Cha 20

Base Attack Bonus: +7 Defense Bonus: +7

Skills: Diplomacy +17, Handle Animal +17, Knowledge (Asgardian history) +5, Knowledge (Tactics) +3, Ride +7, Sense Motive +6, Survival +6.

Feats: Attack Focus (Swords), Attractive, Dodge, Expertise, Heroic Surge, Hero’s Luck, Indomitable Will, Iron Will, Leadership, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Power Attack, Talented (Diplomacy/Sense Motive); Durability

Powers: Amazing Save (Damage) +8[Extra: Immunity, Impervious, Protection; Flaw: Only in Asgard; Source: Mystical; Cost: 24pp]; Amazing Save (Fort) +8[Source: Alien; Cost: 8pp] Super-Strength +8[Extra: Super-Charisma; Source: Alien; Cost: 40pp]

Saves: Dmg +4/+12, Fort +12, Reflex +3, Will +6; Defense 20 (17 flat-footed) Attacks +13 melee (+15L, swords or +13S, punch); +10 ranged (+4L, arrows)