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Character Sheet

Real Name: Kuromi Yumizuka
Gender: Female
Age: 16

PL: 10 (150)
Ability Scores (14)
Strength 8
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 14

Bonuses (3)
Attack +0
Defense +6 (tradeoff: -4 defense, +4 Toughness)

Saves (18)
Toughness: +0
Fortitude: +5 (5 PP)
Reflex: +7 (6 PP)
Will: +10 (7 PP)

Skills (8)
Computers 8
Concentration 12
Drive 1
Diplomacy 5
Stealth 6

Feats (5)
Luck x5

Powers (80)

Forcefield 14 (total 14 PP)
- Impervious (+1/rank)
- Distracting (-1/rank)

Telekinesis 10 (base 60PP, feats +10, total 70 PP)
- Area: Burst (+1/rank)
- Damaging (+1/rank)
- Perception (+1/rank)
- Selective (+1/rank)
- Range: Perception (+1/rank)
- Distracting (-1/rank)
Power Feats: Precise, Affects Insubstantial x2, Subtle, Indirect, Area Progression x2, Alternate Power x3

Alternate Powers:

Rho Aias - Deflect 10 (60 PP value, 1 PP cost)
(tradeoff: +5 attack, -5 damage)
- Reaction Deflect (+2/rank)
- Automatic Deflect (+1/rank)
- Ranged Deflect (+1/rank)
- Distracting (-1/rank)
Feats: Range Progression x5, Accurate x3, Affects Insubstantial x2

Zettai Ryouiki - Create Object 10 (60 PP value, 1 PP cost)
- Movable (+1/rank)
- Selective (+1/rank)
Power Feats: Innate, Subtle x2, Tethered, Stationary, Progression x10, Improved Range x5

Senbonzakura Kageyoshi Telekinetic Blast 10 (60 PP value, 1 PP cost)
Tradeoff: +5 Attack, -5 Damage
- Area: Burst (+1/rank)
- Autofire 2 (+2/rank)
- Penetrating (+1/rank)
- Psyche Break Only (-1/rank)
- Distracting (-1/rank)
Feats: Attack Specialization (Senbonzakura) x8, Improved Critical x8, Precise, Selective

Power Loss - Tentacle Monsters (1 PP)

Total PP spent: 135/150