Black Crow King
At the present time, precious little is known about the mysterious warlord and manipulator that calls himself the Black Crow King - save that he (if it is indeed a man, as the title implies) has managed to sow chaos and destruction across Zhen Zhou City, to have built a powerbase in silence and then carved his name into the map in one fell swoop as his enemies desperately tried to recover.
Some say that he is connected to the Hell Clan, but no one knows for sure - and they aren´t talking.
It is apparent that he has plans for the Wulin Schools of the city, but so far it is anyone´s guess just what he wants. He acts mostly through The Black Crow Brigade, his own posse of kung fu students who have jumped ship to serve a higher power, who in their turn gets their orders from The Black Crow King´s Lieutenants.
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