Incredible, Mister PL9

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Mr. Incredible PL 9 Initiative +2 BAB/BDB +5/+4 Defense 16/14 Speed 30 Attack Melee +10 (14 Punch), Ranged +8

Saves Damage +10 [5], Fortitude +6, Reflex +5, Will +3

Attributes Str 20 (+14), Dex 14 (+2), Con 16 (+3), Int 13 (+1), Wis 10 (0), Cha 16 (+3)

Feats Attack Focus (Thrown Weapons), Expertise, Toughness

Skills Acrobatics +5/1, Climb +14, Drive +5/3, Jump +20/6, Listen +9, Prof: Insurance Agent +4/4, Swim +14.

Powers Super-Strength [9], Amazing Save (Damage), Danger Hearing [9], Amazing Save [3], Fortitude, Reflex, Will, Equipment Supersuit [5], Armor, Durability, Homing Device


  • Out of costume, Mr. Incredible’s Damage save is +14, with no Armor or Durability. He’s tough enough already that the costume does little to increase it.
  • On a roll of 10, Mr. Incredible can do a running jump of 25 ft (35 ft on a 20). By spending a Hero Point, Mr. Incredible can double his speed, and jump 50 feet on the same roll, enough to jump across a street.
  • Mr. Incredible can lift just over 100 tons, allowing him to lift a heavy railcar or locomotive.
  • His enhanced hearing warns Mr. Incredible of danger before it strikes.

Cost Abilities 29, Combat 23, Skills 7, Feats 6, Powers 63, Equipment 7, Weakness 0, total 135.

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