UA LR:Steve Hunter
Ricas Kibu/Steve Hunter
Steve Hunter: Graduate, salesman, conspiracy theorist. Steve is 23, and is currently living a stable, yet mediocre, life. After graduating with a degree in electronics, Steve took a job in an electronics store as a salesman. In the 2 years he's been there, he's been doing a good job, but hasn't gone anywhere, career-wise. In his spare time he maintains a small website dedicated to conspiracy theories, called Signal Fire, which has a small, but dedicated, following. Steve hasn't come across any Objects yet.
Obsession: Uncovering the Truth.
Fear Passion: (Isolation) Rejection.
Rage Passion: Destruction of truth.
Noble Passion: Spreading the truth.
Body 44 (Puny)
Struggle: 15
General Athletics: 25
Geocaching: 15
Work without rest: 19
Speed 44 (Slow but steady)
Drive: 25
Initiative: 27
Dodge: 20
Juggling: 24
Mind 72 (Insightful)
Electronics: 35 (General Education)
Notice: 20
Conceal: 20
Conspiracy Theories: 24 ***Obsession skill.***
Create and maintain websites: 23
Law: 10
Soul 60 (Works well with others)
Charm: 40
Lying: 30
Sell extras to customers: 20
Madness Meter
Hardened Failed
0000000000 Self 00000
0000000000 Isolation 00000
0000000000 Helplessness 00000
0000000000 Violence 00000
0000000000 Unnatural 00000
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