Morturi: Light Roles

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Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Gladiators -> Morturi: Light Roles

This page describes the various Light Roles.
Light Roles include:

  • Servus - Literally, just a "slave". These hapless souls represent individuals deemed to be of so little worth and potential to a school that they are given the most meagre of weapons, no armour, and sent into battle. This special role is for Novicius characters only, and is one that is abandoned as soon as the Novicius has survived a single battle.
  • Fast Beast - An animal, such as a wolf or a panther, combining superlative speed with animal instinct.
  • Bestiarius - Unarmoured, but armed with a short spear or knife, these beast-fighters specialised in fighting against animals. However, their skills and tricks give them some benefit against human fighters too!
  • Gallus - Essentially a light version of the Murmillo, this dagger and shield warrior is lightly armoured and relies on his speed and trickery to win battles.
  • Laquerius - Fighting with a noosed rope (or for this game, a chain or a whip) and short sword, these light fighters focus on ensnaring enemies and pulling them about.
  • Praegenarius - More entertainer than fighter, carrying little in the way of useful weaponry, but skilled at working the crowd.
  • Sagitarius - An archer, combining good range with good speed.


  • Move: 5
  • Attack: Dagger - Roll 2+ to deal 2 damage.
  • Life Points: 8

Servus Tricks

Servus Gladiators do not have any Tricks.

In a Campaign game a Servus character that survives one battle is advanced to Palus, and replaced by a newly generated Palus gladiator of the same name, but with a new role and stats. A Servus may not be replaced by a non-human Palus (such as a Fast Beast or Large Beast) but can adopt any other role.