3.5 L5R Skills

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3.5 d20 Skills

The following is a list of skills and descriptions from Oriental Adventures and Rokugan, updated for 3.5 Edition, as well as a small amount of clarification of skills from the SRD as they relate to L5R.

New Skills

Battle (Wis)
Allows you immediate, on-the-ground assessment of tactical options in battle. Does not cover tactical or strategic planning. You may use it in any of the following four ways:

  • Find Advantage: Once per round as a free action you may make a Battle check (DC 15) to find the quickest route to higher ground, concealment, cover or an effective place to hide (granting a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff checks used to create a diversion to hide this round).
  • Hunch: As a move action, you may make a Battle check (opposed by the opposing general’s Battle check) to determine what the enemy’s primary goals are, such as whether they will pursue you if you flee, are concentrating on a specific objective, or simply wish to retreat.
  • Recognize Ambush: You may use the Battle skill (DC 20) as part of an examination of an area in order to recognize good points for ambush. This does not actually allow you to spot a specific ambush without making a successful Spot check, but does allow you a +2 circumstance bonus to Spot checks to see an ambush if you have previously realized you are entering a prime ambush location.
  • Find Weakness: As a standard action, you may make a Battle check (opposed by the opposing general’s Battle check) in an attempt to find a weakness in the enemy’s tactics or strategy.

Action: Varies; see above.
Retry: Not until a major outside change occurs in the nature of the battle.
Special: If you have the Tactician feat, you gain a +2 bonus on Battle checks. This is a class skill for barbarians, fighters, rangers and rogues as well as where mentioned in classes specific to Rokugan.
A ranger may apply his favored enemy bonus to Battle checks made against armies lead by or composed primarily of his favored enemy.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (war) you gain a +2 bonus on Battle checks. If you have 5 or more ranks in Sense Motive, you gain a +2 bonus when using Battle to make a hunch about the opponent’s plans.

Craft (poison) (Int)
This is the skill to create poisons. Any time you make a poison, you have a 10% chance of accidentally poisoning yourself, or a 20% chance if making an animal-based poison. A character with the Poison Use ability ignores this self-poisoning chance. You must have a Poison Lab to create poisons.
Action: Not applicable, as with any other Craft variety.
Retry: Yes, but if you fail a check by five or more, you have wasted half the raw materials.
Special: Unlike most Craft skills, this skill is not automatically a class skill unless it is specifically mentioned as such in a class description, even if the class has Craft as a class skill. Any class with the Poison Use class ability should be considered to have this skill as a class skill.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Profession (herbalist) you gain a +2 bonus when using this skill with plant-based poisons and reduce your chance of accidentally poisoning yourself by 10%.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Handle Animal, you gain a +2 bonus when using this skill with animal-based poisons and reduce your chance of accidentally poisoning yourself by 10%.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Craft (poison) you gain a +2 bonus when making Heal checks to treat poison.

Games (varies)
You can play various court games of Rokugan. You must choose a game when this skill is taken. The controlling ability score depends on the game chosen:
Go - (Wis)
Kemari - (Dex)
Shogi - (Wis)
Sumai - (Str)

Iaijutsu Focus (Cha)
This skill allows you to channel your chi more effectively when making an attack. Whenever you are making an attack roll immediately after drawing a weapon and your target is flat-footed, you may make an Iaijutsu Focus check as a free action. The results of the roll determine the amount of additional damage done, as shown on the following table:

10-14: +1d6
15-19: +2d6
20-24: +3d6
25-29: +4d6
30-34: +5d6
35-39: +6d6
40-44: +7d6
45-49: +8d6
50+: +9d6

This damage is not cumulative with sneak attack damage or similar abilities if your character has them.
Action: Not applicable; Iaijutsu Focus checks are made at the beginning of a surprise round or as part of an attack, and are therefore not actions in and of themselves.
Retry: Against inanimate objects, yes. In a formal duel or combat situation, generally not, unless the requirements for using the skill (sheathed weapon, flat-footed opponent) somehow come about again.
Special: You may also use this ability when making an attack against an inanimate object. This is the technique martial arts masters use to break boards or bricks with their bare hands.
If engaged in a formal iaijutsu duel, you may use your total Iaijutsu Focus modifier in place of your standard initiative if it is higher.
You gain a +2 bonus to Iaijutsu Focus checks if you have the Balance feat.

Knowledge (Int)
There are four new Knowledges for Rokugan.
Knowledge (war) covers strategic and tactical planning of battles, as well as the history of warfare. It grants a +2 bonus to Battle checks if you have 5 or more ranks and is a class skill for barbarians, fighters and rangers.
Knowledge (etiquette) is the understanding of the rules of the Rokugani courts. It grants a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks if you have 5 or more ranks.
Knowledge (Shadowlands and spirits) covers the understanding of Fu Leng's realm and the denizens of the other spirit realms. It grants a +2 bonus to Spot checks made in the Shadowlands or against creatures with the spirit subtype if you have 5 or more ranks.
Knowledge (Shintao) covers understanding of the Tao and Shinseism. It grants a +2 bonus on Concentration checks if you have 5 or more ranks, and is a class skill for monks.

In addition, several traditional Knowledges are altered in Rokugan.
Knowledge (The Fortunes) replaces Knowledge (religion), and grants a +2% bonus on the likelihood of an intelligible answer when using the commune with elements spell if you have 5 or more ranks.
Knowledge (individual Spirit Realms) replaces Knowledge (the Planes) and grants a +2 bonus to Survival checks or navigation checks while traveling the relevant Realm if you have 5 or more ranks.
Knowledge (the elements) replaces Knowledge (arcana) for shugenja only but grants the same synergy bonus.

Mimic (Cha)
This is the ability to reproduce voices or sounds you have heard. You must spend at least a day practicing a sound you’ve heard, or suffer a –5 penalty to your mimic check. You cannot attempt to mimic sounds you have never heard before. Mimic checks are opposed by Listen checks of anyone who might not believe them.
Action: Typically standard, but may be move or even free at DM’s discretion.
Retry: Yes, but with difficulty. Once you have failed to fool a target, you must wait until they are no longer suspicious to try again or suffer a cumulative –2 penalty to you checks against that character.
Special: This is a class skill for rogues as well as for mentioned classes specific to Rokugan.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Listen you gain a +2 bonus to Mimic checks.

Tea Ceremony (Wis)
You may help yourself and others regain Void through the performing of the tea ceremony. By making a Tea Ceremony check (DC 15), you may return one spent Void Point to a number of participants equal to your skill rank, including yourself. (These participants must have the Void Use feat in order to regain spent Void.)
Action: Not applicable. Performing the tea ceremony takes a minimum of one hour in order to have any effect.
Retry: Yes, but each attempt requires another hour.
Special: This is a class skill for monks as well as for mentioned classes specific to Rokugan.