Nella Wormwood

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26 years ago a human settlement on the edges of the borders of the Telkarion Empire Human Settlers were suddenly attacked by Orcs. The settlers, aided by the Goblinoid Legion were victorious in defeating the Orcish presence, but several settlement and camps were raided by the Orcs. The Orcs who had raided the camps left few alive, and they were not known to be gentle to their captives. The Men were frequently tortured and used as hunting game for sport. The women were frequently raped and left for dead.

These tragedies led to the prominence of a new race. The half Orc. The children of the wastes were often hulking monsters with impressive strength. Much taller than a regular Orc, they shared many traits with humans. However, they had just as much in common with the orcish heritage. They were adept with Nightvision, capable of performing impressive feats of strength, and also possessed a violent rage within their blood that made them dangerous. Abhorred as children, they were often abandoned and left for dead. As such, those left remaining were some of the most stout and strong of them all. Poorly educated, as no human school would welcome them, they were forced to excel in street smarts in order to survive. Some Half-Orcs, do not follow this common shared background.

Neela Wormwood was born several months after a Orcish raid (as most Half Orcs were). Her mother, Fiona Wormwood had lost her husband, Orin, in the raid and had hoped beyond hope that the child was to be human. Rumors persisted while Fiona was pregnant that Orin had consorted with Genasi powers and had allied with the Orcs themselves. Fiona was forced to move away from her home and find sanctuary. When Neela was born, she showed fewer than normal traditional Half Orc features but still retained the unmistakable Greenish skin. Fiona knew that Neela would find no place on the frontiers of the Telkarion Empire. She would be shunned and despised by her peers for her appearance alone. Or worse, Fiona might be condemned for rumors that followed her that implied that Orin had been consorting with Genasi and had the others killed. Neela’s mother love for her new daughter, despite her mixed heritage, forced her to offer up the baby to the Monastery run by Master Asayar Zsigmond in hopes that with training, Neela might be able to become a monk that could help others.

Neela grew small and skinny by Half Orc standards. In fact, her greenish skin aside, she bore few of the traditional Half Orc features. Her size allows her to easily be mistaken for a human. Despite her Human looking exterior, inside her harbored the animalistic rage of the Orc. Neela was able to keep her base instincts in check thanks to the training, but she will often come close to unleashing her inner rage if she does not focus her discipline. This led to a few unfortunate incidents in the monastery when training when Neela beat a fellow monk close to death. Punished and disciplined by Master Zsigmond, he offered advanced techniques to Neela to help her control her inner instincts in check. This has made her unpopular with several of the students (her tendency for violence and the apparent favoritism by Master Zsigmond). As such, she focused on becoming a student of stealth to help her avoid confrontation. Despite her powerful instinctive urge towards violence, her skill and strength have helped Neela stay calm and disciplined. She has grown to become one of the most promising students in the monastery.

Neela grew up never knowing her mother of her father whatsoever. She knows their names thanks to a small letter that her mother Fiona wrote to her wehn she left Neela at the monastery. The Masters of the monastery would become her surrogate parents. As such, Neela had little in common with other Half-Orcs in the land. Despite her skinny appearance, Neela grew capable of amazing feats of strength like other Half Orcs. Neela studied hard and elected to become a student in the Cobra Style School of training. Her natural quickness and strength combined created a nimble and deadly adversary.