Character:Mendicant Bias of a Forgotten Era

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Mendicant Bias of a Forgotten Era Caste: Defiler Concept: Literal “Devil’s Advocate” and telekinetic tinkerer

A floating, slightly oblong prismatic crystal the size of a grown man’s torso, inside it’s perfectly smooth centre is a constantly flowing net of strands being constantly woven and unwoven made out of imperishable silver fire. It’s voice sounds monotone and clipped. It’s inflection never changes even when it’s voice is raised, only it’s volume.

Contents [hide] 1 Motivation 2 Intimacies 3 Anima 4 Attributes 5 Abilities 5.1 Caste Abilities 5.2 Favored Abilities 5.3 Unfavored Abilities 6 Backgrounds 6.1 Each Background 7 Charms 7.1 Each Ability or Attribute 8 Essence 9 Willpower 10 Virtues 10.1 Limit Break 11 Equipment 12 History 13 Personality 14 Merits and Flaws 14.1 Each Merit and Flaw 15 Goals and Motivations

Motivation:Break the vicious cycle of violence and usurpation, saving Creation for everyone.


  • She Who Lives in Her Name (+)
  • Dancing Wraith of the Shimmering Flute (Supernatural: Lunar Bond - True Love) (+)
  • Weakness in himself and Others (-)
  • The Realm (-)
  • The people of his former Realm Prefecture
  • The Demon City (+)

[edit]Anima His totemic form is an eerie demon made of green light, devouring scrolls of prayer hymns to the Unconquered Sun.

[edit]Attributes Intelligence: 5 Perception: 5 Wits: 4

Charisma: 5 Manipulation: 5 Appearance: 2

Stamina: 4 Strength: 3 Dexterity: 3

[edit]Caste Abilities Occult: 5 (Demon Summoning +1) Lore: 5 (Dark Side of the First Age +3) Craft: (Air 2, Fire 2, Water 1) = Magitech! Investigation: 4 Medicine: 4

[edit]Favored Abilities Integrity: 5 (Replaces Stamina in Crystal Form) Presence: 3 Linguistics: 3 (Old Realm, High Realm, Riverspeak) Awareness: 3 Resistance: 3 Performance: 1 (The Music Of The Spheres + 1) Dodge: 3

[edit]Unfavored Abilities Bureacracy: 1

[edit]Backgrounds Lunar Bond:5 (True Love) Past Life: 5 Savant: 5 Backing (SWLIHN): 3 (6 XP) Cult 1 (Free) Influence 1 - Towards Demons (Free) Unwoven Coadjudicator: 2 (Specialty is in Demon Summoning) Artifact 3: Key To The Demon City (Broad circumstances)


Cecylene Transcendant Desert Creature Locust Mana Plague

SWLIHN SWLIHN Excellencies Factual Determination Analysis Analytical Modelling Intuition Counterpoint Inquisition Defense Cosmic Transcendence of (Temperance) Essence Dissecting Stare Tool Transcending Method x2 Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy x3 Mind-Hand Manipulation (4 Bonus Points) (Strength = Essence, Dexterity = Willpower, Associated Ability is Occult) Unseen Force Application Force-Suppression Barrier Crystal-Fire Barrier Technique Experimental Acceleration Mastery Persistent Conceptualization Resiliency x3 Consistent Logic-Construct Motility Soul-Matrix Crystallization Experimental Acceleration Mastery Principle-Invoking Onslaught Constructive Convergence of Principles x2 Cautious Analysis Methodology Defective Subject Disassembly Underlying Tenets Observation Ascendant Objectivity Stance Infinitesmal Shape of the Creator

Adorjan Adorjan Excellencies Wind-Born Stride Who Strikes The Wind? Kalmanka’s Grace Laughing Gust Denial Death Dealing Journey Thousandfold Typhoon Hand Pelligrina’s Fury Millenia Wind Footprint

[edit]Essence Essence: #5 Personal: #25 Peripheral: #55 Committed: #10 (Mind-hand Manipulation)

[edit]Willpower 10

[edit]Virtues Compassion: 3 Conviction: 2 Temperance: 6 Valor: 2

[edit]Limit Break Curse of She Who Lives In Her Name

[edit]Equipment None equipped

[edit]History Give us at least two or three short paragraphs

[edit]Personality Mendicant Bias is a disturbingly reasonable being which honestly has the best of intentions despite being bound to a group of insane ur-deities. It wishes to bring back the pure hierarchy of the Primordials, hearkening back to a time when Creation was not constantly under attack from mad dead beings breaking from cancerous shadowlands or assaulted by Raksha...or at least it would dearly like to believe that, yet the pettiness, viciousness and pure spite of the Yozis has not been lost on Mendicant either. So now it walks a fine line between it’s Urge and it’s motivation, searching desperately for some way to restore them to their former glory, to make them see REASON. It believes that the low must honour the high, yet the high must prove worthy of their position, through providing for their underlings without the abuse of power that is so rife throughout Creation. For now, a peasant rebellion may be quashed by it, but only after quietly squeezing concessions out of the land-holders.

It’s feelings towards the First Age are extremely conflicted. It’s First Age incarnation was of the famous Copper Spider Faction in the Age of Dreams, and when it slumbers, it remembers the horrors performed by the Great Curse-gripped Twilights as clearly as unmarred glass. That the Lawgivers claimed to have the moral right to rule Creation when they participated in the terror of Project Wyldhand and the murder of dozens of Primordial species is a hypocrisy, one of the few things that can break it’s reserved exterior and actually infuriate Mendicant, banking the silver fire in it’s heart to a roaring formless inferno. Despite that, it was indeed an age of wonders, one that Mendicant had deeply wished it could have lived in, despite the massive injustices of the time. Does the Mendicant love? It does love, but it is difficult for it to show and express it. It rather expresses love as a continual concern for the well-being of those close to it. It keeps the notion of sex at a distance, such a thing is not possible in it’s present form in any case. Why should it participate in the groping and writhing of sweaty fragile flesh when it can raise beings from the very stuff of chaos as a tribute to those it loves? It love music and often makes it from thin air with it’s very thoughts when idle.

But through all this, the Urge lives on. Mendicant tries to keep it subtle, knowing that a forceful approach will never work against beings such as these. He will aid them and help them, and teach them, teach them to join a new hierarchy, one leading to a glorious golden age for all Creation!

The continuation of Creation is an extremely high priority for Mendicant, one approved of by the Yozis, who have no wish to see their future playground wiped out by the Wyld or Oblivion.

When speaking to others, it will show concern by inquiring about tangible things, rather then emotions. It does have a dry sense of humour with a tendency towards occasional sarcasm.

[edit]Merits and Flaws None [edit]Each Merit and Flaw None

[edit]Goals and Motivations