
Name: Hank Mason
Player: Illegible Smudge
Origin: Adaptable Investigator
Class: Explorer 8
Reputation: 2
Age: 45
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Backstory: Henry "Hank" Mason was born in San Francisco in 1963, the son of two hippies who later became academics at Berkeley. Brought up by educated and highly literate parents, he was a quiet achiever at school, getting good grades and captaining the cross country running team, and his parents couldn't have been prouder of their intelligent and thoughtful son...until he shocked them by applying to study criminology at university with an aim to pursuing a career in law enforcement. This was the last thing they had expected, but in retrospect it shouldn't have been. Hank had always been well known for his natural curiosity and inquisitive nature, a trait his parents had always delighted in, and by the time he was in high school, he had quietly determined that he wanted to be an FBI agent. And that was exactly what he set about achieving, a goal he was soon successful in.
After he graduated from Quantico, Hank joined the Criminal Investigative Division and devoted himself to pursuing serial killers. It wasn't so much the glamour or the desire to put them away (although that was certainly a factor), but the chance to match wits with criminals renowned for their intelligence and cunning. He slowly established himself as a capable and diligent agent, travelling the country investigating a variety of cases. During one investigation, he met and started dating Julia Adams, a doctor from Nevada, who he ended up marrying and having a daughter with. Tragically, Julia died of cancer in 2005, leaving Hank a heartbroken single father. In order to spend more time with his ten year old daughter Rachel, he transferred into the FBI's Criminal Apprehension Team based out of Las Vegas, where he works to this day.
Hank is still a fairly quiet (but not shy) man, whose thoughtfulness and patience sometimes make him look slow or lazy, but the wheels are always turning. It's just that he's found that taking his time often leads to people inadvertently volunteering clues or ideas that he might have missed otherwise. Calm and deliberate, he carefully cultivates the impression that he's just collecting a pay-check these days and just wants to tick the boxes, when the reality is that he loves his job and he's always paying very close attention to what's going on. He still keeps up his running and heads over to California to run the marathon each year, and he's a keen boxer, another interest he picked up at university that appalled his fiercely pacifistic parents.
Subplots: Compulsion (Curiosity): Hank has suffered from a burning inquisitiveness all his life, which he rarely makes any effort to control, even when it gets him into hot water. He just HAS to investigate anything that piques his curiosity.
STR 14 (+2)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 13 (+1)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 12 (+1)
Derived Values
Action Dice: 2 [d8+3]
Vitality Points: 39
Wound Points: 13
Fortitude: +7
Reflexes: +6
Willpower: +7
Stress Threshold: 17
Subdual Threshold: 16
Knowledge Check: +10
Request Check: +9
Gear Check: +10
Defense: 17
Initiative: +7
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Unarmed: +8
Melee: +8
Ranged: +8
Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Handgun (forte), Unarmed (forte), Edged, Shotgun
Primary Weapon: SiG-Sauer P226 .357 SiG (Damage 2d6, E/T 1-2/20, Ammo 12M4, Rec 14, Rng 25 ft., SZ/D S/1h, Qualities DEP, RGD, Upgrades: Ported Barrel, Shoulder Holster)
Armor and Protective Gear: None
Speed: 30 ft.
Analysis +13/+13 (8 Ranks, +2 INT/+2 WIS, Result Cap 45)
Athletics +12/+11 (10 Ranks, +2 STR/+1 CON, Result Cap 50)
Cultures (North America) +2 (0 Ranks, +2 INT, Result Cap 15, Error +2)
Drive (Standard Ground Vehicles) +7 (5 Ranks, +2 DEX, Result Cap 30)
Intimidate +10/+10 (8 Ranks, +2 STR/+2 WIS, Result Cap 45)
Investigation +15/+14 (11 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 50, Threat 19-20)
Medicine +10/+10 (8 Ranks from Talented, +2 INT/+2 WIS, Result Cap 45)
Notice +16 (11 ranks, +2 WIS, Result Cap 50)
Profession (FBI Agent) +1 (0 Ranks, +1 CHA, Result Cap 15, Error +2)
Resolve +12/+13 (11 Ranks, +1 CON/+2 WIS, Result Cap 50)
Science (Engineering) +2 (0 ranks, +2 INT, Result Cap 15, Error +2)
Search +13 (11 Ranks, +2 INT, Result Cap 50)
Security +12 (8 Ranks, +2 INT, Result Cap 40, Threat 19-20)
Streetwise +7/+6 (5 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 30)
Tactics +10/+9 (8 Ranks from Talented, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 45)
Interests: Marathon Running, Baseball, Classic Cars, Literature, Checkers, Jazz, Cinema, Boxing, Puzzles
Origin Abilities: +5 Interests, +3 insight bonus to action die results, Bonus feat (Private Eye), May request a free hint from the GC twice per session, +3 insight bonus to Analysis and Notice checks
Class Abilities:
Connected: You’ve come to know a wide variety of people in your travels. You may spend 1d6 hours and 1 action die seeking out an individual with whom you’ve dealt in the past. This NPC operates like an acquaintance-grade contact whose consultant possesses 1 skill of your choice (see page 458). The contact’s starting disposition toward you is Friendly, but he must be compensated for all services rendered at a cost of $100 per hour of assistance, plus the cost of any gear or materials belonging to him that are consumed or destroyed in the process (though you may reduce this cost with a Streetwise/Haggle check — see page 164). You may use this ability even in a remote area, so long as there are at least 40 people within a 25-mile radius at the time (e.g. the ability may even be used in an Antarctic research base near the South Pole, or a nomad camp in a vast desert, presuming the bases are occupied by 40 or more people, or there are native villages nearby).
All Over the World: You’re familiar with foreign lands — and have the skills to escape when your knowledge fails you. At Level 1, each time you fail an Athletics or Cultures check and don’t suffer an error, you still succeed as long as the check DC (or your opponent’s check result) is equal to or less than your class level +20. If more than 1 grade of success is possible, you achieve only the lowest possible positive result.
Bookworm I: You have unparalleled research skills and can just ‘walk up to the right part of a library’ or ‘flip open a book to the right page’ with spooky accuracy. At Level 2, you may reduce the amount of time required to make an Investigation/Research check to 1/2 standard (minimum 5 minutes).
Bonus Feat: At Levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19, you gain 1 additional Basic Combat or Chance feat.
Uncanny Dodge I: Your senses are unnaturally sharp, allowing you to react to danger far faster than others. At Level 4, you retain your Dexterity bonus to Defense (if any) even when flat-footed or being attacked by an invisible adversary (though you still lose your Dexterity bonus to Defense when held).
Uncanny Dodge II: At Level 8, you never become flanked.
Rugged: At Levels 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18, your Constitution score rises by 1.
Private Eye: You gain a +2 insight bonus with all skill and Knowledge checks made with Investigation and Security. Further, your base threat range with these skills becomes 19–20.
Talented (Examiner): Choose 1 Basic Skill feat (whether you possess it or not). Each skill covered by the chosen feat is always a class skill for you, and each time you purchase 1 rank with one of them, you also gain 1 rank with the other (not to exceed your maximum skill rank for either skill). Further, your result cap with each skill covered by the chosen feat increases by 5.
Talented (Officer): Choose 1 Basic Skill feat (whether you possess it or not). Each skill covered by the chosen feat is always a class skill for you, and each time you purchase 1 rank with one of them, you also gain 1 rank with the other (not to exceed your maximum skill rank for either skill). Further, your result cap with each skill covered by the chosen feat increases by 5.
Iron Will: Your base Will save bonus increases by +3. Further, your Constitution and Wisdom scores are each considered 3 higher when determining your subdual and stress damage thresholds.
Fortunate: As a free action, you may request 1 additional d4 action die from the GC, at which point the GC or an opponent of the GC’s choice also gains 1 additional d4 action die. These action dice are lost if not used by the end of the current scene. You may use this ability a number of times per session equal to the number of Chance feats you possess.
Marksmanship Basics: Each time you take an Aim action, you may also Brace as a free action. Further, you may take a Brace action even when no obvious surface is available to brace against. Finally, you suffer only a –1 penalty with Reflex saves while braced instead of the standard -4.
Fortune Favors the Bold: Each time you gain action dice from any source — including those you receive at the start of each session — the action die type improves by 1 (i.e. you gain 1d6 for every d4, 1d10 for every d8, etc.). If this increases your action die type above d12, you instead gain 2 separate 1d6 action dice.
Lifestyle: 4 (2 Bedroom House, Sports Car (Classic), Outdated High-End Street Look +0)
Possessions: 6 (SiG-Sauer P226 .357 SiG(Ported Barrel, Shoulder Holster), Still Camera (Consumer Grade), Tape Recorder (Consumer Grade), Forensics Kit I, Handcuffs, Swiss Army Knife, Flashlight, Binoculars, Sunglasses, Breath Mints, Wristwatch, Notebook, Pens and Highlighters, Cell Phone, Cigarette Lighter, Street Directory, Coffee Thermos, FBI Badge, Attache Case, Today's Newspaper, Slim Jim Auto Entry Tools, Paperback Copy of "The Shadow of the Wind",)
Spending Cash: 2 ($400)
Currently Carrying
Current Condition
-12 .357M rounds