Scions of Heaven/Rules

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Starting Generation

You are Heroic Mortals, you may use the Scroll of Heroes for Archtypes, No Merits/Flaws. You will Exalt at the end of the first Act (At a minimum of 5 Sessions max of 10). You may chose what you will exalt as. However the cavet is at the max of 6 players there will be two of each type. You are also orphans no older than 16-18. If you are 18 you have 2 years of possible knowledge of where you were before. You can be from any direction. Please be sure to have characters with a language common to each other.

Exalt Types Allowed

These Exalt types are allowed

  • Solars
  • Lunars
    • All 5 of the Ancient Unbroken Castes are in effect, Caste Breaking has oddly been fixed or it never happened and so Chimerism isn't a threat and tattooing not needed.
  • Sidereal
    • Sidereal start as Ronin with this exception you will have 5 College dots.


Any Backgrounds not Listed are not allowed at Charagen (Any other background may be purchased at 3xp a dot, like Artifacts), be sure to have a nice artifact wishlist.
Each of you will get Mentor 5 (Scarlet Ruby, she is secretive and her past unknown, it never bothered you before but it might later)

  • Allies no higher than 2
  • Contacts no Higher than 3
  • Resources no higher than 3
  • Familiar no Higher than 4
  • Destiny (However its meaningless to have it when you exalt)
  • Estoic Knowledge
  • Library
