Morturi: Elves
Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Factions -> Morturi: Elves
Glade Archer
- Class: Medium
- Move: 5
- Attack: Elvish Blade - Roll 4+ to deal 4 damage. Archery - see below.
- Life Points: 6
Glade Archer Special Rules
Archery - At the start of his turn the Glade Archer may choose to reduce his Move to 0. If he does so, he gains a ranged attack option for that turn (which may be used instead of his normal melee attack). His ranged attack hits on a 3+ to deal 3 damage, and can be made at a distance of up to 6 squares. He may not use his ranged attack against enemies adjacent to him.
Fae Magic - Several of the tricks below have the Fae Magic tag. The Elf may only use ONE of these in any single turn.
Glade Archer Tricks
Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.
- Combat Control
Any enemy gladiator moving out of a square adjacent to this gladiator must spend +1 movement point for that square of movement.
- Dragonshimmer arrow
Fae Magic. For this turn only, in place of making an Archery attack the Glade Archer can fire a Dragonshimmer arrow into the air, summoning draconic illusions to entertain the crowd. If he does so roll a D6. On a roll of 6+ his school immediately gains +1 point of Crowd's Favour.
- Elvish Mobility
Once per turn, at any time during this Elf's turn, move 1 square for free.
- Ghost arrow
Fae Magic. For this turn only, any Archery attack the Glade Archer ignore the normal Line of Sight rules, and can be made without Line of Sight.
- Starfire arrow
Fae Magic. The damage of the Glade Archer's Archery attack increases by +2 for this turn only.
- Windrider arrow
Fae Magic. The range of the Glade Archer's Archery attack increases to 12 squares for this turn only.
- Will to Live
This Gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.