Morturi: Arcane

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Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Factions -> Morturi: Arcane


  • Class: Medium
  • Move: 4
  • Attack: None - The Pyromancer has no basic attack.
  • Life Points: 8


Spellcasting - An arcane character can cast a spell in place of attacking. He can only cast 1 spell per turn.

Arcane Energy - A Pyromancer must spend Arcane Energy to cast spells. He starts each battle with 0 Arcane Energy, and can have a maximum of 4 Arcane Energy at any time. Arcane Energy can be saves up from turn to turn.

Inner Fire - A Pyromancer can spend 4 Movement Points to attempt to tap his inner fire. Roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, the Pyromancer gains 1 point of Arcane Energy.

Firebolt - This is a spell that costs 1 Arcane Energy. This spell is a ranged attack that has a range of 6 squares, and hits on a 4+ to deal 4 damage.

Pyromancer tricks

Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.

  • Avatar of Destruction

If the pyromancer deals the killing blow to an enemy gladiator (i.e. the strike that takes them out of action) he gains 1 Arcane Energy.

  • Incandescence

This is a spell that costs 2 Arcane Energy. The spell affects one square adjacent to the Pyromancer, plus one more square adjacent to the first square. Each gladiator in that area takes D6 Life Points damage as they are scorched with flame! No attack roll is needed, and this damage cannot be reduced or increased by other effects. (Note that this means it ignores both armour and toughness, and also is not affected by facing, height advantage, etc.)

  • Fighter

The Pyromancer can make a basic melee attack that hits on a 4+ to deal 4 damage.

  • Sacrifice of Immolation

At the start of his turn the pyromancer may choose to lose up to 4 Life Points. He gains 1 Arcane Energy for each life point sacrificed this way.

  • Will to Live

The gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.