Scales of War
Welcome to the Scales of War campaign wiki. This wiki site is a resource for a play-by-post tabletop fantasy role-playing game. The goal of this wiki site is to form a log of events in the campaign and store information about the game that is easily accessible and editable to the entire game group.
DM: Lord Barioch
The Characters
- Maveith: Goliath, Warden ( Ken Grow)
- ???????: Human, Hybrid Warlock/Swordmage (Kevin Higley)
- Mdooley: Outsider Drone, Rogue (Todd Grow)
- Araceli: Human, DragonSorcerer (Ted Wendelboe)
- NoName: Eladrin, Bard (Josh Bhairava)
NPCs and noteworthy people
Helio: Shop owner in Brindol that employs Maveith at his fruit stand
Monsters Encountered List
Items of Interest
In character dialogue
Player Speak