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Chalkline's Rune Quest 3 City of Pavis game Recruitment, [ In Character], [ Out of Character]

Dramatis Personae

Player Characters

Non-Player Characters

Pavic Law and Customs

Pavis is a polis; a city-state with surrounding lands that answer to the central town. Oddly enough, it is alos a colony of a battered old polis; The Real City in the heart of The Rubble. It is also more than this, as the Empire has appointed a Count to oversee, tax and govern this state. This means a series of unusal relationships as arisen, and these had had strange effects on law and customs.

As an Imperial colonna, Pavis is subordinate to the Empire and its hierarchy. However, even after years of occupation the Imperials still know little of what they have come to own, and on a mystical level they are almost completely ignorant of the mythic mechanisms of how and especially where Pavis operates. The total indifference of the higher members of the Pavis temple to the dangers of marrying in the Lunar Pantheon have caused some Imperial mystics to wonder if they know exactly what they are dealing with, and has caused some misgivings. The worst dangers are buried deeply.

Regardless of this, Laws and Customs reflect these three factors; The Real City and its history of war with Prax and the Uz, New Pavis and its legacy of Sartarite disenfranchisement and its strong Sartar clan structures, and overlaying this the blanket of Imperial Provincial Law.


House Rules

Character Generation

Combat Rules