Once more with feeling/Logs/Small Group/In Denandsor/Nuwa and Dhiren (at the Dreamspire)

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Nuwa: (I'm thinking this would be Nuwa returning from her self-imposed exile. If the expedition to the Imperial Manse starts on the third day, then maybe on the afternoon of the second)

Nuwa: (where do we want to set it?)

Dhiren: (The Dreamspire, probably)

Nuwa: The silence in the shared thought-space has become less complete than it was in the first day of Nuwa's absence. Even so the difference was one between nothingness and quiet white noise indicating a mind once more thinking along its normal paths. Only for a short time now Nuwa's presence has been becoming stronger than that as she has approached the Dreamspire where she knows Dhiren will be, each step physical step corresponding to a thought that returns her to the world. Seeing Dhiren coming to meet her she takes the last few steps off her metaphorical mountain in great leaps.

Dhiren: "Nuwa, you're back!" Dhiren comes to meet her as she approaches the Dreamspire, exactly as she left it.

Nuwa: "Yes, I am and happily so." Nuwa smiles, embracing Dhiren in greeting. A hint of gloom still clings to her despite the time she has had to think over the incidents that drove her to flee the council meeting and indeed all company and civilization. Though not with exaggerated strength she holds on to Dhiren as if unwilling to surrender the closeness of the embrace so soon. "I'm sorry I acted like I did," she says quietly.

(to be continued)