Arabian Nights:Swordplay
This is all very sloppy and the rules are tentative. Please excuse the dust.
The Basics
A very simple procedure can be used to resolve a sword fight between two adversaries. Both combatants make skill rolls. The winner has momentarily gained the upper hand and has an opportunity to scratch his opponent. Both combatants make then strength rolls. If the character that won the contest of skill also wins the contest of strength, then his opponent has been scratched. If not, then the first round has not given either party any advantage.
The procedure continues, round by round, until the same character becomes scratched twice in the same battle. At this point he has lost and his adversary must roll on the defeat table.
Note that each round is about ten seconds in length. This provides ample time for a character to yield if he fears for his safety. However, impious opponents will not necessarily show mercy. Also note that Scratches are only temporary. If a scratched character is not attacked directly for six full rounds he is fully recovered. Note that even unsuccessful attacks will prevent this recovery.
When a character is defeated in battle his foe must roll on the defeat table. Roll 2d6+Skill and consult the table.
Defeat Table
Roll Result 10 Spectacularly Defeated 7 Wounded 5 Slain
When a character is slain, he is instantaneously and irrevocably dead.
When a character is wounded, he can no longer fight, nor can he perform any physical action without great difficulty.
When a character is spectacularly defeated his adversary may choose whether to slay, wound, or disarm him. No matter which fate is selected, it is always carried out in a most spectacular fashion.
Fighting in Armor
A character fighting in armor has all of his skill rolls reduced by one and all of his grace rolls reduced by two, but he can be scratched twice in a single battle without being defeated.
If a combatant wishes to flee from a fight he must make a grace roll. His foe makes a skill roll as normal. Regardless of the result, escape is automatic (though he may come away with a scratch).