Shadows Hills Michelle Diary

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Michelles Elegant and Gothic Diary (Note it is in Chinese written using the celestial/infernal writing system, except for when its not. :P) Dear Diary: Why am I keeping a Diary Well I saw Michelle writing and thought it might provide a nice outlet. Sounds like something a therapist would say to do anyway. So my life sure has gone through a lot of changes lately. I have met a bunch of totally cute guys and girls, and one of them is even willing to go out with me! I think the first thing I should talk about is Micah. The totally cute girl who is sitting just a few feet away from here. She's done so much for me already. [scratched out]but shes really a boy[/scratched out] There is also Hentai, who asked me out then dumped me like two hours later. I was really pissed, and read his mind. Ouch, he really is a *monster* I mean I hate my self some times, want to just scratch every thing away. but it must be so much worse for him. So I guess I forgive him. He really should tell her though, just disappearing must make her feel awful, like he threw her away cause she was spoiled. He said she was his neighbor, I wonder If I can get peoples addresses from japan. I mean I bet people don't even believe her, think she just got attacked by a human and is making the rest up.