This page will be a reference page for the soon to be started Daldarr shared-solo PbP game.
Recruitment thread: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=495277 IC thread: TBA OOC thread: TBA
Players & Characters
Play Guidelines
- No killing off, or irrevocably changing someone else's PC without their express permission.
- Participants are welcome to use whatever system they like, but should follow the guidelines for setting, genre, and power level.
- NPCs are fair game, but ask the creator before dramatically affecting them. I think part of the fun of this will be seeing an NPC you've created suddenly do something unexpected. On the other hand I think it's fair to provide their creator with the option of keeping them in their own character's orbit to some extent. Killing off a PCs mentor, for example, might seriously impact the player's fun.
- Define without constraining. When creating setting, try to add features without creating artificial barriers to further creation. Example: Rather than declaring a pantheon of gods and outlining their attributes, simply declare "there are many gods", then define what is necessary for your own story, leaving the pantheon open for expansion.
- Don't "block" someone else's creative idea for the setting. Like the rules of improv theatre, a scene can only live if the participants say yes to a concept rather than no. For example, if you have set in your scenes that a town is, say, run by a jovial fat man, I'm not going to come in, kill him off, and replace him with someone who works best for my story (unless there's a really compelling reason for that, of course). Or if someone establishes the existence of elves (or something), don't have the rulers of the world suddenly commit genocide on the elven race simply because you don't like them. A ridiculous, extreme example, but it's early for me, and the cobwebs are still clearing. Use what's already established. Build up, don't tear down. This is also pretty much a rule that the Thieves' World authors were going by, IIRC.
Setting Guidelines
- Power level: Gritty to low fantasy
- Style: Swords and Sorcery