AFA Song of Bronze
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Song of Bronze
Song of Bronze was born in a brothel in Nexus. Her likely trade, however, was denied her after an incident left her with a terrible scar across her face. Instead, she took up playing the flute as a career, which she excelled at-- enough to catch the notice of the Unconquered Sun.
Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 30 (+10)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 18 (+4)
Cha: 24 (+7)
Combat Stats
Attack: +4/+8 Melee
Defense: 16, 12 Flat-Footed
Initiative: +10
Toughness: +14
Fortitude: +10
Reflex: +3
Will: +4
Acrobatics 8 (+10)
Bluff 11 (+18)
Climb 0 (+3/+5)
Concentration 8 (+12)
Diplomacy 10 (+17)
Disguise 2 (+9)
Escape Artist 0 (+2)
Gather Information 4 (+11)
Handle Animal 2 (+9)
Intimidate 8 (+15)
Language 2: High Realm, Forest-Tongue (Low Realm native)
Knowledge (Tactics) 12 (+12)
Medicine 2 (+2)
Notice 6 (+10)
Perform (Flute) 15 (+22)
Sense Motive 8 (+12)
Stealth 4 (+6)
Survival 2 (+6)
Swim 0 (+3/+5)
Luck 2
Fascinate (Perform)
Deep Ties (Honor/Obsessive Bravery)
Uncanny Dodge (Hearing)
Dodge Focus 3
Improved Initiative 2
Takedown Attack 2
Weapon Break
Improved Block
Improved Sunder
Power Attack
All-Out Attack
Accurate Attack
Instant Up
Withstand Damage
Improved Critical (Flute)
Attack Focus (Melee) 4
Rhythm of Combat
Mindshield 6
Enhanced Skill 3: Knowledge (Past Life) 12
Immunity 2: Age, Toxins (Half Effect), Disease (Half Effect)
Regeneration 4 (Disabled 1, Ability Damage 1, Persistant, Regrowth)
Environmental Control (Light) 1
Speed 1
Leaping 1
Protection 4
Emotion Control 10, Area (Cloud) (+1), Melee (-2), Sense-Based (Hearing) (-1), Selective (+1), Progression 2 (Area)
--Alternate Power: Glorious Solar Flute: Strike 6, Mighty
Battle Form 7, Slow Fade 2, Full Power
--Attack Flurry (Flutes) 4 (Interval 2, Max +5)
--Follow-Up Attack 6
--Impervious Toughness 10
--Enhanced Strength 4
--Superstrength 3
Orichalcum Flute: Device 5, Easy to Lose, Restricted 1: Solar Exalted
--Strike 7, Mighty, Penetrating (up to Str 20), Affects Insubstantial 1, Extended Reach 1
--Alternate Power: Fearful Blows of Retribution: Strike 11, Aura (+1), Selective (+1), Doesn't work with Grapples (-1), Hits users of melee weapons (+1), Requires a To-Hit Roll (-1) The Flute spins and dances, striking back at all who dare strike at its wielder.
--Alternate Power: The Golden Song: Stun 11, Area (Cloud) (+1), Selective (+1), Action (Full) (-1), Sense-Based (Hearing) (-1) The flute plays a song that can entrance any who hear it-- even seasoned warriors in the middle of a battle!
--Alternate Power: Music Touches the Distant Heart: Strike 11, Area (Line) (+1) The Flute grows to a fantastic size, hundreds of feet in length! It strikes and crushes anything in that line that can't get clear.
--Obsessive Bravery. Song has a very, very hard time acknowledging that there are times when one should retreat.
--Haunting Memories. Song's memories of her life as a Solar impose on her at awkward times, causing various problems--- including the fact that she's a different gender than her previous incarnation.
--Enemy. There's a Flame Dragonblooded that she's fought with before, and he's determined to get revenge, with the help of all of his family's resources.