Shadows of Shen Zhou:Cloud Mastery
Common Jade
Criticals: none (1 restriction point)
1. Phantom of the clouds (2)
- I Stealth + Jade chi modifier
- I Speed + Jade chi modifier
2. Moon covered by Clouds (3 + Colour match + restriction)
- III Strike negation -Favoured chi modifier (defence only)
- II Std persistence (Colour match)
3. Flowing clouds (4 + Colour match)
- I Speed + Jade chi modifier
- II Armour + Jade chi modifier
- II Std persistence (Colour match)
4. Sun sheltered by clouds (5 + Colour match, free channel)
- III Strike negation -FColour match (def only)
- II Std persistence (Colour match)
- I Elusive
- I Dodge + Jade chi modifier
- I Athletics + Jade chi modifier
- 0 Channel silver
- -3 expended fortune
5. Sea of Clouds (6)
- V Unseen blow
- III Disorient on critical
- -2 weakened protective air