King Skilfil Hearthpiercer
- Main Page; Nidik
A skilled warrior in his 50's who was apparently a great warrior in his youth. He is known for the exploits of his youth in which he gained two magical weapons that he is famous for and in his older age he is famous for developing both the giant hawks and hunting hawks of Nidik. He is a widower though he has three concubines, but only pays amorous attention to the two younger ones, Praxenia and Chana Greeneyes. The third, Calamene, mothers young Karazar, the heir of King Skilfil. Karazar is his only legitamite hear, but King Skilfil has numerous acknowledged and unacknowledged illegitimate children on the island, including Starnia Stormrenderer and Eucleia Stormfollower.
- Main Page; Nidik