Akio Sasaki

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Akio Sasaki, a character in the PbP game Bleach - Eye of the Beholder



"My name is Sasaki Akio, and I'm kind of a big deal."

Akio Sasaki is a slim, dark-eyed, almost-but-not-quite-bishounen young man of an apparent age of 16. He has a cheerful grin, a carefree demeanor, an ego that can be seen from low orbit, and a mouth that's nearly as big; all of which have combined to put him on punishment detail on more than one occasion. Despite his big mouth, he's an affable enough guy, and willing to befriend anyone who doesn't out and out insult him.

Akio arrived in Soul Society at such a young age that he has few, if any, memories of his former life. He grew up poor, joining and eventually running several street gangs before providence shone benevolent eyes upon him and he came to the attention of the Sasaki Clan: a wealthy but not ennobled merchant family from Southern Rukongai with historic ties to Rukongai's shadowy criminal underworld. He was adopted into the clan, becoming the third eldest son of its patriarch, Koji Sasaki. To hear Akio tell it, his former family life was two parts extravagent luxury, three parts Godfather movie (the good ones, not III), two parts heist caper, and one part King Lear: add a dash of swashbuckling, shaken, not stirred. That fact that hardly anyone actually believes his stories doesn't stop Akio from embellishing them at every opportunity. The truth is that the Sasaki merchant house does have an unsavory history of violent crime, and many of Akio's outlandish claims are way to deflect criticism from his family's bad reputation.

The Sasaki Clan recognized the signs when Akio's powerful reiatsu began to manifest itself; his eldest adopted brother had been accept into the shinigami academy several years before. Eager to have another shinigami in the family, he was bundled off to the gates of Seireitei and passed the entrance exam on his first try. Since then he has been breezily passing, although not excelling, in his classes. He claims to like zanjutsu classes the best, and his swordsmanship favors a light, fast, sometimes needlessly flamboyant striking style.

Even his zanpakuto is something of a braggart: in its sealed state it takes the form of a katana with elaborate silver scrollwork on the scabbard and silver-braided ito on the hilt.

Game Stats


  • Strength 16
  • Dexterity 14
  • Constitution 16
  • Intelligence 10
  • Wisdom 10
  • Charisma 18


  • Attack 5 (+8) 10pp
  • Defense 3 (+8) 6pp
  • Toughness (+8)
  • Fort 2 (+5) 2pp
  • Ref 2 (+4) 2pp
  • Will 4 (+4) 4pp


  • Acrobatics 5 (+7)
  • Bluff 13 (+17)
  • Diplomacy 8 (+12)
  • Gather information 10 (+14)
  • Knowledge (kido) 4 (+4)
  • Knowledge (Soul Society) 7 (+7)
  • Notice 8 (+8)
  • Sense Motive 9 (+9)
  • Sleight of hand 4 (+6)


  • Defensive Roll rank 5 5pp
  • Dodge Focus rank 5 5pp
  • Attack Focus (Melee) rank 1 1pp
  • Attack Specialization (Zanpakuto) rank 1 1pp
  • Improved Disarm rank 1 1pp
  • Perfect Timing 1pp
  • Uncanny Dodge (auditory) 1pp


  • Device 6 (easy to lose, Restricted 2) "Kane-hanma"-
    • "Sing loud, Kane-hanma" Strike 5 (Mighty, Extended Reach, Alternate Power: Banish 5 (ghosts, Range: touch)) - 8pp -- Linked with -- Dazzle 8 (Auditory) ranged: touch -1, feat: Extended reach +1) 5pp = 13pp total
    • "And there will be sorrow..." Emotion Control 8 [(Limited: Dazzled opponent -1, Action: Move +1) Alternate Power: Stun 8] 17pp total

  • Concealment 10 (Flaws: Limited 2 [Only Mortals Without Spirtual Awareness]) 5 pp
  • Flash Step 3pp
  • Leaping 2 (Alternate Power: Super-Movement [Air-Walking]; Flaw: Limited: [Mortal World only]) 2pp
  • Magic 4 (Blast 4, Alternate Power: Snare 4) 9pp
  • Super-Senses 1 (Spiritual Awareness) 1pp


  • Reputation (bad family)
  • Responsibility (family obligations)