Shadows of Shen Zhou:List of Locations

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Minor Locations

  • The Bao Yu Library. An extravagantly large private library with extensive records, Liao Mei can often be found here seeking information on a current case.
  • The Chaos Turnpike. aka The Great Turnpike of Chaotic Travel. The goal to create an auxiliary local highway system around the city was poor in execution as it was rich in intention. The beltway system that links to the Capacious Imperial Freeway has never been completed, though its construction has been started and stopped several times, each time slightly changing the design. The result is tangled web of highway with frequent wrong turns, some dead ends, and many poorly maintained stretches. Additionally, the city government does not have the resources to effectively police the Chaos Turnpike. The result is that it is only used by those who can afford knowledgeable drivers and security staff to stave off hijackers, the hijackers who rove the highway looking for cargo to steal, and the desperate who hope they can get where they need to go before the hijackers find them. No one refers to the Chaos Turnpike by its original name, the Splendid Highway of Safe Movement.
  • The Capacious Imperial Freeway. Built upon the silk road and imperial roads of antiquity is a massive highway system that connects key urban centers together. It allows for rapid transportation, though on-ramps are relatively scarce. Way station towns can be found around the rural exits on the Freeway, where food and raw materials make their way from the countryside onto the Freeway to be transported to the great cities. Gangs have been known to create improvised on- and off-ramps to facilitate the highjacking of cargo from the Freeway.
  • The Dragon's Tail. A favorite hangout of criminals and lowlifes, the Dragon's Tail is a bar with a seedy reputation, but isn't usually that dangerous for someone who keeps their wits about them.
  • Eternal Balance Clinic. This is a medical clinic run by Doctor Juan in Inauspicious Calligraphy.
  • Fortunate Excursion Taxi Company. This is a taxi company known for its economic rates and wide area of operation. They have special rates if one wishes fewer questions asked, or if the patron wishes a higher quality driver, vehicle, or wishes to go to less common stops.
  • Hero's Lunch Counter. A noodle restaurant popular among the lower levels of the Wu Lin, wannabes, watchers and fans, groupies, etc. It's open almost 24 hours a day, and the prices are good.
  • Insignificant Rice. Insignificant Rice is a small farming community in Yang. Fifteen years ago, its leading families became affiliated with the Blue Flame Clan. The Blue Flame now uses the town to develop experimental agricultural techniques and maintains a seed bank there. Several years ago, the Corrupted Avalanche Clan attacked the town, but was repelled. The Blue Flame is unsure if it was attacking for food and standard banditry, or if it was paid to attack by an enemy of the Blue Flame Clan.
  • Kaiwei Beer House. A local watering hole with rough and tumble patrons.
  • Lee's Redemption. This is a junk yard where one can find many things if one has the patience to look. Patient metalworkers and machinists who are willing to remove some rust can find wonderful things here for a price. Lee insists that he is nothing but a seller of scrap metal, but few believe this. He knows too much, too many odd things have appeared in his junk yard, and no one ever heard of the man before 8 years ago.
  • Sweeping Willow House. A brother in Inauspicious Calligraphy.