Dorje Yongten Rinpoche
a young Tibetan man, of slender build, with shaved head and either a friendly smile or fierce expression depending on situation. back
- Investigator Name: Dorje Yongten Rinpoche
- Occupation: Monk
- Colleges, Degrees:
- Birthplace: Tibet
- Mental Disorders: None
- Sex: Male Age: 27
- Income:
- STR 15
- CON 15
- SIZ 11
- INT 12
- POW 16
- DEX 17
- APP 11
- EDU 21
- HP: 13
- Damage bonus +1d4
- Idea: 60%
- Know: 105%
- Luck: 80%
- SAN: 80
- Accounting 10%
- Anthropology 1%
- Archaeology 1%
- Astronomy 01%
- Bargain 5%
- Boating 10%
- Biology 01%
- Chemistry 01%
- Climb 60%
- Conceal 15%
- Credit Rating 15%
- Cthulhu Mythos 0%
- Disguise 05%
- Dreaming 16%
- Drive Auto 20%
- Electrical Repair 10%
- Fast Talk 35%
- First Aid 30%
- Geology 01%
- Hide 10%
- History 20%
- Hypnosis 26%
- Jump 59%
- Law 05%
- Library Use 25%
- Listen 25%
- Locksmith 01%
- Mechanical Repair 20%
- Medicine 05%
- Natural History 10%
- Navigate 25%
- Occult 35%
- Operate Hvy. Machine 01%
- Persuade 50%
- Pharmacy xx%
- Photography 10%
- Physics xx%
- Psychoanalysis xx%
- Psychology 05%
- Ride 05%
- Sneak 39%
- Spot Hidden 60%
- Swim 30%
- Throw 60%
- Track 10%
- Fist/Punch 75%
- Head Butt 10%
- Kick 75%
- Grapple 75%
- Block 75%
- Martial Arts 76%
- Dodge 55%
- Archery 20%
- Handgun 20%
- Machine Gun 15%
- Rifle 25%
- Shotgun (Skill not used, use 'rifle' instead. Place points elsewhere)
- Submachine Gun (Skill not used, use 'rifle' instead. Place points elsewhere)
- Tibetan 105%
- Wu 10%
- English 10%
- French 05%
- German 05%
Weapons go here
Wooden bowl
Background and Notes
Dorje Yongten Rinpoche has just left the Tibetan monastery that he has called home for most of his life, ordered by his master to see the world, and so has come to the nearest part of the world that he has been told encompasses all the world - Shanghai! Men (and even women!) of all nations are here, and so Dorje Yongten will be able to meet all peoples and learn about all cultures.
Having lived in the monastery since he was 4 years old, he certainly has an open mind about different cultures - some (if kind) would say a little too open-minded, others (if plain spoken), too naive. Luckily though, Dorje Yongten has little to be stolen, his only belongings his robes and his bowl with which he begs for food each day. His naivety can still get him into trouble, however - he is always far too trusting, and knows little of politics, scheming or confidence tricks, taking almost everyone at face value. Seeing that he is a Rinpoche, Dorje Yongten's master has decided that a spell in the world will cure him of these delusions; after all, the world if dhukka (suffering) - unless he witnesses some of this dukkha firsthand, Dorje Yongten will never be truly able to transcend it.
Dorje Yongten is protective of innocents, which unfortunately can often encompass anyone who is currently on the receiving end of street justice, whether they deserve it or not - Dorje Yongten has not yet learned to discern the good fromt he bad, and while he can be taken advantage of rather easily, is a formidable opponent to those he sees as wrongdoers. His Radiant Steel Fists of Doom carry him through any physical trouble that might occur, though he often reserves his Fearsome Righteous Donkey Kick for only the truly deserving of enemies. Quick to pick up languages, Dorje Yongten knows Sanskrit and Pali from his studies, Tibetan from his mother culture, and has picked up a smattering of several Chinese dialects on his travels. He has only been in the city for a week or two, but has already learned a few words of some of these European languages, and looks forward to practicing his new skills more as he discusses the benefits and philosophies of Tibetan Buddhism with westerners, who are no doubt dying to hear what he has to say on these important matters.