Character:Viridian Inkwell
Viridian Inkwell
Caste: Defiler
Concept: Immovable saint of miracles
Motivation: Understand the concept of selfhood.
Urge: Destroy the unrighteous and apathetic. (read: those darn gods)
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 2, Appearance 5, Manipulation 1, Charisma 3
Abilities: Occult 5 (Mind-Hand Manipulation +3), Survival 2 (Places of Desolation +2), Performance 5 (Mind-Hand Manipulation +3), Craft (earth/fire/water/air/wood/magitech) 5, Linguistics 2 (Rivertongue, Old Realm (fluent), High Realm), Lore 5, Medicine 5, Resistance 2, Investigation 5 (Reading People +2), Integrity 5 (Resisting Emotion Effects +2)
Virtues: Temperance 5, Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Valor 1
Backgrounds: Cult 5, Manse 5, Savant 3, Artifact 4 (metasorcerous phylactery), Lunar Bond 5, Backing (She Who Lives in Her Name) 1, Influence (Cecelyne) 1
Manse: The House of the Oasis: This five-dot manse in Malfeas, aspected to Cecelyne, was built for Viridian Inkwell by a troupe of artisans of the Second Circle as a gift to celebrate his mastery of the Sapphire Circle of sorcery. It is maintained in his absence by several dozen highly-favored lesser demons, who are exceedingly glad to serve a master who is frequently tolerant and even more frequently absent. The House of the Oasis is a pleasantly-appointed townhouse on the edge of the desert, with a few gardens and springs, but its truly noteworthy feature is the summoning chamber with its sapient binding circle. The House has the powers Host-Binding Circle and Rainbow Tabernacle, and is an atelier-manse for the Craft (fire) ability. Its hearthstone is the Home-Calling Stone, which allows the bearer to evoke the House's binding circle into Creation as a dramatic action taking ten minutes. The binding circle counts as an appropriate standard and exotic ritual component for summoning any demon, and allows the bearer to benefit from the manse's sorcery-affecting powers while casting any spell suitable for Cecelyne's initiation.
General Charms: All Yozi Excellencies, <Yozi> Inevitability Technique, <Yozi> Mythos Exultant, So Speaks <Yozi>, Sorcerous Initiation of Cecelyne (x2)
Malfeas Charms: Hardened Devil Body (x2)
Cecelyne Charms: Transcendent Desert Creature, Hellscry Chakra, Verdant Emptiness Endowment, Bestowal of Accursed Fortune, Knowing the Desolate Heart
She Who Lives In Her Name Charms: Factual Determination Analysis, Essence-Dissecting Stare, Counter-Conceptual Interposition, Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy, Mind-Hand Manipulation, Unseen Force Application, Principle-Invoking Onslaught, Constructive Convergence of Principles (x2), Force-Suppression Barrier, Tool-Transcending Constructs (x2), Experimental Acceleration Mastery, Underlying Tenets Internalization
Ebon Dragon Charms: Loom-Snarling Deception, Eldritch Secrets Mastery
Spells: Slave-Spawn Summons, Infallible Messenger, Fiend-Vassal Conscription, Sapphire Countermagic, The Princes of the Fallen Tower, Servant of Infallible Location
Combo: Unseen Hand Disintegration (Mind-Hand Manipulation, Counter-Conceptual Interposition, Principle-Invoking Onslaught, Force-Suppression Barrier, First Malfeas Excellency)
Essence: 5
Willpower: 10
Personal Essence: 25
Peripheral Essence: 57
Telekinetic Blade: Speed 5, Accuracy +18, Damage 9L piercing (aggravated to creatures of the Wyld), Parry DV 9, Rate 4, Range 14
Telekinetic Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy +18, Damage 9B, Rate 1, Range 14
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/-4/-4/I
Viridian Inkwell was born a child of Great Forks, and was blessed at birth with an endowment from Livilla, a goddess whom his parents had loyally served. However, the God-Blood never lived up to the promise his enchanted heritage had seemed to offer, and after failing to awaken his Essence through various methods, he fled his home in disgrace. In the wilderness, a gethin appeared before him and offered him the chance to reach his hidden potential. Viridian Inkwell accepted the offer and the Infernal Exaltation.
Inkwell understands that his Yozi masters have a hard time conceptualizing the reality of other beings. He often has difficulty understanding them himself. It is therefore his self-appointed mission to understand the shinmaic complexities at the heart of personality and self. He does so by posing as an ascetic anchorite with mystical powers, and offering to grant petitioners their heart's desire. From the outcome of these little dramas, he increases his understanding of others, and acquires the adoration of the masses. His deeds have spread the cult of the Unstirring Prophet across Creation, which, combined with those cults which Cecelyne has commanded to worship him, provides him with a pleasantly immense stream of Essence.
Viridian Inkwell is a handsome young man of utterly calm features, with the capacity to remain utterly still for days on end. He relies on his petitioners and summoned demons to bring him what he requires to live. He never stirs a muscle if he can help it, preferring not to interrupt his meditation, and instead does what tasks need doing with telekinesis and sorcery. He will, however, gladly accept small tasks and do favors for nearly anyone who comes to ask him, and especially enjoys giving (mostly good) advice.