Ulbrecht von Bernhard
Short description. back
- Investigator Name: Ulbrecht von Bernhard
- Occupation: Soldier
- Colleges, Degrees:
- Birthplace:Munich
- Mental Disorders: Not yet;)
- Sex: Male Age: 33
- STR 16
- CON 9
- SIZ 13
- INT 15
- POW 9
- DEX 14
- APP 9
- EDU 15 (rolled 11, added 16 years, because I just couldn't picture him that young).
- HP: 11
- Damage bonus +1d4
- Idea: 75%
- Know: 75%
- Luck: 45%
- SAN: 45
- 99-C.Mythos
- Rolled for Income, got a 6. That's 5500/year, right, 27500 in property (including 2750 in bank, another 2750 bonds). Good enough for me.
- Accounting 10%
- Anthropology X%
- Archaeology 1%
- Astronomy 1%
- Bargain 5%
- Biology 1%
- Chemistry 1%
- Climb 40% => 45%
- Conceal 15%
- Credit Rating 15%=>20%
- Cthulhu Mythos 0%
- Disguise 1%
- Drive Auto 20%
- Electrical Repair 10%
- Fast Talk 5%
- First Aid 30%=>60%
- Geology X%
- Hide 10%=>55%
- History 20%%
- Jump 25% => 30%
- Law 5%
- Library Use 25%
- Listen 25%=>60%
- Locksmith 1%
- Mechanical Repair 20%=>50%
- Medicine 5%
- Natural History 10%
- Navigate 10%
- Occult 5%
- Operate Hvy. Machine 25%???
- Persuade 15%%
- Pharmacy 1%
- Photography X%
- Physics X%
- Psychoanalysis 1%
- Psychology 5%=>10%
- Ride X%
- Sneak 10%=>55%
- Spot Hidden 25%
- Swim 25%
- Throw 25%
- Track 10%
- Fist/Punch 50%=.55%
- Head Butt 20%
- Kick 25%
- Grapple 25%=>35%
- Martial Arts 1%? N/A?
- Knife 25%
- Sabre 15%=>35%
- Clubs 25%
- Axes 20%
- Dodge 28%=>73%
- Handgun 20%=>35%
- Machine Gun 15%=>50%
- Rifle 25%=>60%
- Artillery 25%
- Shotgun (Skill not used, use 'rifle' instead. Place points elsewhere)
- Submachine Gun (Skill not used, use 'rifle' instead. Place points elsewhere)
- Other language (Cantonese): 1%=>19%
- Other language (Pidgin Wu): 1%=> 15% (7pts)
- Other language (English): 1% => 21%
- Other language (French): 1% => 21%
- Other Language (Japanese): 1% => 21%
- Own Language (German) 75%
(Warning - I'm pretty sure that I can outfit my guy with the money he has, and have money to spare, but due to work, I'm not sure whether I'll have the time to calculate the exact costs before Monday)
- Mauser C96 'Broomhandle' pistol 7.63mmP or 9mmP 1.13 kg $30 10(i) 8 2 15y 1D10 (carried as a sidearm)
- Mauser M1932 'Broomhandle' machine-pistol 7.63mmP 1.13 kg $150 10(i)/20(i) 8 1 or burst 10y 1D10 (currently left at home), 2 boxes of spare 7,63mmP bullets
- SIG Neuhausen KE-7 LMG 7.92mmM 8.2 kg $750 25(m) 12 1 or burst 100y 2D6+4, spare bullets
- Sabre, pocket knife, bayonet, knuckle duster/weighted gloves, a couple of hand grenades
- 3 uniforms
- Cashemere dress suit
- Oxford dress shoes
- Leather boots, 5 pairs
- Wrist watch
- Radio receiver
- Medical kit
- Toolkit
Background and Notes
Ulbrecht von Bernhard was born in a wealthy family, claiming noble roots. Whether this was true or not, after the Great War to end all wars (presumably...), his parents managed to sent him to school, than high school, and he was accepted in the army. He displayed truly noble abilities in mastering new languages, whether these were the language of friend or foe, which helped his career and guaranteed him lots of trips abroad. He also excelled in the noble art of dropping to the ground, full believing that noblemen should survive before they are to win a battle. Given his temper, subject to both noble boredom, during which he showed great propensity for drinking enough beer too drown his supposed ancestors' knights retinue, and a temper which often leads to brawls (and a couple of duels he bears scars from), he was sent abroad even more often than is usual, just because nobody wanted him around.
After the Nazi came to power, one of his personal enemies (one should wonder why he took a few scars from a brawl so personally, given that he gave Ulbrecht other scars during the duel) rose in the ranks. Luckily, he was too preoccupied, so he just sent him abroad, in the worst hole on Earth he was able to imagine, where Germany had some interests.
"I believe you would fit well with the locals, von Bernhard. Your new assignment is as a military advisor with our allies from the KMT, in Shanghai!"
Well, he did fit with the locals. It was almost a dream city, where beer was cheep, money came fast, and nobody paid so much attention to broken heads, especially if you're an important figure. Ulbrecht was carousing with the locals, which the Chinese allies approved - most of them approved carousing, too. He met all sorts of interesting people, including his new aide, a former Red Russian soldier, and an Australian smuggler and drinking buddy introduced him to local criminals. They approved of carousing, too, so Ulbricht considered them interesting people, if not good ones.
Life was good.
- To avoid boredom! Women are fun, and so is drinking with friends (and brawling, too, but it comes naturally with drinking and women, so you don't have to look for it).
- To gain wealth and put his rivals to shame. Wealth equals respect, and respect is what matters! The means are secondary.
- To "do what is right for a noble" (at the time, this is making his Chinese troops better prepared and able to survive future combat). Please note he has a somewhat romantic idea of how real nobles behaved. Childhood propaganda (a.k.a. tales) is not easily forgotten.