Arrakis Tung

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Arrakis Tung
Motto "Everyone is expendable"
Description A one-eyed, ex-alliance soldier, turned mercenary. Appreciates luxury and image, and disregards all other trappings of society. Tung's crew or squad consists of anyone who is loyal or still of some use. Everyone is expendable.
Theme Song Treat yo mama - John Butler Trio
Avatar Jamie Bell
Full Name Bertrum Becket
AIN {{{ain}}}
Legal Status Mercenary
Known Aliases Arrakis Tung
Age 27
Birthplace Londinium
Favored Weapon Submachine-gun


Physical Appearance

Tall, thin and athletic, Tung's most distinguished features are blonde, waxed hair, and his only one eye - The missing one usually covered by an eyepatch. Arrakis wears only the finesh of suits and clothing, appearing respectable and smart. His general attire usually consists of a white shirt and black waistcoat, with trousers and shoes.

Psychological Profile

Character Sheet

Equipment List



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