Mr. Dark

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MR. DARK concept: Troubled wannabe public ID: Jonathan Sturm gender: Male age: 16 height: 5' 8" weight: 140 size: Medium hair: black eyes: dark green Birthday: October 31 STR 8 -1 DEX 14 +2 CON 18 +4 INT 18 +4 WIS 18 +4 CHA 15 +2 DMG +4 FORT +4 REF +2 WILL +4 INIT +2 SPD 30 Teleport 40 BASE DEFENSE 10 DEF 12 FLAT 10 MENTAL 14


  • computers [4+4=8]

concentration [4+4=8]

  • drive [4+2=6]

knowledge:Arcane [4+4=8] Knowledge:History [4+4=8] spot [4+4=8] [The super feats are mystical abilities, but occur naturally] Darkvision Blindsight True Sight See Invisible Magic Sense Heroic Surge Wealthy [x2] [2 million a year, if I read it right.] Independent Income Power Stunt:Extended Teleport [spell] Attractive Sorcery [8] Mind Control Force Field ESP Invisibility Mental Blast[stun] Healing Teleportation ABILITIES [31] BASE ATT [9] BASE DEF [] SKILLS [12] FEATS [22] POWERS [56] WEAKNESS [Unlucky] TOTAL [120] UNSPENT [0]

!!Shadowed Earth Jonathan is from an alternate Earth where mad-science experiments in WWI dimmed the light of the sun by perhaps 10%. The world is slightly darker, and for perhaps unrelated reasons became culturally stagnated around the 30's and 40's. Technological development and expansion has also been somewhat less rapid. In general, it still looks a lot more like a pulp comic, the Power Level is lower, and the tone is darker. Jonathan's grandfather, Wolfgang, knew that his grandson was not ready to face the insane villains who might pursue the scion of the mysterious Mr. Dark, no matter how powerful his spells might be. So, he has been sent to Freedom city for his education. Jonathan hauled through the dimensions, over the course of the two months preceeding the start of the semester, easily portable items of value (jewels, gold doubloons, stolen ancient egyptian artifacts from Shadowed Earth) and sold them while setting up a new identity.

!!Background Jonathan was an odd little boy. He reacted to things that no one else could see, and was given to strange fascinations and flights of fancy. His parents were beginning to think he was an inveterate liar, or possibly mentally ill, by the time he was eight years old. At this time, at a family funeral, he met his long-estranged grandfather Wolfgang. Wolfgang instantly realized that his grandson had inherited his gifts, in a way that Jonathan's father, his own son, had not.

Unknown to the rest of the family, even his own child, Wolfgang had been quite the costumed adventurer in his own youth, the thirties and forties. He had been a ferocious crime-fighter. Shadows moving on the wall and sourceless peals of laughter had announced him and his twin .45s to the criminal fraternity and, later, nazi spies and agents.

After this meeting, Jonathan's parents were induced to allow him to spend summers at his Grandfather's great dilapidated mansion. They disliked this somewhat, but the possibility of an inheritance, and a relief from their increasingly erratic son, soon removed their hesitance. They learned that fall that he had undergone a near-transformation, and never again troubled them with his 'imaginings.' That said, Jonathan's parents became increasingly distant, due to Jonathan's father resenting how his Grandfather cared for Jonathan in a way he never had for his own son. Jonathan's mother resented the fact that the wealth she had hoped to inherit by marrying Jonathan's father was lavished on her son. The periods of time that Jonathan spent at the mansion gradually increased, until he was estranged from his parents by the age of 12.

Of course, it was merely that Granddaddy Wolfgang had begun teaching young Jonathan about his sorcerous potential, and the value of secrecy. Eight years later, he is an accomplished magician in his own right. He has taken his grandfather's long-forgotten costume and name, but hesitates to use lethal force the way his predecessor had. This costume consists of a dark pinstriped suit, black trenchcoat, and black fedora, with dark goggles and a grey scarf. (In truth, Jonathan is twice the magician his Grandfather ever was, but nowhere near the trickster, martial artist, and marksman.)

Grandfather Wolfgang, grown rich on stolen Nazi gold and ancient treasures, has bestowed a massive trust fund and income on Jonathan (around 40k a week, Jonathan literally can't spend money fast enough), and provided his tuition to Claremont. His parents are quite convinced that he is attending a good Catholic prep-school upstate. Wolfgang acts as a sometime mentor and confidant, but is these days somewhat frail and his powers fade by the year. Jonathan's insistence on non-lethal solutions is a source of increasing disagreement between them.

Jonathan was raised in a much more suspicious, much darker, world. He doesn't have any concept of political correctness, either, and is just starting to pick up on it. He was raised by an arguably crazy vigilante with dark powers and a body count as long as your arm. Jonathan has Issues.
