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May Smith (Power Level 10)

Abilities:42 Str 14 Dex 20 Con 14 Int 10 Cha 20 Wis 24

(12 points) Attacks +2 (Ranged +4) (flame bolt +10)/ Defense (base +4) (from Dodge Focus 10) +14 (+2 with out dodge)

Gah this took forever.

saves: 15 points tough +4 +2 = +6 fort +6 +2 = +8 Reflex +5 +5 = +10 will +3 +7 = +10

Feats: 37 Attack Specialization 3 ranks (Flame Bolt +6) Ranged Attack Focus 2 Fearsome Presence 5 ranks Leadership Precise Shot Inspire 5 Uncanny Dodge (Sight) Dodge Focus 10 Equipment 3 Improved Pin Improved Disarm Connected (She comes from a police family) Benefits 2

skills 18 points Bluff + 2 + 5 = +7 Intimidate + 14 + 5 = +19 Drive + 4 + 5 = +9 Gather Information + 4 + 5 = +9 Investigate + 8 + 7 = +15 Profession: Police +4 + 7 = +11 Notice +14 + 7 = +21 Medicine +4 +7 = + 11 Sense Motive +4 + 7 = +11 Search +14 + 7 = +21

Powers :25 Sense (Cracks) (2 points)

Flight 2 (4 points)

Flame Bolt - Blast 10 - 20 + 1 points

  • Phoenix Next Strike 10 Area 5 feet